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Boost-Build :

From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-10-03 12:40:31

>> Has someone broken the Boost.Docs build?
> That would be me :-( You need to rebuild bjam.

Thanks Rene, however that doesn't completely solve the problem, now I see:

jm_at_fuji /cygdrive/c/data/boost/develop/boost/libs/type_traits/doc
$ bjam --v2
warning: toolset gcc initialization: can't find tool g++
warning: initialized from
warning: Python location is not configured
warning: the Boost.Python library won't be built
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(and if you don't know what ICU is then you probably don't need it).
error: Unable to find file or target named
error: 'cygdrive/c/data/boost/develop/boost/tools/quickbook'
error: referred from project at
error: '.'

Both the final error, and the warning about not finding g++ are pretty
alarming :-(



Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at