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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] Labels for known failures
From: Michael Jackson (mike.jackson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-18 12:18:10
On May 18, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Brad King wrote:
> troy d. straszheim wrote:
>> Question #1: How do the settings in the script you posted relate
>> to the settings found in $CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/CTestConfig.cmake? Can
>> they be combined?
> The settings in the source tree are project-wide and have CDash
> submission
> information. These are shared by all submitters.
> The settings in the ctest scripts are specific to the individual
> clients.
> They control what compiler gets used, what options get built, etc.
>> #2: What is the recommended way to handle these cross-platform
>> bits? If you just execute 'ctest -D Nightly' in a configured
>> directory, you don't need to touch that stuff... since the
>> initial cmake step appears to seamlessly figure out what your
>> generator, make command, and update commands are, the intention was
>> to configure_file these settings over to the binary directory so
>> that the tester's job is:
>> 1. checkout source
>> 2. run cmake with -DBUILD_REGRESSION_TESTS=ON
>> 3. possibly customize a few (simple) variables in a file that was
>> generated in step 2 (but not ones involving implementation details
>> of cmake/ctest like CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR)
>> 4. run ctest manually, in a loop, or via cron/Task Scheduler
> This can work, but it is a lot of manual effort for a tester. Also,
> it is sometimes nice to just wipe the build tree to make sure things
> work from a clean state. In that case each tester would have to re-do
> these steps.
> OTOH the script method will work even if the tester wipes out the
> source
> tree and build tree. The next time the tests run the script will
> recreate
> them.
>> But I'm open to the idea that this doesn't make sense for some
>> reason. Your script does make it easier to see all of the
>> configuration in one place (very important). So we would maintain
>> one of those scripts per platform?
> The vxl project has one central script, and the per-machine details
> are
> configured by a small helper script written by each submitter. The
> helper script selects the compiler and sets the environment on each
> machine. The latter part cannot be maintained by any one developer
> because it is specific to each tester's machine.
> -Brad
Not sure if this is a help but with VTK/ParaView/CMake I do the
Create a shell script file with the following contents:
export KITWARE_DASHBOARD="/Users/Shared/Kitware-CVS/DashBoards/GCC"
# Generate the Notes File
echo " ####################### CMAKE DASHBOARD NOTES
#############################" > ${notesfile}
echo "Notes file for CMake Nightly Dashboard. This Dashboard is being
generated" >> ${notesfile}
echo "on a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo, 2.66 GHz, 2GB." >> ${notesfile}
echo "" >> ${notesfile}
echo "Questions about this Dashboard should be directed to imikejackson_at_[hidden]
" >> ${notesfile}
echo "" >> ${notesfile}
echo "--------- OS X Version Information --------" >> ${notesfile}
echo `sw_vers` >> ${notesfile}
echo "" >> ${notesfile}
echo "--------- GCC C++ Compiler Version Information --------" >> $
echo `gcc --version` >> ${notesfile}
echo "" >> ${notesfile}
echo "---------------- Ctest Script file
----------------------------------" >> ${notesfile}
cat ${KITWARE_DASHBOARD}/CMakeDashBoard.cmake >> ${notesfile}
ctest -S ${KITWARE_DASHBOARD}/CMakeDashBoard.cmake
# -------------------- EOF -------------------------------------
Then Create another file called CMakeDashBoard.cmake with the
following contents:
# This dashboard is maintained by Mike Jackson
# For any comments please contact imikejackson_at_[hidden]
# This machine is:
# Intel Core 2 Duo (2.66 GHz, 1 CPU, 2 cores)
# can run the following architectures: ppc, i386
# nVidia 8600m OpenGL Engine
# Mac OS X 10.5.6
# Xcode 3.1 tool chain
SET (CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "/Users/Shared/Kitware-CVS/CMake")
SET (CTEST_CVS_COMMAND "/usr/bin/cvs")
SET (CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT "${CTEST_CVS_COMMAND} -d :pserver:anonymous_at_[hidden]
:/cvsroot/CMake co -d \"${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}\" CMake")
# which ctest command to use for running the dashboard
"/Users/Shared/Toolkits/CMake-2.6.2/ctest -D Nightly -A \"/tmp/
CMakeDashBoardNotes-GCC.txt\" -O /Library/Logs/CMakeDashBoard-GCC.log"
# what cmake command to use for configuring this dashboard
# The values in this section are optional you can either
# have them or leave them commented out
# should ctest wipe the binary tree before running
# this is the initial cache to use for the binary tree, be careful to
# any quotes inside of this string if you use it
MAKECOMMAND:STRING=/usr/bin/make -j2
# set some extra environment variables
SET (RR_WARNINGS_COMMON "-Wall -Wextra -Wunused -Wpointer-arith -
Winvalid-pch -Wcast-align -Wdisabled-optimization")
SET (RR_WARNINGS_C "${RR_WARNINGS_COMMON} -Wno-deprecated-declarations
SET (RR_WARNINGS_CXX "${RR_WARNINGS_COMMON} -Woverloaded-virtual -
Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-null-sentinel")
SET (RR_DEBUG_COMMON "-gdwarf-2 -fstack-protector")
# set any extra envionment varibles here
#------------------ EOF ------------------------------------------
So I can have a cron task just run the first shell script and I can
submit a dashboard with all the options that I want. Again, Not sure
if that helps explain anything or not. Just posting as an example.
Mike Jackson