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Boost-Build :

From: Johan Nilsson (johan.nilsson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-05-17 02:52:03

"Johan Nilsson" <johan.nilsson_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I know that I asked a similar question some time ago, but looking through
> the archives I couldn't really find an answer.
> With reference to the section "Prebuilt targets" in the BBV2 manual:
> lib lib2
> :
> : <file>lib2_release.a <variant>release # NOTE! The 'a' is platform
> and/or tool-specific
> ;
> How can I write this in a portable way (i.e. get the suffix for static
> libraries for the current platform)? Jam/MR had "$(SUFLIB)".

Talking to myself, but I did some digging in the jamfiles, so in case I'm
wrong or someone else is interested:

import type ;

local static_lib_suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix-real STATIC_LIB ] ;

lib lib2
: <file>lib2_release.$(static_lib_suffix) <variant>release

// Johan


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