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Boost-Build :

From: Roland Schwarz (roland.schwarz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-14 16:41:33

On my system (debian) I installed the boost-build package which gets
installed into the path /usr/share/boost-build.

Now when trying to compile a newer version of the boost library this
does not work, since the project local boost-build.jam cannot override
from where to load the build system.

Typical --debug-configuration output:

roland_at_abacus:~/projects/boost/RC_1_34_0$ bjam toolset=gcc --with-thread

notice: found boost-build.jam at
notice: loading Boost.Build from /usr/share/boost-build
notice: loading site-config.jam from /etc/site-config.jam
notice: loading user-config.jam from /home/roland/user-config.jam

I expected boost-build.jam getting the ultimate word about loading of
the build system. So my questions:

1) Is this by intent?

2) If so, what is the purpose?
    This makes it hard to have multiple versions of the build system.


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at