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Boost-Build :

From: Cromwell Enage (sponage_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-09-12 19:19:11

--- Rene Rivera wrote:
> Those [] are part of the debug output (-d+4) to tell
> exactly what is being fed to the exec functions.
> Everything in between them is what's getting
> executed. If I remember correctly it's a problem
> with a particular version of bjam. What version are
> you using?

I was using 3.1.9; I've now been able to build
Boost.Regex using 3.1.11 despite several duplicate
NOMINMAX definition warnings and an illegal "-- F"
flag. Even with "install" as the target, however,
none of the DLLs or LIBs have been copied from their
respective boost/bin subdirectories, due to lack of
<directory-grist>whatever. Which files should be
copied and where?

> FYI, when I build with MinGW (the independent one
> not the one in DevC++) it builds with intermediate
> BAT files.

Drats. I'm using MinGW 3.4.2 installed from a DevPak,
and all the batchfiles contain are MkDir statements.

Cromwell D. Enage

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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