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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Incomplete builds with generated header + -jN
From: Eric Woodruff (eric.woodruff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-09-09 19:07:33

To eliminate the architecture as a possibility, I downloaded the latest
32-bit linux build of bjam from sourceforge to perform the test with -j3
and found the same problem as with the 64-bit bjam that I was building
from source.

Eric Woodruff wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there an open bug on this? I'm reproducing a similar problem of
> incomplete builds using the bjam and boost-build from boost 1.40.
> I have a validation script that copies my sources to a new sandbox,
> performs a build and then performs a -n build to make sure the previous
> build was complete. There are around 35,000 targets (with all of the
> boost headers, etc), 360+ need to be built from a clean state and about
> 39 of them are left unbuilt after the first pass. The validation does
> succeed with -j1.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> Jurko Gospodnetić wrote:
>> Hi Mark.
>>>>> I suspect you might either have to produce a self-contained example,
>>>>> or debug this yourself, like by adding prints in make*.c that explain
>>>>> in more detail what happens with the file that is not rebuilt.
>>>> Yes, I thought that would be the case :-(. I'll keep digging.....
>>> I did keep digging for quite a while, but didn't manage to get to the
>>> bottom of it. In the end I worked round the problem by adding code to
>>> compare the value of counts->updating in make.c with the value of
>>> counts->made in make1.c, and if there's an underbuild then spawn jam
>>> again with the same arguments. It's pretty nasty, but it works.
>> Any chance of you producing a small self-contained example
>> reproducing the problem? And possibly post it as a defect report/feature
>> request on so it does not get lost?
>> Thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Jurko Gospodnetić
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