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Boost-Build :

From: Andre Hentz (gclbb-jamboost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-26 20:10:28

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Vladimir Prus wrote:

> 1. Make 'builtin.response-file' generator use the same ''
> class as 'builtin.linking-generator' --- reusing the logic which moves
> searched libs from sources to properties.
> 2. Add flags for 'builtin.response-file' which will convert
> <find-shared-library>/<find-static-library> into on-target variables, and
> adjust the action to output needed '-l' flags. To avoid command line length
> limitations, we can use 'print.text' rule to output flags.
> Do I miss anything? Would be great if someone could fix this problem.

Is the attached patch doing what you propose? It does seem to fix
the problem. However, I'm afraid some of the stuff is msvc-specific.
Please advise and I will submit a 'formal' patch.


Andre Hentz
 --180189659-15635-1048727428=:1132 Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name=patch
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=patch

[Attachment content not displayed.] --180189659-15635-1048727428=:1132--

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