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Subject: Re: [Boost-build] [EXTERNAL] Re: Getting product dependencies from bjam
From: Mark E. Hamilton (mhamilt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-12-17 12:18:13

On 12/16/13 09:57, Steven Watanabe wrote:
> On 12/16/2013 08:41 AM, Mark E. Hamilton wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Is there way to get bjam to output a list of all dependencies of a
>> specified target in a format that we could then parse to extract the
>> top-level product and TPLs required to build that target? My first
>> thought was this:
>> bjam -d1 -k -a -n .. /some//target | sed parse_my_products
>> but like my manual attempt it only produces a list of things that
>> actually generate objects. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
> You can try -d+12 which dumps the full dependency
> graph.

Thanks. That sure dumps a boatload of data. I get about 604K lines, so
I'm not quite sure what I'll need to pick out of it. For example, in the
(partial) output below the substring within the <p...> tag seems in some
cases to be the directory containing the Jamfile, but in others is a
directory in the object tree.

Does the MPIH-object sub-string indicate that path is the project
directory? In this simple case I only get one unique substring with
MPIH-object in it, but in the full output some directories have it
multiple times (each with different @XXXXX values.)

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Mark E. Hamilton
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories

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