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Boost-Commit : |
From: lists.drrngrvy_at_[hidden]
Date: 2007-11-10 11:27:00
Author: drrngrvy
Date: 2007-11-10 11:26:59 EST (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 40994
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/40994
Actually adding the two other in-depth sections, and adding the FAQ.
sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/faq.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser_context.qbk (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/spirit.qbk | 1 +
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Added: sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/faq.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/faq.qbk 2007-11-10 11:26:59 EST (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+[section:faq Frequently Asked Questions]
+[section The Scanner Business]
+[red Question:] Why doesn't this compile?
+ rule<> r = /*...*/;
+ parse("hello world", r, space_p); // BAD [attempts phrase level parsing]
+But if I remove the skip-parser, everything goes back to normal again:
+ rule<> r = *anychar_p;
+ parse("hello world", r); // OK [character level parsing]
+Sometimes you'll want to pass in a rule to one of the parse functions that Spirit provides. The problem is that the rule is a template class that is parameterized by the scanner type. This is rather awkward but unavoidable: [*the rule is tied to a scanner]. What's not obvious is that this scanner must be compatible with the scanner that is ultimately passed to the rule's parse member function. Otherwise, the compiler will complain.
+Why does the first call to parse not compile? Because of scanner incompatibility. Behind the scenes, the free parse function creates a scanner from the iterators passed in. In the first call to `parse`, the scanner created is a plain vanilla `scanner<>`. This is compatible with the default scanner type of `rule<>` \[see default template parameters of the [link \__rule__ rule]\]. The second call creates a scanner of type `phrase_scanner_t`. Thus, in order for the second call to succeed, the rule must be parameterized as `rule<phrase_scanner_t>`:
+ rule<phrase_scanner_t> r = *anychar_p;
+ parse("hello world", r, space_p); // OK [phrase level parsing]
+Take note however that `phrase_scanner_t` is compatible only when you are using `char const*` iterators and `space_p` as the skip parser. Other than that, you'll have to find the right type of scanner. This is tedious to do correctly. In light of this issue, [*it is best to avoid rules as arguments to the `parse` functions]. Keep in mind that this happens only with rules. The `rule` is the only parser that has to be tied to a particular scanner type. For instance:
+ parse("hello world", *anychar_p); // OK [character level parsing]
+ parse("hello world", *anychar_p, space_p); // OK [phrase level parsing]
+[note [*Multiple Scanner Support]
+As of v1.8.0, rules can use one or more scanner types. There are cases, for instance, where we need a rule that can work on the phrase and character levels. Rule/scanner mismatch has been a source of confusion and is the [link __FAQ__.the_scanner_business no. 1 FAQ]. To address this issue, we now have multiple scanner support.
+__bulb__ See the techniques section for an [link __techniques__#multi_scanner_support example] of a [link __grammar__ grammar] using a multiple scanner enabled `rule`, `lexeme_scanner` and `as_lower_scanner`.
+[endsect][/ the_scanner_business]
+[section Eliminating Left Recursion]
+[red Question:] I ported a grammar from YACC. It's "kinda" working - the parser itself compiles with no errors. But when I try to parse, it gives me an "invalid page fault". I tracked down the problem to this grammar snippet:
+ or_expr = xor_expr | (or_expr >> VBAR >> xor_expr);
+What you should do is to eliminate direct and indirect left-recursion. This causes the invalid page fault because the program enters an infinite loop. The code above is good for bottom up parsers such as YACC but not for LL parsers such as Spirit.
+This is similar to a rule in Hartmut Kaiser's C parser (this should be available for download from [@http://spirit.sf.net Spirit's site] as soon as you read this).
+ inclusive_or_expression
+ = exclusive_or_expression
+ | inclusive_or_expression >> OR >> exclusive_or_expression
+ ;
+Transforming left recursion to right recursion, we have:
+ inclusive_or_expression
+ = exclusive_or_expression >> inclusive_or_expression_helper
+ ;
+ inclusive_or_expression_helper
+ = OR >> exclusive_or_expression >> inclusive_or_expression_helper
+ | epsilon_p
+ ;
+I'd go further. Since:
+ r = a | epsilon_p;
+is equivalent to:
+ r = !a;
+we can simplify `inclusive_or_expression_helper` thus:
+ inclusive_or_expression_helper
+ = !(OR >> exclusive_or_expression >> inclusive_or_expression_helper)
+ ;
+Now, since:
+ r = !(a >> r);
+is equivalent to:
+ r = *a;
+we have:
+ inclusive_or_expression_helper
+ = *(OR >> exclusive_or_expression)
+ ;
+Now simplifying `inclusive_or_expression` fully, we have:
+ inclusive_or_expression
+ = exclusive_or_expression >> *(OR >> exclusive_or_expression)
+ ;
+Reminds me of the calculators. So in short:
+ a = b | a >> op >> b;
+in pseudo-YACC is:
+ a = b >> *(op >> b);
+in Spirit. What could be simpler? Look Ma, no recursion, just iteration.
