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Boost-Build : |
From: Reece Dunn (msclrhd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-01 04:08:28
Rene Rivera wrote:
> Reece Dunn wrote:
>>Now, we have @(FILE:E="EXPR") as the syntax. The response file code can get
>>the FILE section and expand it to produce the name of the file (with STDOUT
>>and STDERR having predefined behaviours). It can then pass the EXPR string
>>to var_string_file to expand the string content to the file we have
>>retrieved from FILE.
> Yea, that sounds like a reasonable way to implement it. If you don't
> have the time you can postpone implementing the STDOUT and STDERR
> special cases.
STDOUT and STDERR are easy: just compare the string for $(STDOUT) and
$(STDERR), then associate the output with the corresponding FILE *.
The harder ones to expand would be $(TMPPATH), $(TMPNAME) and $(TMPFILE)
as these would require hooking into the expand.c logic in order to add
the path_tmpdir() and tmpnam() outputs to the string expansion. I am
leaving those for the moment, unless you can write them :).
> Yes, I forgot that one might just want a specific file in the tempdir :-)
> And also:
> @("$(TMPDIR)/myfile.txt":E="In the temp dir.") - write to a
> specific file in the temp directory.
> Right?
>>NOTE: Jam.html says that the :E=value syntax assigns value to the variable
>>if it's not been set. According to this:
>> @($(STDOUT):E="Hi") @($(STDOUT):E=" There")
>>would only output "Hi" according to this and we would have the same problem
>>w.r.t. response files! The behaviour of :E= inside @() would be to always
>>override (if a file) or append (if STDOUT/ERR).
> Yea, that makes sense. And it's OK for the semantics to be slightly
> different as it's intuitive why they are different in this case.
Ok. I thought it was best to clarify this.
> Cool... Thanks for working on this :-)
No problem :) I have attached the updated patches.
Note that there is a problem with the whitespace expansion in
var_string_file that I can't figure out.
- Reece
--------------030101070404090609090503 Content-Type: text/plain;
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Index: build.jam
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/jam_src/build.jam,v
retrieving revision 1.74
diff -u -r1.74 build.jam
--- build.jam 26 Oct 2005 14:23:36 -0000 1.74
+++ build.jam 1 Nov 2005 08:46:05 -0000
@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@
if ( $(OS) = NT || $(NT) ) && ! NT in $(--defs)
+ --defs += OPT_RESPONSE ;
--defs += NT ;
if $(VMS)
Index: variable.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/jam_src/variable.c,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 variable.c
--- variable.c 26 Sep 2005 05:26:14 -0000 1.12
+++ variable.c 1 Nov 2005 08:46:04 -0000
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
/* This file is ALSO:
* Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.
+ * Copyright 2005 Reece H. Dunn.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@
# include "filesys.h"
# include "newstr.h"
# include "strings.h"
+# include "pathsys.h"
+# include <limits.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
@@ -28,6 +31,7 @@
* var_defines() - load a bunch of variable=value settings
* var_string() - expand a string with variables in it
+ * var_string_file() - expand a string with variables in it to a file
* var_get() - get value of a user defined symbol
* var_set() - set a variable in jam's user defined symbol table
* var_swap() - swap a variable's value with the given one
@@ -207,6 +211,132 @@
if( in[0] == '$' && in[1] == '(' )
+# if defined(OPT_RESPONSE)
+ else if( in[0] == '@' && in[1] == '(' )
+ {
+ int depth = 1;
+ char *ine = in + 2;
+ char *split = 0;
+ /* Scan the content of the response file @() section. */
+ while( *ine && depth > 0 )
+ {
+ switch( *ine )
+ {
+ case '(':
+ ++depth;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ --depth;
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ if( depth == 1 && ine[1] == 'E' && ine[2] == '=' )
+ {
+ split = ine;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++ine;
+ }
+ if (!split)
+ {
+ printf( "no response file specified!\n" );
+ exit( EXITBAD );
+ }
+ if( depth == 0 )
+ {
+ char filename[_MAX_PATH];
+ char* rsp_name = in + 2;
+ int rsp_len = split - rsp_name;
+ FILE * rsp = 0;
+ char save1 = rsp_name[rsp_len];
+ char save2 = ine[-1];
+ rsp_name[rsp_len] = ine[-1] = '\0';
+ if( rsp_len == 9 )
+ {
+ /* Handle the STDOUT and STDERR special cases. */
+ if( strcmp( rsp_name, "$(STDOUT)" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ rsp = stdout;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( rsp_name, "$(STDERR)" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ rsp = stderr;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !rsp )
+ {
+ /* Expand the filename string. */
+ if( var_string( rsp_name, filename, _MAX_PATH, lol ) == -1 )
+ {
+ printf( "response file '%s' is too long!\n", rsp_name );
+ exit( EXITBAD );
+ }
+ rsp_name = filename;
+ while( isspace( *rsp_name ) ) /* Skip leading whitespace. */
+ {
+ ++rsp_name;
+ }
+ rsp_len = strlen( rsp_name );
+ while( isspace( rsp_name[rsp_len - 1] ) ) /* Skip trailing whitespace. */
+ {
+ --rsp_len;
+ }
+ rsp_name[rsp_len] = '\0';
+ /* Handle "path to file" filenames. */
+ if( rsp_name[0] == '"' && rsp_name[rsp_len - 1] == '"' )
+ {
+ rsp_name++;
+ rsp_len = rsp_len - 2;
+ save1 = '"';
+ }
+ rsp = fopen( rsp_name, "w" );
+ }
+ if (!rsp)
+ {
+ printf( "failed to write response file '%s'!\n", rsp_name );
+ exit( EXITBAD );
+ }
+ var_string_file( split + 3, rsp, lol );
+ if( rsp != stdout && rsp != stderr )
+ {
+ fflush( rsp );
+ fclose( rsp );
+ /* Write the name of the file to the output if it is. */
+ /* not a standard stream. */
+ if(( out + rsp_len ) >= oute )
+ return -1;
+ strcpy( out, rsp_name );
+ out += rsp_len;
+ }
+ rsp_name[rsp_len] = save1;
+ ine[-1] = save2;
+ }
+ in = ine;
+ }
+# endif
*out++ = *in++;
@@ -253,6 +383,85 @@
+ * var_string_file() - expand a string with variables in it to a file
+ *
+ * Copies in to f; doesn't modify targets & sources.
+ */
+ char *in,
+ FILE *f,
+ LOL *lol )
+ char buffer[ 1024 ];
+ char *oute = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1;
+ while( *in )
+ {
+ char *lastword;
+ char *out = buffer;
+ int dollar = 0;
+ /* Copy white space */
+ while( isspace( *in ) )
+ {
+ if( out >= oute )
+ {
+ printf( "variable name limit of %d exceeded!\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ exit( EXITBAD );
+ }
+ *out++ = *in++;
+ }
+ lastword = out;
+ /* Copy non-white space, watching for variables */
+ while( *in && !isspace( *in ) )
+ {
+ if( out >= oute )
+ {
+ printf( "variable name limit of %d exceeded!\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ exit( EXITBAD );
+ }
+ if( in[0] == '$' && in[1] == '(' )
+ {
+ dollar++;
+ }
+ *out++ = *in++;
+ }
+ /* If a variable encountered, expand it and and embed the */
+ /* space-separated members of the list in the output. */
+ if( dollar )
+ {
+ LIST *l;
+ l = var_expand( L0, lastword, out, lol, 0 );
+ for( ; l; l = list_next( l ) )
+ {
+ fputs( l->string, f );
+ fputc( ' ', f );
+ }
+ list_free( l );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fputs( out, f );
+ fputc( ' ', f );
+ }
+ }
* var_get() - get value of a user defined symbol
* Returns NULL if symbol unset.
Index: variable.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/jam_src/variable.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 variable.h
--- variable.h 30 May 2005 03:42:38 -0000 1.5
+++ variable.h 1 Nov 2005 08:46:04 -0000
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
* variable.h - handle jam multi-element variables
+# include <stdio.h>
struct hash;
void var_defines( char* const *e, int preprocess );
int var_string( char *in, char *out, int outsize, LOL *lol );
+void var_string_file( char *in, FILE *rsp, LOL *lol );
LIST * var_get( char *symbol );
void var_set( char *symbol, LIST *value, int flag );
LIST * var_swap( char *symbol, LIST *value );
--------------030101070404090609090503 Content-Type: text/plain;
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Content-Disposition: inline;
Index: common.jam
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/v2/tools/common.jam,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 common.jam
--- common.jam 22 Sep 2005 13:57:23 -0000 1.41
+++ common.jam 1 Nov 2005 09:04:38 -0000
@@ -530,82 +530,6 @@
$(CP) "$(>)" "$(<)"
-# Cause creation of response file, containing the sources in 'sources'
-# All the targets in 'targets' will depend on response file, and response
-# file will be created before the targets are built.
-rule response-file ( targets + : sources * : the-response-file ? : properties * )
- # TODO: now 'the-response-file' is just ignored. Need to remove
- # the argument altother and adjust callers.
- # Create a target for response file. Note that we add 'rsp' to the target
- # name (without stripping suffix), so that response file names for c.exe
- # and c.obj are different.
- local rsp = $(targets[1]).rsp ;
- RSP on $(targets) = $(rsp) ;
- LOCATE on $(rsp) = [ on $(targets[1]) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
- DEPENDS $(targets) : $(rsp) ;
- # In theory, we don't need dependecy from response file on sources
- # because response file only needs the names of the sources.
- # In practice, bjam won't recreated TEMPORARY target without dependencies.
- DEPENDS $(rsp) : $(sources) ;
- # Make sure the directory is created before the response file. The target
- # itself depends on directory, but response file does not, yet.
- DEPENDS $(rsp) : [ on $(targets[1]) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
- TEMPORARY $(rsp) ;
- # Add libraries from <library> property to the list of sources.
- local libraries ;
- for local p in $(properties)
- {
- if $(p:G) = <library-file> &&
- ! [ type.is-derived [ $(p:G=).type ] SHARED_LIB ]
- {
- libraries += $(p:G=) ;
- }
- }
- # Get real jam targets
- local xlibraries ;
- for local l in $(libraries)
- {
- xlibraries += [ $(l).actualize ] ;
- }
- sources += $(xlibraries) ;
- response-file-1 $(rsp) : $(sources[1]) ;
- if $(sources[2-])
- {
- response-file-2 $(rsp) : $(sources[2-]) ;
- }
- print.output $(rsp) ;
- print.text [ utility.apply-default-suffix .lib :
- [ on $(targets[1])
- ] ] ;
- print.text
- [ on $(targets[1])
- return -D$(DEFINES) -I\"$(INCLUDES)\"
- ] ;
-# response-file generation is broken up into two phases, the first of
-# which overwrites any existing file and the second of which appends
-# to the file, piecemeal, so that no command-line is too long.
-actions quietly response-file-1
- echo "$(>)" > "$(<)"
-actions quietly piecemeal response-file-2
- echo "$(>)" >> "$(<)"
rule __test__ ( ) {
import assert ;
Index: cw.jam
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/v2/tools/cw.jam,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 cw.jam
--- cw.jam 21 Sep 2005 13:44:06 -0000 1.6
+++ cw.jam 1 Nov 2005 08:54:27 -0000
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
feature.extend toolset : cw ;
+nl = "
+" ;
rule init ( version ? : command * : options * )
# TODO: fix the $(command[1]) = $(compiler) issue
@@ -147,11 +150,11 @@
actions compile.c
- $(.CC) -c -cwd include -lang c -U$(UNDEFS) -D$(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) -I- -I"$(INCLUDES)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)"
+ $(.CC) -c -cwd include -lang c -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) -I- -o "$(<)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)-D$(DEFINES) $(nl)"-I$(INCLUDES)")"
actions compile.c++
- $(.CC) -c -cwd include -lang c++ -U$(UNDEFS) -D$(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) -I- -I"$(INCLUDES)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)"
+ $(.CC) -c -cwd include -lang c++ -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) -I- -o "$(<)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)-D$(DEFINES) $(nl)"-I$(INCLUDES)")"
## linking phase
@@ -173,70 +176,31 @@
if [ os.name ] in NT
- rule link ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- }
- rule link.dll ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;
- }
- rule archive ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- }
- actions archive bind RSP
+ actions archive bind
if exist "$(<[1])" DEL "$(<[1])"
- $(.LD) -library -o "$(<[1])" @"$(RSP:W)"
+ $(.LD) -library -o "$(<[1])" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
else # cygwin
- rule link ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- }
- rule link.dll ( targets + : sources + : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- .cygpath = "cygpath -d " ;
- DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;
- }
- rule archive ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- {
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) :
- : $(properties) ;
- }
- actions archive bind RSP
+ actions archive bind
if test -f "$_bbv2_out_" ; then
- $(.LD) -library -o "$(<:W)" $_bbv2_existing_ @"$(RSP:W)"
+ $(.LD) -library -o "$(<:W)" $_bbv2_existing_ @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
