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Boost-Build :

From: David Deakins (ddeakins_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-18 22:01:40

Roland Schwarz wrote:
> Essentially I found 6 files that need to be changed:
> BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/tools/gcc.jam
> BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/tools/python.jam
> BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/tools/testing.jam
> BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/tools/vacpp.jam
> ...
> If there are no objections I'll commit the changes.

Hello Roland,

Since it looks like you are already working on the Build.Build v2 tool
jam files for the trunk, would you be able to apply the following patch
to stlport.jam to fix support for STLport 5.x? This will solve the
linking issue and a few other miscellaneous problems (see


# Copyright Gennadiy Rozental
# Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera
# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2006 Vladimir Prus
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or

# The STLPort is usable by means of 'stdlib' feature. When
# stdlib=stlport is specified, default version of STLPort will be used,
# while stdlib=stlport-4.5 will use specific version.
# The subfeature value 'hostios' means to use host compiler's iostreams.
# The specific version of stlport is selected by features:
# The <link> feature selects between static and shared library
# The <runtime-debugging>on selects STLPort with debug symbols
# and stl debugging.
# There's no way to use STLPort with debug symbols but without
# stl debugging.

# TODO: must implement selection of different STLPort installations based
# on used toolset.
# Also, finish various flags:
# This is copied from V1 toolset, "+" means "implemented"
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-extensions>off : _STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-anachronisms>off : _STLP_NO_ANACHRONISMS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-cstd-namespace>global : _STLP_VENDOR_GLOBAL_CSTD=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <exception-handling>off : _STLP_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-debug-alloc>on : _STLP_DEBUG_ALLOC=1 ;
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <runtime-build>debug : _STLP_DEBUG=1 _STLP_DEBUG_UNINITIALIZED=1 ;
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <runtime-link>dynamic : _STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB=1 ;

import feature : feature subfeature ;
import project ;
import "class" : new ;
import targets ;
import property-set ;
import common ;
import type ;

# Make this module into a project.
project.initialize $(__name__) ;
project stlport ;

# The problem: how to request to use host compiler's iostreams?
# Solution 1: Global 'stlport-iostream' feature.
# That's ugly. Subfeature make more sense for stlport-specific thing.
# Solution 2: Use subfeature with two values, one of which ("use STLPort iostream")
# is default.
# The problem is that such subfeature will appear in target paths, and that's ugly
# Solution 3: Use optional subfeature with only one value.

feature.extend stdlib : stlport ;
feature.compose <stdlib>stlport : <library>/stlport//stlport ;

# STLport iostreams or native iostreams
subfeature stdlib stlport : iostream : hostios : optional propagated ;

# STLport extensions
subfeature stdlib stlport : extensions : noext : optional propagated ;

# STLport anachronisms -- NOT YET SUPPORTED
# subfeature stdlib stlport : anachronisms : on off ;

# STLport debug allocation -- NOT YET SUPPORTED
#subfeature stdlib stlport : debug-alloc : off on ;

# Declare a special target class to handle the creation of search-lib-target
# instances for STLport. We need a special class, because otherwise we'll have
# - declare prebuilt targets for all possible toolsets. And by the time 'init'
# is called we don't even know the list of toolsets that are registered
# - when host iostreams are used, we really should produce nothing. It would
# be hard/impossible to achieve this using prebuilt targets.

class stlport-target-class : basic-target
    import feature project type errors generators ;
    import set : difference ;

    rule __init__ ( project : headers ? : libraries * : version ? )
        basic-target.__init__ stlport : $(project) ;
        self.headers = $(headers) ;
        self.libraries = $(libraries) ;
        self.version = $(version) ;
        self.version.5 = [ MATCH "^(5[.][0123456789]+).*" : $(version) ] ;
        local requirements ;
        requirements += <stdlib-stlport:version>$(self.version) ;
        self.requirements = [ property-set.create $(requirements) ] ;

    rule generate ( property-set )
        # Since this target is built with <stdlib>stlport, it will also
        # have <library>/stlport//stlport in requirements, which will
        # cause a loop in main target references. Remove that property
        # manually.

        property-set = [ property-set.create
            [ difference
                [ $(property-set).raw ] :
            ] ;
        return [ basic-target.generate $(property-set) ] ;

    rule construct ( name : source-targets * : property-set )
        # Deduce the name of stlport library, based on toolset and
        # debug setting.
        local raw = [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
        local hostios = [ feature.get-values <stdlib-stlport:iostream> : $(raw) ] ;
        local toolset = [ feature.get-values <toolset> : $(raw) ] ;

        if $(self.version.5)
            # Version 5.x
            # STLport host IO streams no longer supported. So we always
            # need libraries.
            # name: stlport(stl)?[dg]?(_static)?.M.R
            local name = stlport ;
            if [ feature.get-values <runtime-debugging> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                name += stl ;
                switch $(toolset)
                    case gcc* : name += g ;
                    case darwin* : name += g ;
                    case * : name += d ;

            if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
                name += _static ;

            name += .$(self.version.5) ;
            name = $(name:J=) ;
            if [ feature.get-values <install-dependencies> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                #~ Allow explicitly asking to install the STLport lib by
                #~ refering to it directly: /stlport//stlport/<install-dependencies>on
                #~ This allows for install packaging of all libs one might need for
                #~ a standalone distribution.
                import path : make : path-make ;
                local runtime-link
                    = [ feature.get-values <runtime-link> : $(raw) ] ;
                local lib-file.props
                    = [ property-set.create $(raw) <link>$(runtime-link) ] ;
                local lib-file.prefix
                    = [ type.generated-target-prefix $(runtime-link:U)_LIB : $(lib-file.props) ] ;
                local lib-file.suffix
                    = [ type.generated-target-suffix $(runtime-link:U)_LIB : $(lib-file.props) ] ;
                    ?= "" "lib" ;
                    ?= "" ;
                local lib-file
                    = [ GLOB $(self.libraries) [ modules.peek : PATH ] :
                        $(lib-file.prefix)$(name).$(lib-file.suffix) ] ;
                    = [ new file-reference [ path-make $(lib-file[1]) ] : $(self.project) ] ;
                    = [ $(lib-file).generate "" ] ;
                local lib-file.requirements
                    = [ targets.main-target-requirements
                        [ $(lib-file.props).raw ] <file>$(lib-file[-1])
                        : $(self.project) ] ;
                return [ generators.construct $(self.project) $(name) : LIB : $(lib-file.requirements) : : LIB ] ;
                # Add the lib file suffix because some of the compiler jamfiles (msvc) expect
                # it to be there. If no suffix is present, when they use :S= they will strip
                # off anything following the last . in the name.
                local lib-file.suffix ;
                if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
                    lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix STATIC_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
                    lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix IMPORT_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
                #~ Otherwise, it's just a regular usage of the library.
                return [ generators.construct
                    $(self.project) $(name).$(lib-file.suffix) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
        else if ! $(hostios) && $(toolset) != msvc
            # We don't need libraries if host istreams are used. For
            # msvc, automatic library selection will be used.
            # name: stlport_<toolset>(_stldebug)?
            local name = stlport ;
            name = $(name)_$(toolset) ;
            if [ feature.get-values <runtime-debugging> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                name = $(name)_stldebug ;

            # Add the lib file suffix because some of the compiler jamfiles (msvc) expect
            # it to be there. If no suffix is present, when they use :S= they will strip
            # off anything following the last . in the name.
            local lib-file.suffix ;
            if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
                lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix STATIC_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
                lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix IMPORT_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;

            return [ generators.construct
                $(self.project) $(name).$(lib-file.suffix) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
            return [ property-set.empty ] ;

    rule compute-usage-requirements ( subvariant )
        local usage-requirements =

        local rproperties = [ $(subvariant).build-properties ] ;
        # CONSIDER: should this "if" sequence be replaced with
        # some use of 'property-map' class?
        if [ $(rproperties).get <runtime-debugging> ] = "on"
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_DEBUG_UNINITIALIZED=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <link> ] = "shared"
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <stdlib-stlport:extensions> ] = noext
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <stdlib-stlport:iostream> ] = hostios
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_HAS_NO_NEW_IOSTREAMS=1 ;
        if $(self.version.5)
            # Version 5.x
            if [ $(rproperties).get <threading> ] = "single"
                # Since STLport5 doesn't normally support single-thread
                # we force STLport5 into the multi-thread mode. Hence
                # getting what other libs provide of single-thread code
                # linking against a multi-thread lib.
                usage-requirements +=
                    <define>_STLP_THREADS=1 ;
        #~ Allow setting up to use STLport by only using the library target
        #~ /stlport//stlport.
        #~ TODO: Make it possible to use /stlport//stlport/<version>5.0 to select
        #~ a specific configured version.
        if $(self.version)
            usage-requirements +=
                <stdlib>stlport <stdlib-stlport:version>$(self.version) ;
            usage-requirements +=
                <stdlib>stlport ;

        return [ property-set.create $(usage-requirements) ] ;

rule stlport-target ( headers ? : libraries * : version ? )
    local project = [ project.current ] ;

      [ new stlport-target-class $(project) : $(headers) : $(libraries)
        : $(version)
      ] ;

local .version-subfeature-defined ;

# Initialize stlport support.
rule init (
    version ? :
    headers # Location of header files
    libraries * # Location of libraries, lib and bin subdirs of STLport.
    # FIXME: need to use common.check-init-parameters here.
    # At the moment, that rule always tries to define subfeature
    # of the 'toolset' feature, while we need to define subfeature
    # of <stdlib>stlport, so tweaks to check-init-parameters are needed.
    if $(version)
        if ! $(.version-subfeature-defined)
            feature.subfeature stdlib stlport : version : : propagated ;
            .version-subfeature-defined = true ;
        feature.extend-subfeature stdlib stlport : version : $(version) ;

    # Declare the main target for this STLPort version.
    stlport-target $(headers) : $(libraries) : $(version) ;

Index: stlport.jam
--- stlport.jam (revision 38586)
+++ stlport.jam (working copy)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
             # STLport host IO streams no longer supported. So we always
             # need libraries.
- # name: stlport(stl)?[dg]?.M.R
+ # name: stlport(stl)?[dg]?(_static)?.M.R
             local name = stlport ;
             if [ feature.get-values <runtime-debugging> : $(raw) ] = "on"
@@ -136,6 +136,12 @@
                     case * : name += d ;
+ if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
+ {
+ name += _static ;
+ }
             name += .$(self.version.5) ;
             name = $(name:J=) ;
@@ -156,6 +162,7 @@
                     = [ type.generated-target-suffix $(runtime-link:U)_LIB : $(lib-file.props) ] ;
                     ?= "" "lib" ;
                     ?= "" ;
                 local lib-file
@@ -169,13 +176,26 @@
                     = [ targets.main-target-requirements
                         [ $(lib-file.props).raw ] <file>$(lib-file[-1])
                         : $(self.project) ] ;
- return [ generators.construct $(self.project) $(name) : LIB : $(lib-file.requirements) ] ;
+ return [ generators.construct $(self.project) $(name) : LIB : $(lib-file.requirements) : : LIB ] ;
+ # Add the lib file suffix because some of the compiler jamfiles (msvc) expect
+ # it to be there. If no suffix is present, when they use :S= they will strip
+ # off anything following the last . in the name.
+ local lib-file.suffix ;
+ if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
+ {
+ lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix STATIC_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix IMPORT_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ }
                 #~ Otherwise, it's just a regular usage of the library.
                 return [ generators.construct
- $(self.project) $(name) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ $(self.project) $(name).$(lib-file.suffix) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
         else if ! $(hostios) && $(toolset) != msvc
@@ -191,8 +211,21 @@
                 name = $(name)_stldebug ;
+ # Add the lib file suffix because some of the compiler jamfiles (msvc) expect
+ # it to be there. If no suffix is present, when they use :S= they will strip
+ # off anything following the last . in the name.
+ local lib-file.suffix ;
+ if [ feature.get-values <link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
+ {
+ lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix STATIC_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lib-file.suffix = [ type.generated-target-suffix IMPORT_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ }
             return [ generators.construct
- $(self.project) $(name) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
+ $(self.project) $(name).$(lib-file.suffix) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
@@ -217,7 +250,7 @@
                 <define>_STLP_DEBUG_UNINITIALIZED=1 ;
- if [ $(rproperties).get <runtime-debugging> ] = "on"
+ if [ $(rproperties).get <link> ] = "shared"
             usage-requirements +=
                 <define>_STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB=1 ;
@@ -254,7 +287,7 @@
         if $(self.version)
             usage-requirements +=
- <stdlib>stlport-$(self.version) ;
+ <stdlib>stlport <stdlib-stlport:version>$(self.version) ;

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at