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Subject: [Boost-build] Unable to find file or target error
From: Emil Dotchevski (emil_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-15 01:24:26

I am getting

error: Unable to find file or target named
error: '/re/gl//gl_lidar_simulator'
error: referred from project at
error: '.'

I understand the error, but I don't understand why I'm getting it. In
my project tree, I do have /re/gl and it does have a
gl_lidar_simulator target. Also, I have an identical situation
elsewhere in the project tree: /re/maya//whatever, and it works fine.

How does bjam reach the conclusion that it can't find a target? Is
there a debug option I can use to trace what's going on?

Emil Dotchevski
Reverge Studios, Inc.

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