+[endsect][/ elminiating_left_recursion]
+[section Implementing Right Associativity]
+[red Question:] I tried adding `'^'` as an operator to compute the power to a calculator grammer. The following code
+ pow_expression
+ = pow_operand >> *( '^' >> pow_operand [ & do_pow ]
+ )
+ ;
+parses the input correctly, but I want the operator to be evalutated from right to left. In other words, the expression `2^3^4` is supposed to have the same semantics as `2^(3^4)` instead of `(2^3)^4`. How do I do it?
+The "textbook recipe" for Right Associativity is Right Recursion. In BNF that means:
+ <pow_expression> ::= <pow_operand> '^' <pow_expression> | <pow_operand>
+But we better don't take the theory too literally here, because if the first alternative fails, the semantic actions within `pow_operand` might have been executed already and will then be executed again when trying the second alternative. So let's apply Left Factorization to factor out `pow_operand`:
+ <pow_expression> ::= <pow_operand> <pow_expression_helper>
+ <pow_expression_helper> ::= '^' <pow_expression> | e
+The production `pow_expression_helper` matches the empty string `e`, so we can replace the alternative with the optional operator in Spirit code.
+ pow_expression
+ = pow_operand >> !( '^' >> pow_expression [ & do_pow ]
+ )
+ ;
+Now any semantic actions within pow_operand can safely be executed. For stack-based evaluation that means that each match of `pow_operand` will leave one value on the stack and the recursion makes sure there are (at least) two values on the stack when `do_pow` is fired to reduce these two values to their power.
+In cases where this technique isn't applicable, such as C-style assignment
+ assignment
+ = lvalue >> '=' >> assignment
+ | ternary_conditional
+ ;
+you can append `| epsilon_p [ action ] >> nothing_p` to a parser to correct the semantic context when backtracking occurs (in the example case that would be dropping the address pushed by lvalue off the evaluation stack):
+ assignment
+ = lvalue >> ( '=' >> assignment [ & do_store ]
+ | epsilon_p [ & do_drop ]
+ >> nothing_p
+ )
+ | ternary_conditional
+ ;
+However, this trick compromises the clear separation of syntax and semantics, so you also might want to consider using an AST instead of semantic actions so you can just go with the first definition of `assignment`.
+[endsect][/ implementing_right_associvity]
+[section:lexeme_d The `lexeme_d` directive and rules]
+[red Question:] Does `lexeme_d` not support expressions which include rules? In the example below, the definition of `atomicRule` compiles,
+ rule<phrase_scanner_t> atomicRule
+ = lexeme_d[(alpha_p | '_') >> *(alnum_p | '.' | '-' | '_')];
+but if I move `alnum_p | '.' | '-' | '_'` into its own rule, the compiler complains about conversion from `const scanner<...>` to `const phrase_scaner_t&`.
+ rule<phrase_scanner_t> ch
+ = alnum_p | '.' | '-' | '_';
+ rule<phrase_scanner_t> compositeRule
+ = lexeme_d[(alpha_p | '_') >> *(ch)]; // <- error source
+You might get the impression that the `lexeme_d` directive and rules do not mix. Actually, this problem is related to the first FAQ entry: The Scanner Business. More precisely, the `lexeme_d` directive and rules with incompatible scanner types do not mix. This problem is more subtle. What's causing the scanner incompatibility is the directive itself. The `lexeme_d` directive transforms the scanner it receives into something that disables the skip parser. This non-skipping scanner, unfortunately, is incompatible with the original scanner before transformation took place.
+The simplest solution is not to use rules in the `lexeme_d`. Instead, you can definitely apply `lexeme_d` to subrules and grammars if you really need more complex parsers inside the `lexeme_d`. If you really must use a rule, you need to know the exact scanner used by the directive. The `lexeme_scanner` metafunction is your friend here. The example above will work as expected once we give the `ch` rule a correct scanner type:
+ rule<lexeme_scanner<phrase_scanner_t>::type> ch
+ = alnum_p | '.' | '-' | '_';
+Note: make sure to add "`typename`" before `lexeme_scanner` when this is used inside a template class or function.
+The same thing happens when rules are used inside the `as_lower_d` directive. In such cases, you can use the `as_lower_scanner`. See the __lexeme_scanner__ and __as_lower_scanner__.
+[tip See the techniques section for an [link __techniques__#multiple_scanner_support example] of a [link __grammar__ grammar] using a multiple scanner enabled rule, `lexeme_scanner` and `as_lower_scanner`.
+[endsect][/ lexeme_d]
+[section:infinite_loop Kleene Star infinite loop]
+[red Question:] Why Does This Loop Forever?
+ rule<> optional = !(str_p("optional"));
+ rule<> list_of_optional = *optional;
+The problem with this is that the kleene star will continue looping until it gets a no-match from it's enclosed parser. Because the `optional` rule is optional, it will always return a match. Even if the input doesn't match "optional" it will return a zero length match. `list_of_optional` will keep calling optional forever since optional will never return a no-match. So in general, any rule that can be "nullable" (meaning it can return a zero length match) must not be put inside a kleene star.
+[endsect][/ infinite_loop]
+[section:cvs Boost CVS and Spirit CVS]
+[red Question:] There is Boost CVS and Spirit CVS. Which is used for further development of Spirit?
+Generally, development takes place in Spirit's CVS. However, from time to time a new version of Spirit will be integrated in Boost. When this happens development takes place in the Boost CVS. There will be announcements on the Spirit mailing lists whenever the status of the Spirit CVS changes.
+During development of Spirit v1.8.1 (released as part of boost-1.32.0) and v1.6.2, Spirit's developers decided to stop maintaining Spirit CVS for BRANCH_1_8 and BRANCH_1_6. This was necessary to reduce the added work of maintaining and synch'ing two repositories. The maintenance of these branches will take place on Boost CVS. At this time, new developments towards Spirit v2 and other experimental developments are expected to happen in Spirit CVS.
+[endsect][/ cvs]
+[section:compilation_times How to reduce compilation times with complex Spirit grammars]
+[red Question:] Are there any techniques to minimize compile times using spirit? For simple parsers compile time doesn't seem to be a big issue, but recently I created a parser with about 78 rules and it took about 2 hours to compile. I would like to break the grammar up into smaller chunks, but it is not as easy as I thought it would be because rules in two grammar capsules are defined in terms of each other. Any thoughts?
+The only way to reduce compile times is
+* to split up your grammars into smaller chunks;
+* prevent the compiler from seeing all grammar definitions at the same time (in the same compilation unit).
+The first task is merely logistical, the second is rather a technical one.
+A good example of solving the first task is given in the Spirit cpp_lexer example written by JCAB (you may find it on the[link __spirit_apps__ applications' repository]).
+The cross referencing problems may be solved by some kind of forward declaration, or, if this does not work, by introducing some dummy template argument to the non-templated grammars. Thus allows the instantiation time to be defered until the compiler has seen all the defintions:
+ template <typename T = int>
+ grammar2;
+ template <typename T = int>
+ struct grammar1 : public grammar<grammar1>
+ {
+ // refers to grammar2<>
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct grammar2 : public grammar<grammar2>
+ {
+ // refers to grammar1<>
+ };
+ //...
+ grammar1<> g; // both grammars instantiated here
+The second task is slightly more complex. You must ensure that in the first compilation unit the compiler sees only some function/template [*declaration] and in the second compilation unit the function/template [*definition]. Still no problem, if no templates are involved. If templates are involved, you need to manually (explicitly) instantiate these templates with the correct template parameters inside a separate compilation unit. This way the compilation time is split between several compilation units, reducing the overall required time drastically too.
+For a sample, showing how to achieve this, you may want to look at the `Wave` preprocessor library, where this technique is used extensively. (this should be available for download from [@http://spirit.sf.net Spirit's site] as soon as you read this).
+[endsect][/ compile_times]
+[section Closure frame assertion]
+[red Question:] When I run the parser I get an assertion ['"`frame.get() != 0` in file closures.hpp"]. What am I doing wrong?
+Basically, the assertion fires when you are accessing a closure variable that is not constructed yet. Here's an example. We have three rules `a`, `b` and `c`. Consider that the rule a has a closure member `m`. Now:
+ a = b;
+ b = int_p[a.m = 123];
+ c = b;
+When the rule a is invoked, its frame is set, along with its member `m`. So, when `b` is called from `a`, the semantic action `[a.m = 123]` will store `123` into a's closure member `m`. On the other hand, when `c` is invoked, and `c` attempts to call `b`, no frame for `a` is set. Thus, when `b` is called from `c`, the semantic action `[a.m = 123]` will fire the ['"`frame.get() != 0` in file closures.hpp"] assertion.
+[endsect][/ closure_frame_assertion]
+[section Greedy RD]
+[red Question:] I'm wondering why the this won't work when parsed:
+ a = +anychar_p;
+ b = '(' >> a >> ')';
+Try this:
+ a = +(anychar_p - ')');
+ b = '(' >> a >> ')';
+David Held writes: That's because it's like the langoliers--it eats everything up. You usually want to say what it shouldn't eat up by subtracting the terminating character from the parser. The moral being: Using `*anychar_p` or `+anychar_p` all by itself is usually a ['Bad Thing].
+In other words: Recursive Descent is inherently greedy (however, see [link __rationale__#exhaustive_rd Exhaustive backtracking and greedy RD]).
+[endsect][/ greedy_rd]
+[section:rules_and_construction Referencing a rule at construction time]
+[red Question:] The code below terminates with a segmentation fault, but I'm (obviously) confused about what I'm doing wrong.
+ rule<ScannerT, clos::context_t> id = int_p[id.i = arg1];
+You have a rule `id` being constructed. Before it is constructed, you reference `id.i` in the RHS of the constructor. It's a chicken and egg thing. The closure member `id.i` is not yet constructed at that point. Using assignment will solve the problem. Try this instead:
+ rule<ScannerT, clos::context_t> id;
+ id = int_p[id.i = arg1];
+[endsect][/ rules_and_construction]
+[section Storing Rules]
+[red Question:] Why can't I store rules in STL containers for later use and why can't I pass and return rules to and from functions by value?
+EBNF is primarily declarative. Like in functional programming, It's a static recipe and there's no notion of do this then that. However, in Spirit, we managed to coax imperative C++ to take in declarative EBNF. Hah! Fun!... We did that by masquerading the C++ assignment operator to mimic EBNF's ::=, among other things (e.g. `>>`, `|`, `&` etc.). We used the rule class to let us do that by giving its assignment operator (and copy constructor) a different meaning and semantics. Doing so made the rule unlike any other C++ object. You can't copy it. You can't assign it. You can't place it in a container (vector, stack, etc).Heck, you can't even return it from a function *by value*.
+The rule is a weird object, unlike any other C++ object. It does not have the proper copy and assignment semantics and cannot be stored and passed around by value.
+However nice declarative EBNF is, the dynamic nature of C++ can be an advantage. We've seen this in action here and there. There are indeed some interesting applications of dynamic parsers using Spirit. Yet, we haven't fully utilized the power of dynamic parsing, unless(!), we have a rule that's not so alien to C++ (i.e. behaves as a good C++ object). With such a beast, we can write parsers that's defined at run time, as opposed to at compile time.
+Now that I started focusing on rules (hey, check out the hunky new rule features), it might be a good time to implement the rule-holder. It is basically just a rule, but with C++ object semantics. Yet it's not as simple. Without true garbage collection, the implementation will be a bit tricky. We can't simply use reference counting because a rule-holder (hey, anyone here has a better name?) *is-a* rule, and rules are typically recursive and thus cyclic. The problem is which will own which.
+['Ok...] this will do for now. You'll definitely see more of the rule-holder in the coming days.
+[endsect][/ storing_rules]
+[section Parsing Ints and Reals]
+[red Question:] I was trying to parse an `int` or `float` value with the `longest_d` directive and put some actors on the alternatives to visualize the results. When I parse `"123.456"`, the output reports:
+ 1. (int) has been matched: full match = false
+ 2. (double) has been matched: full match = true
+That is not what I expected. What am I missing?
+Actually, the problem is that both semantic actions of the `int` and real branch will be triggered because both branches will be tried. This doesn't buy us much. What actually wins in the end is what you expected. But there's no easy way to know which one wins. The problem stems from the ambiguity.
+ Case1: Consider this input: "2". Is it an int or a real? They are both (strictly following the grammar of a real).
+ Case2 : Now how about "1.0"? Is it an int or a real? They are both, albeit the int part gets a partial match: "1". That is why you are getting a (partial) match for your int rule (full match = false).
