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Boost-Commit : |
From: asutton_at_[hidden]
Date: 2007-05-23 12:05:51
Author: asutton
Date: 2007-05-23 12:05:50 EDT (Wed, 23 May 2007)
New Revision: 4210
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/4210
added a new program (fuzzy) that performs the "six degrees" operation
except that edges are weighted in proportion to the number of roles
an actor has performed in. the result is longer chains with more
recognizable names.
Text files modified:
sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/Jamfile.v2 | 6 ++++++
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/Jamfile.v2
--- sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/Jamfile.v2 (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/Jamfile.v2 2007-05-23 12:05:50 EDT (Wed, 23 May 2007)
@@ -9,3 +9,9 @@
: <include>../../../../
: <optimization>speed
+exe imdb_fuzz_degrees
+ : fuzzy.cpp
+ : <include>../../../../
+ : <optimization>speed
+ ;
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/fuzzy.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs/libs/graph/examples/imdb/fuzzy.cpp 2007-05-23 12:05:50 EDT (Wed, 23 May 2007)
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+// (C) Copyright Andrew Sutton 2007
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// std includes
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+// boost includes
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/graph_as_matrix.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace boost;
+struct Actor;
+typedef shared_ptr<Actor> ActorPtr;
+struct Role;
+typedef shared_ptr<Role> RolePtr;
+typedef vector<RolePtr> RoleVector;
+struct Role
+ string production;
+ string year;
+ string role;
+ string key;
+ unsigned media;
+struct Actor
+ string name;
+ RoleVector roles;
+// these flags are used to filter selections when constructing
+// the graph - they also indicate a type of media.
+static const unsigned MOVIE = 0x01;
+static const unsigned VIDEO = 0x02;
+static const unsigned SERIES = 0x04;
+static const unsigned SHOW = 0x08;
+// graph structures
+struct VertexProperty;
+struct EdgeProperty;
+// typedef undirected_graph<VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph;
+typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph;
+typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
+typedef Graph::edge_descriptor Edge;
+// various maps to help help us associate names with movies
+// and actors.
+typedef map<string, Vertex> NameMap;
+// The VertexProperty structure encodes additonal information about
+// a vertex in the graph. Rather than trying to build a more common
+// co-citation graph (in which people are connected by a production)
+// we are building a multi-graph that contains both people and
+// productions and vertices. This is definitely a bipartite graph.
+// Note that rather than have this property point to the parsed
+// actors and movie objects, we duplicate much of that data here.
+// It's a size optimization and could potentially halve the amount
+// of memory required.
+// Interestingly, this graph has some interesting semantics. The
+// adjacent vertices of an actor vertex represent his or her
+// filmography while adjacent vertices of of a movie vertex
+// represent its cast (at least the "important" members thereof).
+struct VertexProperty
+ // properties needed to support different algorithms
+ int index;
+ float distance;
+ Vertex parent;
+ // domain-specific properties
+ enum { ACTOR, MOVIE } type;
+ string name;
+// The EdgeProperty structure represents roles played by actors
+// in various productions. I don't really need to keep track of
+// this stuff, but it makes the program a little more interesting
+// (and consumes more memory).
+struct EdgeProperty
+ // properties required for different algorithms
+ float weight;
+ // domain-specific properties
+ string role;
+// property maps
+typedef property_map<Graph, int VertexProperty::*>::type VertexIndexMap;
+typedef property_map<Graph, float VertexProperty::*>::type VertexDistanceMap;
+typedef property_map<Graph, Vertex VertexProperty::*>::type VertexParentMap;
+typedef property_map<Graph, float EdgeProperty::*>::type EdgeWeightMap;
+parse_movie(const string& str)
+ unsigned media = 0;
+ // look for the first left paren because it definitely marks the
+ // end of the movie name
+ size_t left = str.find_first_of('(');
+ if(left == string::npos) {
+ return RolePtr();
+ }
+ string name(str, 0, left - 1);
+ // good to know... if there's no leading quotes then this is a movie.
+ // if there are quotes, we automatically know that its a tv series or
+ // mini series.
+ if(name[0] != '\"') {
+ // this might be a movie, but it could be a tv show or a straight
+ // to video movie (like a porn)
+ media = MOVIE;
+ }
+ else {
+ // this is definitely series - it could be a mini series
+ media = SERIES;
+ }
+ // we should now be in good shape to get the year
+ size_t right = str.find_first_of(')', left + 1);
+ if(right == string::npos) {
+ return RolePtr();
+ }
+ string year(str, left + 1, right - left - 1);
+ // if we believe that this is a movie, then we should look for
+ // the next paren after the date since it should contain either
+ // (TV), (V), or be absent
+ bool archive = false;
+ if(media == MOVIE) {
+ left = str.find_first_of('(', right + 1);
+ if(left != string::npos) {
+ char c = str[left + 1];
+ if(c == 'T') {
+ media = SHOW;
+ }
+ else if(c == 'V') {
+ // this might also be a video game so beware...
+ media = VIDEO;
+ }
+ else if(c == 'a') {
+ // this is probably archive footage, which means
+ // that we should safely ignore it.
+ archive = true;
+ }
+ else if(str[left + 1] == 'u') {
+ // the role is uncredited - leaving this in just makes
+ // for more fun...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if we found archive footage, just bail now..
+ if(archive) {
+ return RolePtr();
+ }
+ // can we find the role?
+ string who;
+ left = str.find_first_of('[', right + 1);
+ if(left != string::npos) {
+ right = str.find_first_of(']', left + 1);
+ if(right != string::npos) {
+ who = str.substr(left + 1, right - left - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // generate the return role
+ RolePtr role(new Role());
+ role->production = name;
+ role->year = year;
+ role->role = who;
+ role->key = name + " (" + year + ")";
+ role->media = media;
+ return role;
+add_actor(Graph& g, NameMap& actors, const ActorPtr& actor)
+ // try inserting the actors name into the actors map
+ Vertex v;
+ NameMap::iterator it;
+ bool inserted;
+ const string& name = actor->name;
+ tie(it, inserted) = actors.insert(make_pair(name, Vertex()));
+ if(inserted) {
+ // if the name was actually inserted, then add a new vertex
+ // to the graph, configure the entry in the map, and set
+ // the actors name
+ v = add_vertex(g);
+ it->second = v;
+ // configure the vertex
+ g[v].index = num_vertices(g) - 1;
+ g[v].name = name;
+ g[v].type = VertexProperty::ACTOR;
+ }
+ else {
+ // otherwise, the name is already in the map, so just
+ // return the iterator associated with it
+ v = it->second;
+ }
+ return v;
+add_movie(Graph& g, NameMap& movies, const RolePtr& role)
+ // try inserting the actors name into the actors map
+ Vertex v;
+ NameMap::iterator it;
+ bool inserted;
+ const string& key = role->key;
+ tie(it, inserted) = movies.insert(make_pair(key, Vertex()));
+ if(inserted) {
+ // if the name was actually inserted, then add a new vertex
+ // to the graph, configure the entry in the map, and set
+ // the actors name
+ v = add_vertex(g);
+ it->second = v;
+ // configure the vertex
+ g[v].index = num_vertices(g) - 1;
+ g[v].name = key;
+ g[v].type = VertexProperty::MOVIE;
+ }
+ else {
+ // otherwise, the name is already in the map, so just
+ // return the iterator associated with it
+ v = it->second;
+ }
+ return v;
+// The computation of a "fuzzy" six degrees only really varies in this function.
+// Essentially, we're going to compute weights for the edges based on the popularity
+// or more appropriately, the "I've been around..." property. Essentially, the edge
+// is weighted by the number of movies the actor has been in - or the reciprical
+// of that value. Essentially, it should be easier to follow links through more
+// popular actors.
+add_role(Graph& g, Vertex actor, Vertex movie, const RolePtr& role, size_t weight)
+ Edge e;
+ bool inserted;
+ tie(e, inserted) = add_edge(actor, movie, g);
+ if(inserted) {
+ g[e].weight = 1.0 / (float)(weight * weight);
+ g[e].role = role->role;
+ }
+ return e;
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ // set the current filter to movies only
+ unsigned filter = MOVIE;
+ size_t minimum = 1;
+ // collect some stats on numbers of people/roles
+ typedef pair<size_t, size_t> Stats;
+ Stats role_stats(0, 0);
+ Stats actor_stats(0, 0);
+ // Graph data;
+ Graph g;
+ NameMap actors;
+ NameMap movies;
+ cerr << "building graph from input files\n";
+ for(int a = 1; a < argc; ++a) {
+ ifstream is(argv[a]);
+ if(!is) {
+ cerr << "can't open file '" << argv[a] << "'\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ // parse out the data - note, reset the line count each time
+ // but not the actor or movies maps
+ ActorPtr actor;
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ for(string line; getline(is, line); ++count) {
+ if(count % 100000 == 0) {
+ cerr << "... line: " << count
+ << ", actors: " << actors.size()
+ << ", movies: " << movies.size()
+ << "\n";
+ }
+ if(line.empty()) {
+ // we're going to create a simple graph file such that each
+ // line contains the name of an actor and a role the actor
+ // participates in. This is actually an interesting type of
+ // bigraph - actors are connected to movies (only) - i hope.
+ if(actor->roles.size() >= minimum) {
+ // add the actor the graph
+ Vertex u = add_actor(g, actors, actor);
+ RoleVector::iterator
+ i = actor->roles.begin(),
+ j = actor->roles.end();
+ for( ; i != j; ++i) {
+ RolePtr role = *i;
+ // add the movie as a vertex
+ Vertex v = add_movie(g, movies, role);
+ // add the actor to the cast (or the movie to the
+ // the actor's filmography).
+ add_role(g, u, v, role, actor->roles.size());
+ ++role_stats.first;
+ }
+ ++actor_stats.first;
+ }
+ ++actor_stats.second;
+ }
+ else if(line[0] == '\t') {
+ // this line contains a role in a movie, so we're going strip
+ // the whitespace and parse it
+ RolePtr role = parse_movie(trim_copy(line));
+ // does the role match the filter?
+ if(role && (role->media & filter)) {
+ // store the role for the actor
+ if(actor) {
+ actor->roles.push_back(role);
+ }
+ }
+ ++role_stats.second;
+ }
+ else {
+ // grab the actor's name - it's the first tab separated
+ // column in the data
+ size_t index = line.find_first_of('\t');
+ string name(line, 0, index);
+ string movie(line, index + 1);
+ // this is an actor line so we should instantiate and configure
+ // it now...
+ actor = ActorPtr(new Actor());
+ actor->name = name;
+ // the actors first (latest?) role should be the remainder of
+ // this line...
+ RolePtr role = parse_movie(trim_copy(movie));
+ // does this movie match the filter? if so, then we're going
+ // to keep it... otherwise, delete it
+ if(role && (role->media & filter)) {
+ actor->roles.push_back(role);
+ }
+ ++role_stats.second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cerr << "finished building graph\n";
+ cerr << "actors: " << actor_stats.first << " / " << actor_stats.second << "\n";
+ cerr << "roles: " << role_stats.first << " / " << role_stats.second << "\n";
+ // start accumulating property maps for dijkstra's algorithm.
+ // these references never change even though the contents of them might.
+ VertexIndexMap indices = get(&VertexProperty::index, g);
+ VertexDistanceMap distances = get(&VertexProperty::distance, g);
+ VertexParentMap parents = get(&VertexProperty::parent, g);
+ EdgeWeightMap weights = get(&EdgeProperty::weight, g);
+ while(cin) {
+ string src, dst;
+ cout << "enter the first actor: ";
+ getline(cin, src);
+ if(!cin) break; // catch ^D and exit
+ NameMap::iterator vsrc = actors.find(src);
+ if(vsrc == actors.end()) {
+ cout << "could not find actor '" << src << "'\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ Vertex u = vsrc->second;
+ cout << "enter the second actor: ";
+ getline(cin, dst);
+ if(!cin) break; // catch ^D and exit
+ NameMap::iterator vdst = actors.find(dst);
+ if(vdst == actors.end()) {
+ cout << "could not find actor '" << dst << "'\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ Vertex v = vdst->second;
+ // run the algorithm... (this might take a while)
+ // note that the pseudo code claims that this will
+ // reinitialize distances and predecessors
+ //
+ // TODO - since all edge weights are 1, we could conceivably
+ // use BFS to solve this problem - it would pobably be much more
+ // efficient.
+ cout << "computing shortest path (please wait)... " << "\n";
+ dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, u,
+ // named parameters
+ vertex_index_map(indices)
+ .distance_map(distances)
+ .predecessor_map(parents)
+ .weight_map(weights)
+ );
+ // print the movies in which the actors appear by iterating over
+ // the elements in the predecessor map
+ int step = 1;
+ while(v != u) {
+ // get the parent movie and its parent actor
+ Vertex m = parents[v]; // this _must_ be a movie
+ Vertex p = parents[m]; // and this _must_ be the next closest actor
+ // get the edges associated with those links
+ Edge from_edge, to_edge;
+ bool from_found, to_found;
+ tie(from_edge, from_found) = edge(v, m, g);
+ tie(to_edge, to_found) = edge(m, p, g);
+ // get the actor names and the movie name
+ string from = g[v].name;
+ string to = g[p].name;
+ string in = g[m].name;
+ // find the role names (for completeness)
+ string from_role = g[from_edge].role;
+ string to_role = g[to_edge].role;
+ if(from_role.empty()) from_role = "unlisted";
+ if(to_role.empty()) to_role = "unlisted";
+ cout << step++ << ". "
+ << from << " [as " << from_role << "]"
+ << " stars in '" << in << "' with "
+ << to << " [as " << to_role << "]"
+ << "\n";
+ // move to the next predecessor (actually up by 2)
+ v = p;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk