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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-19 10:54:32

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Rene Rivera wrote:
>> b) Not sure what you mean. But if you mean not being able to request
>> multiple variants from the command line, then I disagree.
> You can request several variants on the command line, as documentation says:

Given a user-config.jam of :

using gcc : 3.4.5~mingw~stlport50 : C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ;
using gcc : 3.4.5~mingw~stlport51 : C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ;

using stlport : 5.0~gcc345 :
        C:/DevRoots/STLport-5.0/bin ;
using stlport : 5.1~gcc345 :
        C:/DevRoots/STLport/bin ;

And a bjam invocation at the boost root of:

bjam -n -a --v2 --builddir=C:/Boost/build gcc-3.4.5~mingw~stlport51
--prefix=C:/Boost/install stage stdlib=stlport-5.1~gcc345 debug release

It doesn't work, instead it produces some repetitions of:

error: No best alternative for /stlport
     stlport.match: no-match
     stlport.match: no-match

And this error:

C:/DevRoots/Boost/boost/tools/build/v2/build\virtual-target.jam:976: in
virtual-target.register-actual-name from module virtual-target
error: Duplicate name of actual target: <pstage>graphviz_graph_lex.o
error: previous virtual target {
common%common.copy-graphviz_graph_lex.o.OBJ {
gcc%gcc.compile.c++-graphviz_graph_lex.o.OBJ {
lex%lex.lex-graphviz_graph_lex.cpp.CPP { graphviz_lex.ll.LEX++ } } } }
error: created from ./stage
error: another virtual target {
common%common.copy-graphviz_graph_lex.o.OBJ {
gcc%gcc.compile.c++-graphviz_graph_lex.o.OBJ {
lex%lex.lex-graphviz_graph_lex.cpp.CPP { graphviz_lex.ll.LEX++ } } } }
error: created from ./stage
error: added properties: <debug-symbols>off <define>NDEBUG
<implicit-dependency>object(file-target)@1089 <inlining>full
<optimization>speed <runtime-debugging>off <variant>release
error: removed properties: <debug-symbols>on
<implicit-dependency>object(file-target)@329 <inlining>off
<optimization>off <runtime-debugging>on <variant>debug
C:/DevRoots/Boost/boost/tools/build/v2/build\virtual-target.jam:450: in
actualize-no-scanner from module object(file-target)@1493
C:/DevRoots/Boost/boost/tools/build/v2/build\virtual-target.jam:110: in
object(file-target)@1493.actualize from module object(file-target)@1493
C:/DevRoots/Boost/boost/tools/build/v2\build-system.jam:371: in load
from module build-system
C:\DevRoots\Boost\boost\tools\build\v2/kernel\modules.jam:261: in import
from module modules
C:\DevRoots\Boost\boost\tools\build\v2/kernel/bootstrap.jam:132: in
boost-build from module
C:\DevRoots\Boost\boost\boost-build.jam:12: in module scope from module


All because of the fallback to building something other than what was
requested on the CLI. In BBv1 it would have produced some warning that
it could not build the single-threaded variants, but would go ahead and
build the multi-threaded variants.

I'll respond to the rest of your comments a bit later after I try making
some changes to the stlport.jam code.

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
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Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at