-actions link bind DEF_FILE RSP
+actions link bind DEF_FILE
- $(.LD) -o "$(<[1]:W)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" $(LINKFLAGS) $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)"
+ $(.LD) -o "$(<[1]:W)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" $(LINKFLAGS) $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
-actions link.dll bind DEF_FILE RSP
+actions link.dll bind DEF_FILE
- $(.LD) -o "$(<[1]:W)" -implib "$(<[2]:W)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" $(LINKFLAGS) -f "$(DEF_FILE)" $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)"
+ $(.LD) -o "$(<[1]:W)" -implib "$(<[2]:W)" -L"$(LINKPATH)" $(LINKFLAGS) -f "$(DEF_FILE)" $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
Index: msvc.jam
RCS file: /cvsroot/boost/boost/tools/build/v2/tools/msvc.jam,v
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.61 msvc.jam
--- msvc.jam 26 Oct 2005 06:40:14 -0000 1.61
+++ msvc.jam 1 Nov 2005 09:02:16 -0000
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
.versions = [ new configurations ] ;
RM = [ common.rm-command ] ;
+nl = "
+" ;
# Initialize the toolset for a specific version. As the result, path to
@@ -536,13 +538,14 @@
flags msvc.compile INCLUDES <include> ;
# The actions differ only by explicit selection of input language
-actions compile.c bind RSP
+actions compile.c bind
- $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TC -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TC -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)-D$(DEFINES) $(nl)"-I$(INCLUDES)")" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)"
-actions compile.c++ bind RSP
+actions compile.c++ bind
- $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TP -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.CC) /Zm800 -nologo -TP -U$(UNDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) $(USER_CFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)-D$(DEFINES) $(nl)"-I$(INCLUDES)")" -c -Fo"$(<[1]:W)"
actions compile.rc
@@ -592,23 +595,6 @@
flags msvc.link LIBRARY_OPTION <toolset>msvc : "" : unchecked ;
-rule archive ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(targets[2]) : $(properties) ;
-rule link ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(targets[2])
- : $(properties) ;
-rule link.dll ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(targets[3]) : $(properties) ;
- DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;
# Declare action for creating static libraries
# If library exists, remove it before adding files. See
# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/4241
@@ -617,18 +603,18 @@
# The 'DEL' command would issue a message to stdout
# if the file does not exist, so need a check.
- actions archive bind RSP
+ actions archive bind
if exist "$(<[1])" DEL "$(<[1])"
- $(.LD) /lib /NOLOGO /out:"$(<[1])" @"$(RSP)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.LD) /lib /NOLOGO /out:"$(<[1])" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
- actions archive bind RSP
+ actions archive bind
$(RM) "$(<[1])"
- $(.LD) /lib /NOLOGO /out:"$(<[1])" @"$(RSP)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.LD) /lib /NOLOGO /out:"$(<[1])" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
@@ -644,28 +630,18 @@
# manifests are embedded as resourses and are useful in
# any PE targets (both DLL and EXE)
-actions link bind DEF_FILE RSP
+actions link bind DEF_FILE
+ $(.LD) /NOLOGO $(LINKFLAGS) /out:"$(<[1]:W)" /INCREMENTAL:NO /LIBPATH:"$(LINKPATH:W)" $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
$(MANIFEST)$(<[1]).manifest $(OUTPUTRESOURCE)$(<[1]);#2
-actions link.dll bind DEF_FILE RSP
+actions link.dll bind DEF_FILE
- $(.LD) /NOLOGO $(LINKFLAGS) /out:"$(<[1]:W)" /INCREMENTAL:NO /IMPLIB:"$(<[2]:W)" /LIBPATH:"$(LINKPATH:W)" /def:$(DEF_FILE) $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"$(RSP:W)" && $(RM) "$(RSP)"
+ $(.LD) /NOLOGO $(LINKFLAGS) /out:"$(<[1]:W)" /INCREMENTAL:NO /IMPLIB:"$(<[2]:W)" /LIBPATH:"$(LINKPATH:W)" /def:$(DEF_FILE) $(USER_LINKFLAGS) @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)")"
$(MANIFEST)$(<[1]).manifest $(OUTPUTRESOURCE)$(<[1]);#2
-rule compile.c++ ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(response-file) : $(properties) ;
-rule compile.c ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
- common.response-file $(targets) : $(sources) : $(targets[2]) : $(properties) ;
# Autodetection code
Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk