Boost Interest : |
Subject: [Boost-cmake] 1.40.0.cmake5 (?) builds cleanly
From: Denis Arnaud (denis.arnaud_boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-02 14:42:42
as Troy mentioned (http://lists.boost.org/boost-cmake/2009/10/0740.php), the
head of the 1.40.0 git branch allows generating the RPM packages for Fedora
11 on both 32 and 64bit platforms.
Just for information, I have updated the change request on Bugzilla:
We could maybe tag that version to 1.40.0.cmake5, couldn't we?
Thanks again for all that work (after that, in case everything goes well,
I'll try with the 1.41.0 branch)!