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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Dependency on shared library from static library (mixing shared and static libs)
From: Johan Nilsson (r.johan.nilsson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-05 03:59:17
"Alexander Sack" <pisymbol_at_[hidden]> skrev i meddelandet
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Johan Nilsson <r.johan.nilsson_at_[hidden]>
> wrote:
>>>> Well, obviously a static lib can't be linked (at least not with msvc).
>>>> Hence
>>>> the "... _reference_ the shared build of a" (which could be even more
>>>> specific by stating "contains references to the functions exported by
>>>> the
>>>> shared build of a", perhaps).
> At least with gcc toolchain that worked fine for me.
>>> Do you still have the issue though?
>> Yes. Your suggested solution generates both shared and static versions of
>> "a", and passes both as linker inputs for msvc. See below for relevant
>> part
>> of output using "bjam -d+2"
> Yes that's true too for gcc. However the final binary is c is
> depedent on the shared library a which is what you want. The rule you
> gave makes liba shared when the main target is always built as per:
> http://www.boost.org/doc/tools/build/doc/html/bbv2/advanced/targets.html
> Other than the fact that bjam builds both versions of the library, I
> guess I fail to see the real issue (at least with gcc since I have not
> tried msvc). If you build with link=static you get a static binary
> and static libraries, if you build link=shared, you get a static libb,
> a shared liba, and c exe/binary that has symbols linked in from static
> archive and depends on shared library.
I've modified the sample a bit (see attached indirect_usage_of_a.zip). This
is basically your Jamroot, but the c++ code now outputs some tracing
statements and runs the executable using the unit-test rule, showing whether
shared or static library version of a() is called. This is the output I get
when executing bjam link=shared:
--- main: calling b_call_a: in b_call_a() in a() (static lib) --- Result: static library version of a is used (but both static and shared versions of a are built). When modifying c.cpp to directly call a() (see attached direct_usage_of_a.zip), I get the following output: --- main: calling b_call_a: in b_call_a() in a() (shared lib) main: calling a in a() (shared lib) --- Result: shared library version of a is used (but both static and shared versions of a are built). I see a couple of problems with how this works: - When declaring target c you'll need to know that b uses a (and manually add a to the sources for c as well), _even_ if c does not directly use anything defined in "a". IMHO this breaks encapsulation and somehow voids the usage-requirements feature - which is one big reason for me to use Boost.Build. Breaks the principle of least surprise, at least for me. - It causes both static and shared versions of a to be built, even though the static version isn't actually used. For such a small project with small libraries that build fast it's not a big deal, but I'm having this requirement in a real project where building the static library in question from scratch takes some ~15-20 minutes. I only tried to illustrate my problem using a small project. - When I specify link=shared, I expect all direct and indirect library dependencies to be built for shared linking if they support it. It doesn't make sense that one dependency/target along the way propagates its own "deficiency" (able to build as a static library only) to its own