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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] having trouble building universal binaries for Mac OSX
From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-06 15:52:12

On Friday 06 February 2009 23:18:42 Eric Johnson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been having a difficult time trying to build universal
> (ppc and i386) libraries. I've tried various ways that I've seen
> described on the web, but none of them seem to work. A recent post on
> the Boost-users mailing list looked promising, but didn't work for me
> either. My machine is an Intel one running OSX 10.5.6. Building
> boost 1.37.0 libraries using bjam 03.1.17. Here's what I tried:
> bjam --toolset=darwin --architecture=combined threading=multi --build-

Please remove the -- before 'architecture'. See

for the explanation of the command line syntax. (The -- before toolset can be
also removed, but it will work, for backward compatibility)


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