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Boost-Build :

From: John Reid (j.reid_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-13 05:10:19

Mat Marcus wrote:
> Summary: In VC8 (Dev Studio 2005) and later, Microsoft's 'secure' STL
> feature (enabled by default) can cause a slowdown of more than an
> order of magnitude in the execution of performance critical algorithms
> in release builds. I suspect that many projects would benefit from
> ensuring that _SECURE_SCL=0 for release configurations. I recommend
> that boost ships with this feature disabled by default for (at least)
> release builds.

2 things:

1) I wanted to point out a relatively straightforward way to ensure all
your code has _SECURE_SCL=0 defined. In your site-config.jam or
user-config.jam put the following using directive:

using msvc : : : <define>_SECURE_SCL=0 ;

2) I wanted to check I have the syntax correct as I do not see
_SECURE_SCL in the .rsp files in my bin directory.


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