dependencies. I do realize that mixing shared and static libraries can potentially lead to problems, but in this case (static lib uses methods in shared) I can't see the problem, at least not in my specific use case. This is how I would expect it to work: --- (modified) Jamroot --- import testing ; project foo ; # can be built as static or shared library lib a : a.cpp : <link>shared:<define>A_BUILD_DLL : : <link>shared:<define>A_USE_DLL ; # can only be built as static library lib b : b.cpp : <link>static <use>a : : <library>a ; unit-test c : c.cpp : <library>b ; --- Running bjam link=shared should _not_ produce static version of "a" (but does) and output the followin (but does not): --- main: calling b_call_a: in b_call_a() in a() (shared lib) --- By adding "<library>a" to the requirements of target "c", I get the desired output (but breaks encapsulation). No matter what I do, a static lib version of a is always produced as a "side effect". Help, anyone? / Johan begin 666 indirect_usage_of_a.zip M4$L#!!0````(`(I*13IPU5_1C0```+0````%````8RYC<'!-B\T*`B$<Q,\) MOL,?][(;T0.8=)$]=+8_at_B!"_: 77!5=/T;NGP4(PAYG?S'0^FE"L`Z*/$\&H MVS+SRYJ34_/Y'YHUV^!U91CYF&%6/O;-',!,*NWA\1PP>F.TJT-*S5(R, :$ MJQ!\?(&6ICJI*&GXMW'1AE,];%4_M%257"XIPGB_7*6X<3X*49L/1E]02P,$ M% ````@`;TI%.MQF_at_F""````P ````4```!A+F-P<'6,L0K",!"&9P_N'8YT M:1<?H!9!Z5+HZEQB[DH/8@)-ZB*^NT9P[/CS?=]?:7!^8R%CCXM!J/Z[TYCR M*O9Q1D!X1F6R=8/P*L[,,M-ENMZ&L9_Z<40XI,QMZ^*6J>O(:"@VU6FQJS!Y MO3>F@)\E@?WI>R,^R7Z9;5:W5P;6&>&-\ %02P,$% ````@`<DI%.K%D94UG M````N ````,```!A+FA3SDQ32$E-R\Q+35'0<(QW"O7T<8EW\?'1Y.52YH1( M*#C&N[@Z^RC$QZ>D)N<4%Z0F:Z3DY*16%.07E8"4I>:@FA$:[$J4"9FY"!.* M4S%4@\3S4C+3>+EXN<KR,U-_at_AB1J:%KS<@$`4$L#!!0````(`*-*13I COH4 M7P```((````%````8BYC<'!3SLQ+SBE-25502M++4.+E4H;S$U'Y-IGYQ25% MJ8FY=KQ<O%QE^9DI"DGQR8DY.?&)&IJ\7-6\7)S%)2E65LGYI24*-C8*2IEY M2 J40$)@^=2\E!QKH&*@()"JY>4"`%!+`P0*``````!L2D4Z\_;/61(````2 M`````P```&(N:'9O:60_at_8E]C86QL7V$H*3L-"E!+`P04````" `*3$4ZN_at_MV M%J4````?`0``!P```$IA;7)O;W1]D$$*PC 01?>!W.&#:SV EH)2%T)WTG5) MTE2C-0G)=-';FS:("N+N,_/XO!GS\"X02$<R]H(=9YSYX&Y:$7KG\F %)2RD MAAS-0! 1D009!1<0KR+H#H.1082)LQ0_at_. .V$!OE?8[%8.R]S.RVZ'1OK"[W M[:$YU55;U?5"_46;\_$%?C_at_[hidden]_Q+YT9&J5LPO$NS]S2]5H#:WG#T"EO5K( M=,2\? )02P$"% L4````" "*2D4Z<-5?T8T```"T````!0`````````!`" ` M````````8RYC<'!02P$"% L4````" !O2D4ZW&:"8((```# ````!0`````` M```!`" ```"P````82YC<'!02P$"% L4````" !R2D4ZL61E36<```"X```` M`P`````````!`" ```!5`0``82YH4$L!`A0+% ````@`HTI%.D".^A1?```` M@@````4``````````0`@````W0$``&(N8W!P4$L!`A0+"@``````;$I%.O/V MSUD2````$@````,``````````0`@````7P(``&(N:%!+`0(4"Q0````(``I, M13JZ"W86I0```!\!```'``````````$`( ```)("``!*86UR;V]T4$L%!@`` 0```&``8`, $``%P#```````` ` end begin 666 direct_usage_of_a.zip M4$L#!!0````(``I,13JZ"W86I0```!\!```'````2F%M<F]O='V000K",!!% M]X'<X8-K/8"6_at_E(70G?2=4G25*,U"<ETT=N;-H@*XNXS\_B\&?/P+A!(1S+V M_at_AUGG/G@;EH1>N?R8 4E+*2&',U $!&1!!D%%Q"O(N_at_.@Y%!A(FS%" X`[80 M&^5]CL5@[+W,[+;H=&^L+O?MH3G555O5]4+]19OS\05^.#D[3+_$OG1D:I6S M"\2[/W-+U6_at_-K></0*6]6LATQ+Q\`E!+`P04````" !O2D4ZW&:"8((```# M````!0```&$N8W!P=8RQ"L(P$(9G#^X=CG1I%Q^@%D'I4NCJ7&+N2@]B`DWJ M(KZ[1G#L^/-]WU]I<'YC(6./BT&H_KO3F/(J]G%&0'A&9;)U@_ JSLPRTV6Z MWH:QG_IQ1#BDS&WKXI:IZ\AH*#;5:;&K,'F]-Z: GR6!_>E[(S[)?IEM5K=7 M!M89X8WP`5!+`P04````" !R2D4ZL61E36<```"X`````P```&$N:%/.3%-( M24W+S$M-4=!PC'<*]?1QB7?Q\='DY5+FA$@H.,:[N#K[*,3'IZ0FYQ07I"9K MI.3DI%84Y!>5@)2EYJ":$1KL2I0)F;D($XI3,52#Q/-2,M-XN7BYRO(S4V"& M)&IH6O-R`0!02P,$% ````@`HTI%.D".^A1?````@@````4```!B+F-P<%/. 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Boost-Build list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk