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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] PCH support still broken in Trunk?
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-03 08:24:29

John Maddock wrote:

>> Is it really the case that there should be no whitespace between
>> -use-pch and the name of the PCH file.
> It seems not to matter either way: the issue was that the original code was
> generating an invalid:
> -use-pch "
> argument when pch was off (note the single quote).

Ok, if it actually works, then it works :-)

>> Also, why explicit "rm"? The target should be removed if compilation
>> of PCH fails.
> Nod, it's a hack, but the intel compiler doesn't over-write existing pch
> files for some strange reason, so if you do a "bjam -a" (which I was doing a
> lot of while testing!), then you end up with:
> filename.pchi
> filename$1.pchi
> filename$2.pchi
> etc.
> I assume that the compiler uses whichever is the most recent (I don't know
> for sure though), but they sure do take up a lot of HD space!

Ick. Can you add a comment to explain this behaviour, so that I don't 'optimize'
this action in future :-)


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