       yes I tried the getting started page, and since I had never used the bjam tool to build, I was not sure what command line option to use. I was using the following command
O:\Boost\boost_1_33_0>bjam "-sTOOL=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET 2003\Vc7" install
instead of,
O:\Boost\boost_1_33_0>bjam "-sVC7_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET 2003\Vc7" install
So finally figured out how to compile that. (Location of my VC7 installation is in O:\Program Files and yes the version of VC 7 that I using us VC7.1)
Thanks anyway,
"Caleb Epstein" <caleb.epstein@gmail.com> wrote in message news:989aceac0512270540t335a18d7yef56ab7cdda0e49b@mail.gmail.com...
On 12/27/05, Divick Kishore <divick@sgi.com> wrote:
Hi can somebody tell me how shall I compile boost using VC7 on Windows?

Have you tried reading the Getting Started page?


Also, do you have VC7 or VC7.1?  I think VC7 is buggy enough to have problems compiling certain parts of Boost, but VC7.1 fares much better.

Caleb Epstein
caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com

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