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Boost-Build :

From: Jan Rehders (cmdkeen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-13 19:03:26


first, I'm not sure whether this list is intended for users or
developers so forgive me if I'm wrong ;)

I want to use Boost Build System Version 2 for a medium sized cross
platform c++ project, target systems are windows, linux and mac os x
because it seems to be the most comfortable build system for this kind
of project.

I've set up boost build and I can compile simple apps using bjam --v2
and it works really smooth. My problem is to make it use the OS X
frameworks. Instead of the -l parameter for libraries, the -framework
parameter needs to be used for linking. I looked up the documentation
about using system libraries but could not find any mac related
information. I followed the documentation for using system libraries
and my jamfile looked something like this:

lib gl : : <name>OpenGL ;

exe mytest : main.cpp gl : ;

I get the following error:

ld: can't locate file for: -lOpenGL

g++ -g -o "bin/darwin/debug/mytest" "bin/darwin/debug/main.o"

Which as stated above is caused by the fact that the -l option is used
instead of -framework. I guess this is intended because using
-framework would circumvent the usage of static libraries. So is there
any option or way I did not discover to tell gcc to use a framework? I
found <framework> for bjam v1 and <cxxflags> and I'm pretty sure there
is something like <linkerflags> but I would prefer a "clean" solution -
any suggestions?

greetings and thanks for your time,
Jan Rehders


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at