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Boost-Build :

From: Pedro Lamarão (pedro.lamarao_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-03-10 15:27:23

Pedro Lamarão escreveu:

> After a day of experiment, I feel a dotnet.jam similar to msvc.jam for
> the .NET SDK could work very well; the paths for toolsets in
> /WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/ are very predictable. This is my current
> attempt. At the end of the day I'll have proper feature support.

Attached are the cs.jam and dotnet.jam I could come up with so far.
dotnet.jam supports auto-discovery of .NET SDK in
$(SystemRoot)/Microsoft.NET/Framework/ , basic features like <warnings>
and <debug> ; it reuses <include> and adds a new <reference> feature ;
and supports C# outputting .exe and .dll.

Open issues:

*) It is common for .NET libraries to be named after the contained
   namespaces like this: Namespace.Name.dll.
   All those dots are not supported by Boost.Build.

*) Mixing "managed" C++ with msvc and C# with dotnet simply doesn't
   work. I suspect the answer for this conflict is in python.jam,
   haven't looked there yet.

*) When a lib target is imported as source in another lib or exe
   project, what should we do? Could not figure out this one.

 Pedro Lamarão

# Copyright Pedro Lamarão (C) 2006.
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
# or copy at
type CS : cs ;

# Copyright (c) 2003 David Abrahams.
# Copyright (c) 2005 Vladimir Prus.
# Copyright (c) 2005 Alexey Pakhunov.
# Copyright (c) 2006 Pedro Lamarão.
# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
# License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or

import property ;
import generators ;
import os ;
import type ;
import toolset : flags ;
import errors : error ;
import feature : feature get-values ;
import path ;
import sequence : unique ;
import common ;
import "class" : new ;

if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
    .debug-configuration = true ;

feature.extend toolset : dotnet ;

# List of all registered configurations
.versions = [ new configurations ] ;

RM = [ common.rm-command ] ;
nl = "
" ;

# Initialize the toolset for a specific version. As the result, path to
# compiler and, possible, program names are set up, and will be used when
# that version of compiler is requested. For example, you might have:
# using dotnet : 1.0 : scs.exe ;
# using dotnet : 2.0 : c:/WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/csc.exe ;
# The version paramater can be ommited:
# using dotnet : : c:/WINNT/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/csc.exe ;
# Two special version keywords may be supplied:
# - all - all detected versions will be registered;
# - default - this is an equivalent to an empty version.
# Depending on a supplied version, detected configurations and presence
# 'csc.exe' in the path different results may be achieved. The following
# table describes all possible cases:
# Nothing "x.y"
# Passed Nothing "x.y" detected, detected,
# version detected detected csc.exe in path csc.exe in path
# default Error Use "x.y" Create "default" Use "x.y"
# all None Use all None Use all
# x.y - Use "x.y" - Use "x.y"
# a.b Error Error Create "a.b" Create "a.b"
# "x.y" - refers to a detected version;
# "a.b" - refers to an undetected version.
rule init (
    version ? # The dotnet version which is being configured. When omitted
              # the tools invoked when no explicit version is given will be configured.
    : command *
    # the command to invoke the compiler. If not specified:
    # - if version is given, default location for that version will be searched
    # - if version is not given, default locations for 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0 will
    # be searched
    # - if compiler is not found in default locations, PATH will be searched.
    : options *
    # options can include <setup>, <cs-compiler>, ...
    if $(command)
        options += <command>$(command) ;

    configure $(version) : $(options) ;

# 'configure' is a newer version of 'init'. The parameter 'command' is passed as
# a part of the 'options' list.
rule configure (
    version ? :
    options *
    switch $(version)
        case all :
            if $(options)
                error "dotnet: options should be empty when 'all' is specified" ;

            # use all detected versions
            for local v in [ $(.versions).all ]
                configure-really $(v) ;

        case "default" :
            configure-really : $(options) ;

        case * :
            configure-really $(version) : $(options) ;

local rule configure-really (
    version ? :
    options *
    # If no version supplied use the default configuration. Note that condition
    # remains versionless.
    local v = $(version) ;
    if ! $(v)
        # take the first detected version
        version = [ $(.versions).all ] ;
        version = $(version[1]) ;

        # Note: 'version' can still be empty at this point if no versions were
        # detected.
        version ?= "default" ;

    # Check whether selected configuration is used already
    if $(version) in [ $(.versions).used ]
        # Allow multiple 'toolset.usage' calls for the same configuration
        # if the identical sets of options are used
        if $(options) && ( $(options) != [ $(.versions).get $(version) : options ] )
            error "dotnet: the toolset version '$(version)' is configured already" ;
        # Register a new configuration
        $(.versions).register $(version) ;

        # Set new options if any
        if $(options)
            $(.versions).set $(version) : options : $(options) ;

        # Mark the configuration as 'used'.
        $(.versions).use $(version) ;

        # Get auto-detected or user-supplied options
        options = [ $(.versions).get $(version) : options ] ;

        # Generate condition and save it
        local condition = [ common.check-init-parameters dotnet :
            version $(v) ] ;

