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Subject: [Boost-build] Toolset for avr-gcc (Arduino)
From: Schnyder Franz (fschnyder_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-09-27 16:17:19


I created a avr toolset avr.jam to use boost-build to build Arduino projects
with the GNU AVR-GCC toolchain. This all works fine I can compile and link,
but I had to copy the avr.jam file into the tools folder of the boost-build
installation. Is there way I can add a new toolset in my workspace/project
without 'patching' the original boost-build installation?

My other question is: I found a boost-build repository on GitHub Is this a official boost repository which
is kept up to date? Is it the right place to clone and add my avr.jam?

Thank you.

** avr.jam **

import feature : feature ;
import toolset : flags ;
import type ;
import common ;
import generators ;
import path : basename ;
import property-set ;
import errors ;
import "class" : new ;

if [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ]
    .debug-configuration = true ;

feature.extend toolset : avr ;

import gcc ;

toolset.inherit-generators avr : gcc : gcc.prebuilt gcc.searched-lib-generator ;
toolset.inherit-rules avr : gcc ;
toolset.inherit-flags avr : gcc ;

type.set-generated-target-suffix EXE : <toolset>avr : elf ;
type.register-suffixes elf : EXE ;
type.register HEX : hex ;
type.register EEP : eep ;
type.register MAP : map ;

# feature to define the avr select microcontroller variant
feature.subfeature toolset avr : mcu :
  avr1 avr2 avr25 avr3 avr31 avr35 avr4 avr5 avr51 avr6 avrxmega1
  avrxmega2 avrxmega3 avrxmega4 avrxmega5 avrxmega6 avrxmega7 at90s1200
  attiny11 attiny12 attiny15 attiny28 at90s2313 at90s2323 at90s2333
  at90s2343 attiny22 attiny26 at90s4414 at90s4433 at90s4434 at90s8515
  at90c8534 at90s8535 ata6289 attiny13 attiny13a attiny2313 attiny2313a
  attiny24 attiny24a attiny4313 attiny44 attiny44a attiny84 attiny25
  attiny45 attiny85 attiny261 attiny261a attiny461 attiny461a attiny861
  attiny861a attiny87 attiny43u attiny48 attiny88 at86rf401 at43usb355
  at76c711 atmega103 at43usb320 attiny167 at90usb82 at90usb162 atmega8u2
  atmega16u2 atmega32u2 atmega8 atmega48 atmega48a atmega48p atmega88
  atmega88a atmega88p atmega88pa atmega8515 atmega8535 atmega8hva
  atmega4hvd atmega8hvd at90pwm1 at90pwm2 at90pwm2b at90pwm3 at90pwm3b
  at90pwm81 atmega16 atmega16a atmega161 atmega162 atmega163 atmega164a
  atmega164p atmega165 atmega165a atmega165p atmega168 atmega168a
  atmega168p atmega169 atmega169a atmega169p atmega169pa atmega16hva
  atmega16hvb atmega32 atmega323 atmega324a atmega324p atmega324pa
  atmega325 atmega325p atmega3250 atmega3250p atmega328 atmega328p
  atmega329 atmega329p atmega329pa atmega3290 atmega3290p atmega32hvb
  atmega406 atmega64 atmega640 atmega644 atmega644a atmega644p atmega644pa
  atmega645 atmega645a atmega645p atmega649 atmega649a atmega649p
  atmega6450 atmega6450a atmega6450p atmega6490 atmega6490a atmega6490p
  atmega64hve atmega16hva atmega16hva2 at90can32 at90can64 at90pwm216
  at90pwm316 atmega16m1 atmega16u4 atmega32c1 atmega32m1 atmega32u4
  atmega32u6 atmega64c1 atmega64m1 at90usb646 at90usb647 at90scr100 at94k
  atmega128 atmega1280 atmega1281 atmega1284p atmega128rfa1 at90can128
  at90usb1286 at90usb1287 m3000f m3000s m3001b atmega2560 atmega2561
  atxmega16a4 atxmega16d4 atxmega32d4 atxmega32a4 atxmega64a3 atxmega64d3
  atxmega64a1 atxmega128a3 atxmega128d3 atxmega192a3 atxmega192d3
  atxmega256a3 atxmega256a3b atxmega256d3 atxmega128a1 :
  propagated symmetric ;

# feature to define the used frequency of the microcontroller
feature.subfeature toolset avr : cpufrequency : : free ;

# pass the feature values as flags to the compile an link rules
toolset.flags avr MCU <toolset-avr:mcu> ;
toolset.flags avr.compile CPU_FREQUENCY <toolset-avr:cpufrequency> ;

toolset.flags avr.compile OPTIONS : -fpack-struct -fshort-enums
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections ;
toolset.flags OPTIONS : -Wl,--gc-sections ;

rule init ( version ? : command * : options * : requirement * )
   #1): use user-provided command
    local tool-command = ;
    if $(command)
       tool-command = [ common.get-invocation-command-nodefault avr : avr-g++
: $(command) ] ;
       if ! $(tool-command)
           errors.error "toolset avr initialization:" :
                        "provided command '$(command)' not found" :
                        "initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ] ;
    #2): enforce user-provided version
    else if $(version)
        tool-command = [ common.get-invocation-command-nodefault avr :
"avr-g++-$(version[1])" ] ;
        #2.1) fallback: check whether "avr-g++" reports the requested version
        if ! $(tool-command)
            tool-command = [ common.get-invocation-command-nodefault avr :
avr-g++ ] ;
            if $(tool-command)
                local tool-command-string = $(tool-command:J=" ") ;
                local tool-version = [ MATCH "^([0-9.]+)" : [ SHELL
"$(tool-command-string) -dumpversion" ] ] ;
                if $(tool-version) != $(version)
                    # Permit a match betwen two-digit version specified by the
                    # (e.g. 4.4) and 3-digit version reported by gcc.
                    # Since only two digits are present in binary name anyway,
                    # insisting that user specify 3-digit version when
                    # configuring Boost.Build while it's not required on
                    # command like would be strange.
                    local stripped = [ MATCH "^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*" :
$(tool-version) ] ;
                    if $(stripped) != $(version)
                        errors.error "toolset avr initialization:" :
                          "version '$(version)' requested but
'avr-g++-$(version)' not found and version
'$(tool-version)' of default '$(tool-command)' does
not match" :
                            "initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ]
                        tool-command = ;
                    # Use full 3-digit version to be compatible with the 'using
gcc ;' case
                    version = $(tool-version) ;
                errors.error "toolset avr initialization:" :
                             "version '$(version)' requested but neither
'avr-g++-$(version)' nor default 'avr-g++' found" :
                             "initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ]
    #3) default: no command and no version specified, try using default command
        tool-command = [ common.get-invocation-command-nodefault avr : avr-g++ ]
        if ! $(tool-command)
            errors.error "toolset avr initialization:" :
                         "no command provided, default command 'avr-g++' not
found" :
                         "initialized from" [ errors.nearest-user-location ] ;
    # Information about the avr command...
    # The command.
    local command = $(tool-command) ;
    # The root directory of the tool install.
    local root = [ feature.get-values <root> : $(options) ] ;
    # The bin directory where to find the command to execute.
    local bin ;
    # The flavor of compiler.
    local flavor = [ feature.get-values <flavor> : $(options) ] ;
    # Autodetect the root and bin dir if not given.
    if $(command)
        bin ?= [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[-1]) ] ;
        root ?= $(bin:D) ;
    # The 'command' variable can have multiple elements. When calling
    # the SHELL builtin we need a single string.
    local command-string = $(command:J=" ") ;
    # Autodetect the version and flavor if not given.
    if $(command)
        local machine = [ MATCH "^([^ ]+)"
            : [ SHELL "$(command-string) -dumpmachine" ] ] ;
        version ?= [ MATCH "^([0-9.]+)"
            : [ SHELL "$(command-string) -dumpversion" ] ] ;
        switch $(machine:L)
            case *mingw* : flavor ?= mingw ;

    local condition ;
    if $(flavor)
        condition = [ common.check-init-parameters avr
            : version $(version)
            : flavor $(flavor)
            ] ;
        condition = [ common.check-init-parameters avr
            : version $(version)
            ] ;
        condition = $(condition) ; #/<toolset-avr:flavor> ;

    common.handle-options avr : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;

    local linker = [ feature.get-values <linker-type> : $(options) ] ;
    # The logic below should actually be keyed on <target-os>
    if ! $(linker)
      linker = gnu ;
    gcc.init-link-flags avr $(linker) $(condition) ;

    # If it's not a system avr install we should adjust the various programs as
    # needed to prefer using the install specific versions. This is essential
    # for correct use of MinGW and for cross-compiling.
    local nl = "
" ;

    # - objcopy.
    local objcopy = [ common.get-invocation-command avr
            : [ NORMALIZE_PATH [ MATCH "(.*)[$(nl)]+" : [ SHELL
"$(command-string) -print-prog-name=objcopy" ] ] ]
            : [ feature.get-values <objcopy> : $(options) ]
            : $(bin)
            : search-path ] ;
    toolset.flags .OBJCOPY $(condition) : $(objcopy[1]) ;
    if $(.debug-configuration)
        ECHO notice: using avr objcopy :: $(condition) :: $(objcopy[1]) ;
     # - size.
    local gcc = $(command-string:D)/avr-gcc ;
    toolset.flags avr.compile.c .GCC $(condition) : $(gcc) ;
    if $(.debug-configuration)
        ECHO notice: using avr size :: $(condition) :: $(gcc) ;
     # - size.
    local size = $(command-string:D)/avr-size ;
    toolset.flags .SIZE $(condition) : $(size) ;
    if $(.debug-configuration)
        ECHO notice: using avr size :: $(condition) :: $(size) ;
    # - The archive builder.
    local archiver = [ common.get-invocation-command avr
            : [ NORMALIZE_PATH [ MATCH "(.*)[$(nl)]+" : [ SHELL
"$(command-string) -print-prog-name=ar" ] ] ]
            : [ feature.get-values <archiver> : $(options) ]
            : $(bin)
            : search-path ] ;
    toolset.flags avr.archive .AR $(condition) : $(archiver[1]) ;
    if $(.debug-configuration)
        ECHO notice: using avr archiver :: $(condition) :: $(archiver[1]) ;

    # - Ranlib
    local ranlib = [ common.get-invocation-command avr
            : [ NORMALIZE_PATH [ MATCH "(.*)[$(nl)]+" : [ SHELL
"$(command-string) -print-prog-name=ranlib" ] ] ]
            : [ feature.get-values <ranlib> : $(options) ]
            : $(bin)
            : search-path ] ;
    toolset.flags avr.archive .RANLIB $(condition) : $(ranlib[1]) ;
    if $(.debug-configuration)
        ECHO notice: using avr ranlib :: $(condition) :: $(ranlib[1]) ;

generators.register [ new gcc-linking-generator : LIB OBJ : EXE HEX EEP
MAP : <toolset>avr ] ;

actions compile.c++ bind PCH_FILE
   "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" $(LANG) -ftemplate-depth-$(TEMPLATE_DEPTH) $(OPTIONS)
-I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<:W)" "$(>:W)"

actions compile.c bind PCH_FILE
$(USER_OPTIONS) -D$(DEFINES) -I"$(PCH_FILE:D)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -c -o "$(<)"

actions link bind LIBRARIES
   "$(CONFIG_COMMAND)" --cref -s -Os -o "$(<[1])" "$(>)" "$(LIBRARIES)"
-l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -lm -Wl,-Map,$(<[4]),--cref -s -L"$(LINKPATH)" $(OPTIONS)
$(USER_OPTIONS) -mmcu=$(MCU)
   "$(.OBJCOPY)" -R .eeprom -O ihex "$(<[1])" "$(<[2])"
   "$(.OBJCOPY)" -j .eeprom --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0
-O ihex "$(<[1])" "$(<[3])"
   "$(.SIZE)" --format=avr --mcu=$(MCU) "$(<[1])"

Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at