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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Anyone know what's up with bug #7212?
From: Jurko Gospodnetić (jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-08-29 11:56:03


> The 'warning' problem mentioned in the bug ticket comments seems to
> be caused by the target system's include files (old version perhaps?)
> not declaring the strndup() function unless the _GNU_SOURCE symbol is
> defined, but that warning existed with Boost library 1.49 release and
> fixing it in the current trunk has no effect on the initial variable
> expansion problem. I'll fix that by rewriting the code to not use
> strndup() in the first place (will replace it with some
> malloc()/strncpy() combination).

   Done & committed in revision [80304].

   Since the change has been done 'blindly' - I'd appreciate it if
someone can test build Boost Jam on Linux and Free-BSD... :-)

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić

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