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From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2007-08-22 09:21:26
Author: pbristow
Date: 2007-08-22 09:21:25 EDT (Wed, 22 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 38843
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/38843
New examples for normal
sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/example/normal_misc_examples.cpp (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/example/normal_misc_examples.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/example/normal_misc_examples.cpp 2007-08-22 09:21:25 EDT (Wed, 22 Aug 2007)
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+// negative_binomial_example3.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of using normal distribution.
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the normal distribution
+(and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+ using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <iostream>
+ using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::left; using std::showpoint; using std::noshowpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+ using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+ using std::numeric_limits;
+int main()
+ cout << "Example: Normal distribution, Miscellaneous Applications.";
+ try
+ {
+ { // Traditional tables and values.
+/*`Let's start by printing some traditional tables.
+ double step = 1.; // in z
+ double range = 4; // min and max z = -range to +range.
+ int precision = 17; // traditional tables are only computed to much lower precision.
+ // Construct a standard normal distribution s
+ normal s; // (default mean = zero, and standard deviation = unity)
+ cout << "Standard normal distribution, mean = "<< s.mean()
+ << ", standard deviation = " << s.standard_deviation() << endl;
+/*` First the probability distribution function (pdf).
+ cout << "Probability distribution function values" << endl;
+ cout << " z " " pdf " << endl;
+ cout.precision(5);
+ for (double z = -range; z < range + step; z += step)
+ {
+ cout << left << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << z << " "
+ << setprecision(precision) << setw(12) << pdf(s, z) << endl;
+ }
+ cout.precision(6); // default
+ /*`And the area under the normal curve from -[infin] upto z,
+ the cumulative distribution function (cdf).
+ // For a standard normal distribution
+ cout << "Standard normal mean = "<< s.mean()
+ << ", standard deviation = " << s.standard_deviation() << endl;
+ cout << "Integral (area under the curve) from - infinity upto z " << endl;
+ cout << " z " " cdf " << endl;
+ for (double z = -range; z < range + step; z += step)
+ {
+ cout << left << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << z << " "
+ << setprecision(precision) << setw(12) << cdf(s, z) << endl;
+ }
+ cout.precision(6); // default
+/*`And all this you can do with a nanoscopic amount of work compared to
+the team of *human computers* toiling with Milton Abramovitz and Irene Stegen
+at the US National Bureau of Standards (now [@www.nist.gov NIST]).
+Starting in 1938, their "Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables",
+was eventually published in 1964, and has been reprinted numerous times since.
+(A major replacement is planned at [@http://dlmf.nist.gov Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]).
+Pretty-printing a traditional 2-dimensional table is left as an exercise for the student,
+but why bother now that the Math Toolkit lets you write
+ double z = 2.;
+ cout << "Area for z = " << z << " is " << cdf(s, z) << endl; // to get the area for z.
+Correspondingly, we can obtain the traditional 'critical' values for significance levels.
+For the 95% confidence level, the significance level usually called alpha,
+is 0.05 = 1 - 0.95 (for a one-sided test), so we can write
+ cout << "95% of area has a z below " << quantile(s, 0.95) << endl;
+ // 95% of area has a z below 1.64485
+/*`and a two-sided test (a comparison between two levels, rather than a one-sided test)
+ cout << "95% of area has a z between " << quantile(s, 0.975)
+ << " and " << -quantile(s, 0.975) << endl;
+ // 95% of area has a z between 1.95996 and -1.95996
+First, define a table of significance levels: these are the probabilities
+that the true occurrence frequency lies outside the calculated interval.
+It is convenient to have an alpha level for the probability that z lies outside just one standard deviation.
+This will not be some nice neat number like 0.05, but we can easily calculate it,
+ double alpha1 = cdf(s, -1) * 2; // 0.3173105078629142
+ cout << setprecision(17) << "Significance level for z == 1 is " << alpha1 << endl;
+ and place in our array of favorite alpha values.
+ double alpha[] = {0.3173105078629142, // z for 1 standard deviation.
+ 0.20, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+Confidence value as % is (1 - alpha) * 100 (so alpha 0.05 == 95% confidence)
+that the true occurrence frequency lies *inside* the calculated interval.
