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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Visual Studio always calls bjam even on built projects
From: Anatoly Shirokov (shirokov_a_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-28 05:20:07

Hi Bojan!

I except something like this but such approach cannot be applied to
large enough project (500-1000 modules) and 5-10 developers team.
Because of it we use CMake.

With Best Wishes,
Anatoly Shirokov.

Bojan Resnik:
>> - solution know nothing about project structure
>> To navigate through sources you have to add source list manually to visual studio project (to add/remove a source we have to do it twice for a project and a jamfile)
> I usually don't list source files in jamfile, but use [ *.cpp ] to
> have it use all cpp files. In that case, when I delete the file from
> disk (either through VS or manually), i don't need to update the
> jamfile.
>> - solution know nothing about project dependencies
>> In visual studio project I cannot see projects that influence my project and navigate through them
> If I need other projects - I add them to the solution. I never build
> the whole solution, instead my VS is set up to build only the current
> project. Another option is to disable building these projects in the
> Configuration Manager.
>> - solution know nothing about macro definitions
>> The modern studio can "grayed" code with conditional compilation which does not meet preprocessor conditions. To do it the studio must have all macro definitions. As a result we have to copy all marco definitions from jamfile to studio project (to add/remove marco denition we have to do it twice).
> I don't do this - actually, I don't like VS graying out code it
> thinks will not be used. When code is grayed out I am more likely to
> skip it when visually inspecting the file.
>> - solution know nothing about search path for include and library files
>> To navigate through sources I have to set search paths manually for my libraries from dependency list.
> There is an option in the makefile project properties where it allows
> you to set the include directories. I usually need only a few
> directories here so this doesn't bother me much.
>> In jamfile there are all needed information, but there is no way to extract it automaticly. It would be perfect if bjam will be able to generate native studio solutions. I vote for such feature.
> For rather simple jamfiles, this could be possible. However, I don't
> use bjam for stuff that VS itself can handle easily. I use it for
> projects which need to compile with different compilers at the same
> time, or those that need to detect user's settings at build time and
> select different compiler options based on that information. The value
> of bjam for me is precisely because it can handle stuff that
> VisualStudio cannot handle by itself.
> --
> Bojan Resnik
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