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Boost-Build :

From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-29 10:04:57

Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Hmm.. seems there's another issue with response files. Please see the
> attached testcase.
> Jamfile at top has "build-project d ;"
> Jamfile in "d" builds "hello" exe from "hello.cpp". Okay, it works.
> Now you remove "d/bin/..../hello.exe", change to "d" and try rebuilding.
> Bjam tries to recreate "hello.exe", notices that "hello.rsp" is already there
> and uses it. Oops! The pathnames in "hello.rsp" were created when we were
> building from root, and now they are incorrect.

Oh, yikes! I never noticed that problem!

> I don't know a solution yet. How can we force rebuild of 'rsp' file when 'exe'
> is rebuilt?

Well, yes, but you need to make the rsp-building action part of the
actions for building the exe, and that action's rule has to be
invoked first so the action will be run first. I think BBv2's
multi-phase dependency tree traversals make this easier than it was
in BBv1, fortunately.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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