+ cout << "level of significance (alpha)" << setprecision(4) << endl;
+ cout << "2-sided 1 -sided z(alpha) " << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+ {
+ cout << setw(15) << alpha[i] << setw(15) << alpha[i] /2 << setw(10) << quantile(complement(s, alpha[i]/2)) << endl;
+ // Use quantile(complement(s, alpha[i]/2)) to avoid potential loss of accuracy from quantile(s, 1 - alpha[i]/2)
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+/*`Notice the distinction between one-sided (also called one-tailed)
+where we are using a > *or* < test (and not both)
+and considering the area of the tail (integral) from z upto +[infin],
+and a two-sided test where we are using two > *and* < tests, and thus considering two tails,
+from -[infin] upto z low and z high upto +[infin].
+So the 2-sided values alpha[i] are calculated using alpha[i]/2.
+If we consider a simple example of alpha = 0.05, then for a two-sided test,
+the lower tail area from -[infin] upto -1.96 is 0.025 (alpha/2)
+and the upper tail area from +z upto +1.96 is also 0.025 (alpha/2),
+and the area between -1.96 upto 12.96 is alpha = 0.95.
+and the sum of the two tails is 0.025 + 0.025 = 0.05,
+//] [/[normal_basic1]
+/*`Armed with the cumulative distribution function, we can easily calculate the
+easy to remember proportion of values that lie within 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations from the mean.
+ cout.precision(3);
+ cout << showpoint << "cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) = "
+ << cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) << endl; // from -infinity to 1 sd
+ cout << "cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) = "
+ << cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) << endl;
+ cout << "Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is "
+ << 1 - cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+ cout << "Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is "
+ << 1 - cdf(complement(s, 2 * s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+ cout << "Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is "
+ << 1 - cdf(complement(s, 3 * s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+To a useful precision, the 1, 2 & 3 percentages are 68, 95 and 99.7,
+and these are worth memorising as useful 'rules of thumb', as, for example, in
+[@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation standard deviation]
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.683
+Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954
+Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997
+We could of course get some really accurate values for these
+[@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_interval confidence intervals]
+by using cout.precision(15);
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.682689492137086
+Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954499736103642
+Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997300203936740
+But before you get too excited about this impressive precision,
+don't forget that the *confidence intervals of the standard deviation* are surprisingly wide,
+especially if you have estimated the standard deviation from only a few measurements.
+//] [/[normal_basic2]
+Examples from K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125... implemented using the Math Toolkit library.
+A few very simple examples are shown here:
+// K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, example 10.3.5
+/*`Mean lifespan of 100 W bulbs is 1100 h with standard deviation of 100 h.
+Assuming, perhaps with little evidence and much faith, that the distribution is normal,
+we construct a normal distribution called /bulbs/ with these values:
+ double mean_life = 1100.;
+ double life_standard_deviation = 100.;
+ normal bulbs(mean_life, life_standard_deviation);
+ double expected_life = 1000.;
+/*`The we can use the Cumulative distribution function to predict fractions
+(or percentages, if * 100) that will last various lifetimes.
+ cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last at best (<=) " // P(X <= 1000)
+ << expected_life << " is "<< cdf(bulbs, expected_life) << endl;
+ cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last at least (>) " // P(X > 1000)
+ << expected_life << " is "<< cdf(complement(bulbs, expected_life)) << endl;
+ double min_life = 900;
+ double max_life = 1200;
+ cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last between "
+ << min_life << " and " << max_life << " is "
+ << cdf(bulbs, max_life) // P(X <= 1200)
+ - cdf(bulbs, min_life) << endl; // P(X <= 900)
+[note Real-life failures are often very ab-normal,
+with a significant number that 'dead-on-arrival' or suffer failure very early in their life:
+the lifetime of the suvivors of 'early mortality' may be well described by the normal distribution.]
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example1 Quickbook end]
+ }
+ {
+ // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, Example 10.3.6
+/*`Weekly demand for 5 lb sacks of onions at a store is normally distributed with mean 140 sacks and standard deviation 10.
+ double mean = 140.; // sacks per week.
+ double standard_deviation = 10;
+ normal sacks(mean, standard_deviation);
+ double stock = 160.; // per week.
+ cout << "Percentage of weeks overstocked "
+ << cdf(sacks, stock) * 100. << endl; // P(X <=160)
+ // Percentage of weeks overstocked 97.7
+/*`So there will be lots of mouldy onions!
+So we should be able to say what stock level will meet demand 95% of the weeks.
+ double stock_95 = quantile(sacks, 0.95);
+ cout << "Store should stock " << int(stock_95) << " sacks to meet 95% of demands." << endl;
+/*`And it is easy to estimate how to meet 80% of demand, and waste even less.
+ double stock_80 = quantile(sacks, 0.80);
+ cout << "Store should stock " << int(stock_80) << " sacks to meet 8 out of 10 demands." << endl;
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example3 Quickbook end]
+ }
+ { // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, Example 10.3.7
+/*`A machine is set to pack 3 kg of ground beef per pack.
+Over a long period of time it is found that the average packed was 3 kg
+with a standard deviation of 0.1 kg.
+Assuming the packing is normally distributed,
+we can find the fraction (or %) of packages that weigh more than 3.1 kg.
+double mean = 3.; // kg
+double standard_deviation = 0.1; // kg
+normal packs(mean, standard_deviation);
+double max_weight = 3.1; // kg
+cout << "Percentage of packs > " << max_weight << " is "
+<< cdf(complement(packs, max_weight)) << endl; // P(X > 3.1)
+double under_weight = 2.9;
+cout <<"fraction of packs <= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs <= 2.9 with a mean of 3 is 0.841345
+// This is 0.84 - more than the target 0.95
+// Want 95% to be over this weight, so what should we set the mean weight to be?
+// KK StatCalc says:
+double over_mean = 3.0664;
+normal xpacks(over_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+<< " with a mean of " << xpacks.mean()
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(xpacks, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3.06449 is 0.950005
+double under_fraction = 0.05; // so 95% are above the minimum weight mean - sd = 2.9
+double low_limit = standard_deviation;
+double offset = mean - low_limit - quantile(packs, under_fraction);
+double nominal_mean = mean + offset;
+normal nominal_packs(nominal_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Setting the packer to " << nominal_mean << " will mean that "
+ << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(nominal_packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95.
+Setting the packer to 3.13263 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.99,
+but will more than double the mean loss from 0.0644 to 0.133.
+Alternatively, we could invest in a better (more precise) packer with a lower standard deviation.
+To estimate how much better (how much smaller standard deviation) it would have to be,
+we need to get the 5% quantile to be located at the under_weight limit, 2.9
+double p = 0.05; // wanted p th quantile.
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(packs, p)
+ << ", mean = " << packs.mean() << ", sd = " << packs.standard_deviation() << endl; //
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.83551, mean = 3, sd = 0.1
+With the current packer (mean = 3, sd = 0.1), the 5% quantile is at 2.8551 kg,
+a little below our target of 2.9 kg.
+So we know that the standard deviation is going to have to be smaller.
+Let's start by guessing that it (now 0.1) needs to be halved, to a standard deviation of 0.05
+normal pack05(mean, 0.05);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack05, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack05.mean() << ", sd = " << pack05.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+ << " and standard deviation of " << pack05.standard_deviation()
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(pack05, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.05 is 0.9772
+So 0.05 was quite a good guess, but we are a little over the 2.9 target,
+so the standard deviation could be a tiny bit more. So we could do some
+more guessing to get closer, say by increasing to 0.06
+normal pack06(mean, 0.06);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack06, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack06.mean() << ", sd = " << pack06.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+ << " and standard deviation of " << pack06.standard_deviation()
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(pack06, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.06 is 0.9522
+Now we are getting really close, but to do the job properly,
+we could use root finding method, for example the tools provided, and used elsewhere,
+in the Math Toolkit, see
+[link math_toolkit.toolkit.internals1.roots2 Root Finding Without Derivatives].
+But in this normal distribution case, we could be even smarter and make a direct calculation.
+normal s; // For standard normal distribution,
+double sd = 0.1;
+double x = 2.9; // Our required limit.
+// then probability p = N((x - mean) / sd)
+// So if we want to find the standard deviation that would be required to meet this limit,
+// so that the p th quantile is located at x,
+// in this case the 0.95 (95%) quantile at 2.9 kg pack weight, when the mean is 3 kg.
+double prob = pdf(s, (x - mean) / sd);
+double qp = quantile(s, 0.95);
+cout << "prob = " << prob << ", quantile(p) " << qp << endl; // p = 0.241971, quantile(p) 1.64485
+// Rearranging, we can directly calculate the required standard deviation:
+double sd95 = abs((x - mean)) / qp;
+cout << "If we want the "<< p << " th quantile to be located at "
+ << x << ", would need a standard deviation of " << sd95 << endl;
+normal pack95(mean, sd95); // Distribution of the 'ideal better' packer.
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+ << " and standard deviation of " << pack95.standard_deviation()
+ << " is " << cdf(complement(pack95, under_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0608 is 0.95
+/*`Notice that these two deceptively simple questions
+(do we over-fill or measure better) are actually very common.
+The weight of beef might be replaced by a measurement of more or less anything.
+But the calculations rely on the accuracy of the standard deviation - something
+that is almost always less good than we might wish,
+especially if based on a few measurements.
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example4 Quickbook end]
+ }
+// So we should package this as estimate_mean and sd????
+ { // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, example 10.3.8
+/*`A bolt is usable if between 3.9 and 4.1 long.
+From a large batch of bolts, a sample of 50 show a
+mean length of 3.95 with standard deviation 0.1.
+Assuming a normal distribution, what proportion is usable?
+The true sample mean is unknown,
+but we can use the sample mean and standard deviation to find approximate solutions.
+ normal bolts(3.95, 0.1);
+ double top = 4.1;
+ double bottom = 3.9;
+cout << "Fraction long enough [ P(X <= " << top << ") ] is " << cdf(bolts, top) << endl;
+cout << "Fraction too short [ P(X <= " << bottom << ") ] is " << cdf(bolts, bottom) << endl;
+cout << "Fraction OK -between " << bottom << " and " << top
+ << "[ P(X <= " << top << ") - P(X<= " << bottom << " ) ] is "
+ << cdf(bolts, top) - cdf(bolts, bottom) << endl;
+cout << "Fraction too long [ P(X > " << top << ") ] is "
+ << cdf(complement(bolts, top)) << endl;
+cout << "95% of bolts are shorter than " << quantile(bolts, 0.95) << endl;
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example5 Quickbook end]
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception& e)
+ { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow.
+ // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+ // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+ std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} // int main()
+Output is:
+Autorun "i:\boost-06-05-03-1300\libs\math\test\Math_test\debug\normal_misc_examples.exe"
+Example: Normal distribution, Miscellaneous Applications.Standard normal distribution, mean = 0, standard deviation = 1
+Probability distribution function values
+ z pdf
+-4 0.00013383022576488537
+-3 0.0044318484119380075
+-2 0.053990966513188063
+-1 0.24197072451914337
+0 0.3989422804014327
+1 0.24197072451914337
+2 0.053990966513188063
+3 0.0044318484119380075
+4 0.00013383022576488537
+Standard normal mean = 0, standard deviation = 1
+Integral (area under the curve) from - infinity upto z
+ z cdf
+-4 3.1671241833119979e-005
+-3 0.0013498980316300959
+-2 0.022750131948179219
+-1 0.1586552539314571
+0 0.5
+1 0.84134474606854293
+2 0.97724986805182079
+3 0.9986501019683699
+4 0.99996832875816688
+Area for z = 2 is 0.97725
+95% of area has a z below 1.64485
+95% of area has a z between 1.95996 and -1.95996
+Significance level for z == 1 is 0.3173105078629142
+level of significance (alpha)
+2-sided 1 -sided z(alpha)
+0.3173 0.1587 1
+0.2 0.1 1.282
+0.1 0.05 1.645
+0.05 0.025 1.96
+0.01 0.005 2.576
+0.001 0.0005 3.291
+0.0001 5e-005 3.891
+1e-005 5e-006 4.417
+cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) = 0.841
+cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) = 0.159
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.683
+Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954
+Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997
+Fraction of bulbs that will last at best (<=) 1.00e+003 is 0.159
+Fraction of bulbs that will last at least (>) 1.00e+003 is 0.841
+Fraction of bulbs that will last between 900. and 1.20e+003 is 0.819
+Percentage of weeks overstocked 97.7
+Store should stock 156 sacks to meet 95% of demands.
+Store should stock 148 sacks to meet 8 out of 10 demands.
+Percentage of packs > 3.10 is 0.159
+fraction of packs <= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 is 0.841
+fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.07 is 0.952
+Setting the packer to 3.06 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.90 is 0.950
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.84, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.100
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.92, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.0500
+Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0500 is 0.977
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.90, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.0600
+Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0600 is 0.952
+prob = 0.242, quantile(p) 1.64
+If we want the 0.0500 th quantile to be located at 2.90, would need a standard deviation of 0.0608
+Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0608 is 0.950
+Fraction long enough [ P(X <= 4.10) ] is 0.933
+Fraction too short [ P(X <= 3.90) ] is 0.309
+Fraction OK -between 3.90 and 4.10[ P(X <= 4.10) - P(X<= 3.90 ) ] is 0.625
+Fraction too long [ P(X > 4.10) ] is 0.0668
+95% of bolts are shorter than 4.11
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk