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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-23 10:31:14

John Maddock wrote:
> Is it possible to specify a name for the manifest file created by Boostbook
> in BBv2?

Yes, add an <xsl:param>manifest=my.manifest to the target. But, that
will cause the docs to be rebuilt all the time since the BBv2 code looks
for the HTML.manifest as the real target. Hence if it never exists, in
the name BBv2 is looking for, it will always think the docs are not built.

> I want to have two Boostbook targets in the same Jamfile: generating
> different html/pdf files (but in the same directory tree), but am currently
> prevented from that because the two targets both want to create the same
> manifest file "HTML.manifest". Alternatively can the manifest filename be
> changed to "mydocname.HTML.manifest" ?

Before I look more than I have into doing something... What would you
expect to happen with the other equally named files, in particular

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