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Boost-Build :

From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-12-16 06:19:32

Tompa wrote:
> Excuse me for my ignorance, but I guess I still have not managed to figure out
> what makes bjam a so much better choice over GNU make.

1) make is just a rule-system so you still need to learn it how to
compile a file with every different compiler and what options need to be
given to the compiler-invocation

2) No direct support for creating dynamic libraries (that is mostly done
by libtool or soth)

3) multi-platform, thus also on windows. I know gnumake is also ported
to windows but then you again still need to learn make how to use the
compilers on windows (coming back to point 1 thus)

4) support for build-features and variants ?

and I can think a whole bunch of other arguments.

Generally bjam is much higher level: knows how to use the different
compilers and easy to adapt to new languages etc.



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