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Boost-Build :

From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-21 16:43:19

"Powell, Gary" <powellg_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Hi Dave,

Hi Gary,

Please post Boost.Build questions to the jamboost list.

> I'm feeling really dumb but I'm trying to follow the boost build
> instructions, yet build the libraries for here at work. So I've got
> bjam, and following the docs I set up this command line.

Which command line?... oops, I see below.

> So it builds, but the output

What output?

> doesn't appear to use any of the arguments passed in.

What arguments?

> As in the "gcc and g++ args are not in the output. Or are they
> hidden somewhere in some other output file?

I don't understand anything, except that maybe you're expecting to
see the actual command-lines. bjam only prints those when there's an
error or when you supply -d+2 as the first argument.

> The doc's also mention setting some of this stuff up in the Jam
> rules file, but I'm missing something as in the really basic, what
> is the syntax of the jamrule for this. Or can you point me to the
> jam for dummies page?

> -Gary-

> boost Build Comand line:
> bjam -sSTLPORT_ROOT=/opt/third-party/stlport-4.5 -s"BUILD=debug
> release" -sTOOLS=gcc-stlport -sGXX="g++ -mcpu=pentiumpro -fpic
> -pthread" -sGCC="gcc -mcpu=pentiumpro -fpic -pthread" |& tee make.log


That's not the right way to do it.

# using bash environment variables for clarity
export STLPORT_ROOT=/opt/third-party/stlport-4.5
export TOOLS=gcc-stlport
bjam "-sBUILD=debug/<instruction-set>pentiumpro release/<instruction-set>pentiumpro"

-pthread will be taken care of by the libraries that need it, as will -fPIC.

setting GCC and GXX doesn't work as documented unfortunately. If you
want though you can build a custom toolset file and drop it in your BOOST_BUILD_PATH:

extends-toolset gcc ;
GXX = g++ whatever ;
GCC = gcc whatever ;

that will let you override GXX and GCC, but you really shouldn't be
using that to set compiler flags when they are handled at a
high-level by the build system.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at