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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Building a cross platform framework
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-05 01:04:18

Michael Jackson wrote:

> And if they don't ask for anything then give them the default for the
> platform they are compiling on.

Do we somewhere give user a behaviour that is not default for the platfrom
they compile on? Can you say specifically where?

> I would personally suggest allowing something like the variants in the
> configure line:
> architecture=i386,x86_64,ppc,ppc64
> Having gone through something similar on other projects and with other
> build systems. Don't try to out-think the user just do what they ask.

Can you clarify what "out-thinking" means here. Note that


actually has a well-defined meaning of building for 4 architectures.
It's just that darwin, you can either build 4 separate binaries, or
1 fat binary, and it seems reasonable to use different wording for
those behaviours.

- Volodya

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