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From: Zbynek Winkler (zw-bjam_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-05-16 11:09:34

Phillip Seaver wrote:

>Zbynek Winkler wrote:
>>I've read this about conditional properties
>> but I'd like to
>>know how to condition on more then one property (with logical 'and').
>>I'd like to say that the release variant for gcc toolset should contain
>>"-O3" in linkflags ;-).
>>This does not work: <toolset>gcc:<variant>release:<linkflags>"-O3"
>A comma is what you want: <toolset>gcc,<variant>release:<linkflags>"-O3"
Thanks, but that does not work for me either.

/home/zbynek/boost-build/build/feature.jam:240: in implied-feature from
module feature
error: "variant<release>" is not a value of an implicit feature

I am using the m10 release (as are my colleagues). Does it require the
latest cvs?

>I couldn't find it in the docs, though. I probably read it in this
>mailing list at some point.
I find the current doc hard to use. I has many sections with
less-than-clear titles and is useless for search (it would need to be a
single page for the in-browser search). IMHO there should be a
'tutorial' intended for sequential reading and a large reference section
with everything in it (preferably just once ;-)). It would be helpful if
the reference section had a TOC page with clear and describing titles to
be able to search for things (or it could be just a single page,
although large).



Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at