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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] [BGL] read_graphviz lib compiling
From: Cosimo Calabrese (cosimo.calabrese_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-24 07:57:00

Vladimir Prus wrote:
>> I'm using MSVS 2005 and boost 1.37.
>> I've readed in the read_graphviz documentation that if I want to use
>> that function I must compile a lib with the source that I can found in
>> \libs\graph\src. But I can't find any *.jam file to do it. I've founded
>> the Unix istruction to do it, but not for MSVS.
> Just follow the usual getting started guide. E.g.
> .\bootstrap
> .\bjam --with-graph

Thanks Volodya,

there are 2 issues that have confused me:
- compared to the other boost libraries like thread, date-time, ecc...,
graph lib requires to explicitly specify it in the list of the libs of
the project; there aren't any automatic linking of the lib;
- the name of the lib isn't 'libbgl-viz' like specified in the doc:

   but is complying to the other boost lib names:
     - libboost_graph-vc80-mt.lib (release version);
     - libboost_graph-vc80-mt-gd.lib (debug version);

I haven't found this info anywhere in boost docs, but I've resolved

> The library will be in stage\lib.
>> Which are the correct compiler params to compile the lib?
>> What's the name that the lib must have?
>> The lib must locate in the /stage/lib directory?
>> Why the read_graphviz is in a separate cpp module, and not in a hpp file
>> like the write_graphviz function?
> Only Boost.Graph maintainers can give you the authoritative answer on this, but
> my guess is that parsing is more complex matter, and therefore you don't
> want to have that code compiled into every module that calls read_graphviz,
> as would be the case if that code were fully templated or inline.
> - Volodya
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