        $(.versions).set $(version) : condition : $(condition) ;

        local command = [ get-values <command> : $(options) ] ;

        # If version is specified, we try to search first in default paths,
        # and only then in PATH.
        command = [ common.get-invocation-command dotnet : csc.exe : $(command)
          : [ default-paths $(version) ] : $(version) ] ;

        common.handle-options dotnet : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;

        if ! $(version)
            # Even if version is not explicitly specified, try to detect the version
            # from the path.
            if [ MATCH "(2.0)" : $(command) ]
                version = 2.0 ;
            else if [ MATCH "(1.1)" : $(command) ]
                version = 1.1 ;
                version = 1.0 ;

        if $(.debug-configuration)
            ECHO "dotnet: command: '$(command)'" ;

        local parent = $(command:D) ;

        cs-compiler = [ get-values <cs-compiler> : <options> ] ;
        cs-compiler ?= csc ;

        if $(.debug-configuration)
            ECHO "dotnet: condition: '$(condition)', parent: '$(parent)'" ;

        flags dotnet.compile .CSC $(condition) : $(parent)"\\"$(cs-compiler) ;


# Returns the default installation path for the given version.
local rule default-path ( version )
    # Use auto-detected path if possible
    local path = [ get-values <command> :
        [ $(.versions).get $(version) : options ] ] ;

    if $(path)
        path = $(path:D) ;
        # Check default path
        if ! $(path) && $(.version-$(version)-path)
            path = [ path.native [ path.join $(.SystemRoot) $(.version-$(version)-path) ] ] ;

    return $(path) ;

# Returns either the default installation path (if 'version' is not empty) or list of all
# known default paths (if no version is given)
rule default-paths ( version ? )
    local possible-paths ;
    if $(version)
        default-path += [ default-path $(version) ] ;
        for local i in $(.known-versions)
            default-path += [ default-path $(i) ] ;

    return $(possible-paths) ;

# Declare generators

generators.register-linker dotnet.compile.cs2exe : CS : EXE : <toolset>dotnet ;
generators.register-linker dotnet.compile.cs2dll : CS : LIB : <toolset>dotnet ;

# Declare flags and action for compilation
feature.feature reference : : free ;

flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <optimization>speed : /optimize ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <optimization>space : /optimize ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <optimization>off : ;

flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>object : /debug ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <debug-symbols>on/<debug-store>database : /debug ;

flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <warnings>on : /warn:3 ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <warnings>off : /warn:0 ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <warnings>all : /warn:4 ;
flags dotnet.compile CSFLAGS <warnings-as-errors>on : /warnaserrors ;

flags dotnet.compile USER_CSFLAGS <cflags> : ;
flags dotnet.compile USER_CSFLAGS <cxxflags> : ;

flags dotnet.compile DEFINES <define> ;
flags dotnet.compile INCLUDES <include> ;
flags dotnet.compile REFERENCES <reference> ;

rule compile.cs2exe ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
    DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;

rule compile.cs2dll ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
    DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;

actions compile.cs2exe
    $(.CSC) /nologo /target:exe /out:"$(<[1]:W)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)/define:$(DEFINES) $(nl)"/lib:$(INCLUDES)" $(nl)/reference:$(REFERENCES))" $(CSFLAGS) $(USER_CSFLAGS)

actions compile.cs2dll
    $(.CSC) /nologo /target:library /out:"$(<[1]:W)" @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=$(nl)"$(>)" $(nl)/define:$(DEFINES) $(nl)"/lib:$(INCLUDES)" $(nl)/reference:$(REFERENCES))" $(CSFLAGS) $(USER_CSFLAGS)

# Autodetection code
# detects versions listed as '.known-versions' checking default paths.

rule get-system-root-dir ( )
    local SystemRoot = [ modules.peek : SystemRoot ] ;
    if $(SystemRoot)
        SystemRoot = "$(SystemRoot)" ;
        SystemRoot = "c:\\WINNT" ;
    return $(SystemRoot) ;

.SystemRoot = [ path.make [ get-system-root-dir ] ] ;

.known-versions = 2.0 1.1 1.0 ;

# Path to .NET SDK
.version-2.0-path = "Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727" ;
.version-1.1-path = "Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v1.1.4322" ;
.version-1.0-path = "Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v1.0.3705" ;

# Validates given path, registers found configuration and prints debug information
# about it.
local rule register-configuration ( version : path ? )
    if $(path)
        local command = [ GLOB $(path) : csc.exe ] ;

        if $(command)
            if $(.debug-configuration)
                ECHO "notice: dotnet-$(version) detected, command: '$(command)'" ;

            $(.versions).register $(version) ;
            $(.versions).set $(version) : options : <command>$(command) ;

# Check environment and default installation paths
for local i in $(.known-versions)
    if ! $(i) in [ $(.versions).all ]
        register-configuration $(i) : [ default-path $(i) ] ;

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at