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Subject: [Boost-build] _MSC_VER error while compiling in VS IDE with my project
From: KH PushpaKumari (KH.PushpaKumari_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-06-03 11:12:49


I am trying to compile my project with VS 2015 since my 3rd party library is already built in VS 2015. My project uses boost 1.48.0 and not the 3rd party library.
When I compiled boost 1.58.0 or 1.60.0 on VS 2015 2015 command prompt, it compiled successfully. But when I add it into my project it throws the errors as in the attached file.

I have made the below changes after I checked in google. Kindly let me know your suggestions to clear off the error _MSC_VER.

1) For the error - Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results

Based on the suggestion in this url


I have made the below changes in "boost_1_48_0\boost\config\compiler\visualc.hpp":

// last known and checked version is 1600 (VC10, aka 2010):

//#if (_MSC_VER > 1700)

// last known and checked version is 19.00.23506 (VC++ 2015 Update 1):

#if (_MSC_VER > 1800 && _MSC_FULL_VER > 190023918)

2) For the error - 'gets': is not a member of '`global namespace'' cstdio (boost_1_48_0\boost\compatibility\cpp_c_headers\cstdio)

I changed using::gets to using::gets_s, since gets_s was the one which was available

3) For the error - syntax error: 'constant' xtime.hpp (boost_1_48_0\boost\thread\xtime.hpp)

I changed TIME_UTC to XTIME_UTC, since it was conflicting with standard time.h (as #define TIME_UTC 1)

Thanks & Regards,
Pushpa Kumari K.H

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