On 10/8/07, Bojan Resnik <resnikb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting. Would you mind answering a couple of questions for me, so that
> I could get to the bottom of this:
> 1) My user-config.jam initially contained only:
> import toolset : using ;
> using msvc ;
> Does yours have anything more interesting that might be making the
> difference?

Since I have several versions of msvc, I use
   using msvc : all ;

Other than this, there is nothing else in user-config.jam.

> 2) I am using VC8SP1 on a current version of XP (32-bit). Any differences in
> your configuration?

I am using VC8 without the service pack, Windows XP SP2 32bit.

> 3) I am using the boost build that shipped with 1.34.1 (not M12). You?

I am using the SVN version. However, I think it has worked for a
while now, even with BB shipped with 1.34.1.

> 4) Would you be willing to build with the -d2 flag and paste a small snippet
> here so that I see what options are bing fed to the compiler?

Below is a part of output after running
     bjam -d+2 msvc-8.0 address-model=64 regex

I think something is wrong with your setup or installation, as I
don't get errors for using /favor:blend.

file bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\c_regex_traits.obj.rsp
-Fo"bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\c_regex_traits.obj "




compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\c_regex_traits.obj

   call "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
x86_amd64 >nul
cl /Zm800 -nologo

.\boost/regex/v4/c_regex_traits.hpp(38) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\c_regex_traits.hpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
.\boost/regex/v4/c_regex_traits.hpp(191) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\c_regex_traits.hpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
.\boost/regex/v4/primary_transform.hpp(24) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\primary_transform.hpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
.\boost/regex/v4/primary_transform.hpp(122) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\primary_transform.hpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
.\boost/regex/v4/regex_traits_defaults.hpp(23) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits_defaults.hpp'
: alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
.\boost/regex/v4/regex_traits_defaults.hpp(314) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits_defaults.hpp'
: alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
libs\regex\src\..\src\c_regex_traits.cpp(43) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\libs\regex\src\c_regex_traits.cpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)
libs\regex\src\..\src\c_regex_traits.cpp(203) : warning C4103:
'e:\third_party\boost- 1.34.1\libs\regex\src\c_regex_traits.cpp' :
alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing
#pragma pack(pop)

file bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\cpp_regex_traits.obj.rsp




compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\cpp_regex_traits.obj

   call "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
x86_amd64 >nul
cl /Zm800 -nologo
@"bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\cpp_regex_traits.obj.rsp "
Bojan Resnik
Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-build
Thanks for taking the time to post your configuration info for me. I am now getting the same results as you are. Summary, for others who may face similar error messages in the future:
The user-config and command that I tried in the beginning of this thread (essentially the same as the one that you are using), should work fine. That is, I have now confirmed on my primary 32 bit XP machine that:
### user-config.jam

import toolset : using ;
using msvc ;

### invocation
 bjam  address-model=64 regex
seems to work under cross compilation. I was using a travel laptop when I originally posted. The fact that I was gettting:

compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\regex\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\threading-multi\c_regex_traits.obj
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
was symptomatic of the fact that the 64-bit compilation tools had not been installed on that machine. Unfortunately, after reading through previous posts on this list, I started editing my user-config.jam file. My edits there created further problems, as did the other suggested edits in this thread. When my user-config.jam was restored to contain the plain "using msvc", all was well on my properly configured machine. But on the same (functioning) machine, all of the user-confg edits suggested above cause compilation to fail.
Thanks to all for the help in this thread,