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Subject: [Boost-build] Need copy file to place of exe target executable
From: Алексей Бадяев (leemouse_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-27 00:13:09

Hi All!

How I can copy some file with binary (result of exe target)?

For example, I have second Jamfile:

exe lemon : src/lemon.c ;

...and I have file src/lempar.c in the same folder src.
Program lemon read the file lempar.c from the current folder (PWD).

For load file lempar.c from program lemon, I need copy the file lempar.c
to folder, where executable binary of lemon is placed by Boos Build.

How can I do it in my Jamfile?

С уважением, Алексей Бадяев
г. Кемерово пр-т Ленина д.90А тел. +7 904 375 7805

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