Boost-Build : |
From: Jonathan Biggar (jon_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-22 17:18:59
Jurko Gospodnetić wrote:
> Hi Jonathan.
>> 3. I removed "<dependency>/boost//install-headers" from
>> boost-install, since running install in a subproject would fall over
>> not being able to find the "/boost" project. I tried a couple of ways
>> to try and get that project defined in the subproject (putting a
>> use-project inside the module part of the boost-install rule doesn't
>> do the trick). Removing the dependency means the boost headers don't
>> get installed or updated if you run install in a subproject.
>> Maybe someone else has an idea how to fix #3 better?
> I am not very familiar with how the main Boost library Jamfile has
> been written so I'm not going to be the one applying any patches to it.
> However, maybe I can help with the Boost Build part of the problem if
> you can prepare a smaller test-case demonstrating the problem.
> I tried playing around with this to reproduce the problem but could
> not get anything to fail in any of my little test cases. Unfortunately
> there is no more time left for me to try and strip down the Boost
> library build to something more reasonable that I could then debug.
I've attached a test case that demonstrates the problem. The test case
now includes a patch to package.jam as well, which I forgot I had to fix.
Follow these steps:
1. Untar boost-install-test-case.tar into a fresh boost-1.35 directory.
2. cd to $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs/install-test-case/build and run:
bjam --v2 install
Watch bjam complain.
3. Apply patch Jamroot.diff to $(BOOST_ROOT)/Jamroot and
package.jam.diff to $(BOOST_ROOT)/tools/build/v2/tools/package.jam
4. Run bjam again and see that it works this time.
-- Jon Biggar Floorboard Software jon_at_[hidden] jon_at_[hidden]
Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk