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Boost-Build :

From: Jody Hagins (jody-boost-011304_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-22 14:04:20

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 23:45:43 -0600
Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> It is now possible to pass in dependent targets as input files to test
> run targets. Or in English.. You can specify things like
> <dll>something in the "input-files" argument of "run" and "run-fail"
> tests. The dependency will get built and the resulting full paths to
> the files passed as arguments to the test. I added an example, which
> is what I used to test the functionality, in
> [boost-root]/tools/build/v1/example/target_test_arg.

I have been trying this, and have several questions.

How does this work if a test is already expecting a command line
argument? How does the test know which are "input files" and which are
normal command line arguments?

My tests currently are done with the unit-test rule. How do I convert
them appropriately?

What is INPUT_FILES really? For example, if I have a DLL in the
INPUT_FILES section, will it try to link it into the executable? I
specifically do not want to link with this file. I want only to load
the DLL/SO and not have it linked to the application at all.


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