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Boost-Build :

Subject: Re: [Boost-build] feature, properties, variants, and all the rest
From: Chambers, Matthew (matt.chambers42_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-08-07 14:27:30

On 8/5/2017 9:56 PM, Stefan Seefeld via Boost-build wrote:
>> The need for propagated features stems from the fact that
>> Boost.Build allows multiple build configurations to be
>> handled simultaneously. They're basically used for anything
>> that would be global in other build systems, such as the toolset,
>> debug vs. release, static vs. shared, etc.
> Ah, right. Well, right now I don't support multiple build
> configurations. (You can clone artefacts and apply different sets of
> features to them all you want, such as a static and a shared version of
> a library. But still, both are represented as two distinct objects, and
> I haven't encountered the need to propagate features across the entire
> graph.)

lib a : a.cpp ;

exe b : b.cpp : <library>a.cpp/<link>shared ;
exe c : c.cpp : <library>a.cpp/<link>static ;

This very basic example illustrates the need for propagated features. I don't want to define (clone?) a twice.


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