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Boost-Build :

Subject: Re: [Boost-build]
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-14 06:23:44

Daniel James wrote:

> Hi,
> Is something wrong with The documentation isn't
> showing up on the site and when I try to download the nightly zipfile
> I just get an empty file. If the file was successfully generated and
> uploaded, this might be because the web server doesn't have read
> permission for the file.

The server that generates the master copy of that zip nightly was down
over weekend (*). It should work itself again soonish. I'll try to fix
the cron job to leave the old version behind in such case.

- Volodya

(*) Presumably because some smart folks have installed a 60 TFlops computer
without adequate power supplies, so everything else in the building gets shut
down randomly.

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at