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Boost-Build :

From: Tomas Puverle (Tomas.Puverle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-15 16:33:56

> Ideally, everything, except possibly the interpreter for user-written
> Jamfiles and a few other low-level components. Python integration
> with bjam is already complete and there is a project underway to port
> most of the Boost.Build code (written in the Boost Jam language) to
> Python. That project is just on hold while we complete the retirement
> of BBv1, which is a much higher priority.
> Python's programming facilities, including its garbage collection
> capability (which would address the subject of this thread), are much
> better suited than the Jam language to the sort of medium-scale
> software project that Boost.Build has become.

I was afraid you were going to say that.

I've used another python based build system - SCons - in the past and while
it's great from a ease of use point of view, the performance of the build
process is terrible.

One of the really appealing things about bjam is how fast it is. OTOH, the
python interpreter startup/runtime can be very slow on several platforms I've
used it on (Sparc/Solaris 64-bit, Cygwin).

Here's a link to an article that benchmarks different build systems:

Perhaps this is not an issue and you have some data to put my mind at rest?


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at