+Instead of using the `longest_d` to parse `int`s and reals, what I suggest is to remove the ambiguity and use the plain short-circuiting alternatives. The first step is to use __strict_real_p__ to make the first case unambiguous. Unlike `real_p`, `strict_real_p` requires a dot to be present for a number to be considered a successful match. Your grammar can be written unambiguously as:
+ strict_real_p | int_p
+Note that because ambiguity is resolved, attaching actions to both branches is safe. Only one will be triggered:
+ strict_real_p[R] | int_p[I]
+ "1.0" ---> triggers R
+ "2" ---> triggers I
+Again, as a rule of thumb, it is always best to resolve as much ambiguity as possible. The best grammars are those which involve no backtracking at all: an LL(1) grammar. Backtracking and semantic actions do not mix well.
+[endsect][/ parsing_ints_and_reals]
+[section:boost_spirit_debug `BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG` and missing `operator<<`]
+[red Question:] My code compiles fine in release mode but when I try to define `BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG` the compiler complains about a missing `operator<<`.
+When `BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG` is defined debug output is generated for spirit parsers. To this end it is expected that each closure member has the default output operator defined.
+You may provide the operator overload either in the namespace where the class is declared (will be found through Argument Dependent Lookup) or make it visible where it is used, that is `namespace boost::spirit`. Here's an example for `std::pair`:
+ #include <iosfwd>
+ #include <utility>
+ namespace std {
+ template <
+ typename C,
+ typename E,
+ typename T1,
+ typename T2
+ >
+ basic_ostream<C, E> & operator<<(
+ basic_ostream<C, E> & out,
+ pair<T1, T2> const & what)
+ {
+ return out << '(' << what.first << ", "
+ << what.second << ')';
+ }
+ }
+[endsect][/ boost_spirit_debug]
+[section:old_apps Applications that used to be part of spirit]
+[red Question:] Where can I find <insert great application>, that used to be part of the Spirit distribution?
+Old versions of Spirit used to include applications built with it. In order to streamline the distribution they were moved to a separate [link __spirit_apps__ applications repository]. In that page you'll find links to full applications that use the Spirit parser framework. We encourage you to send in your own applications for inclusion (see the page for instructions).
+You may also check out the [link __grammar_repo__ grammars' repository].
+You'll still find the example applications that complement (actually are part of) the documentation in the usual place: libs/spirit/example.
+__alert__ The applications and grammars listed in the repositories are works of the respective authors. It is the author's responsibility to provide support and maintenance. Should you have any questions, please send the author an email.
+[endsect][/ old_apps]
+[endsect][/ faq]
Added: sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser.qbk 2007-11-10 11:26:59 EST (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+[section:in_depth_parser In-depth: The Parser]
+What makes Spirit tick? Now on to some details... The parser class is the most fundamental entity in the framework. A parser accepts a scanner comprised of a first-last iterator pair and returns a match object as its result. The iterators delimit the data currently being parsed. The match object evaluates to true if the parse succeeds, in which case the input is advanced accordingly. Each parser can represent a specific pattern or algorithm, or it can be a more complex parser formed as a composition of other parsers.
+All parsers inherit from the base template class, parser:
+template <typename DerivedT>
+struct parser
+ /*...*/
+ DerivedT& derived();
+ DerivedT const& derived() const;
+This class is a protocol base class for all parsers. The `parser` class does not really know how to parse anything but instead relies on the template parameter `DerivedT` to do the actual parsing. This technique is known as the "[link __reference__#CRTP Curiously Recurring Template Pattern]" in template meta-programming circles. This inheritance strategy gives us the power of polymorphism without the virtual function overhead. In essence this is a way to implement [link __references__#generic_patterns compile time polymorphism].
+[header `parser_category_t`]
+Each derived parser has a typedef `parser_category_t` that defines its category. By default, if one is not specified, it will inherit from the base parser class which typedefs its `parser_category_t` as plain_parser_category. Some template classes are provided to distinguish different types of parsers. The following categories are the most generic. More specific types may inherit from these.
+[table Parser categories
+ [[`plain_parser_category`] [Your plain vanilla parser.]]
+ [[`binary_parser_category`] [A parser that has subject a and b (e.g. alternative).]]
+ [[`unary_parser_category`] [A parser that has single subject (e.g. kleene star).]]
+ [[`action_parser_category`] [A parser with an attached semantic action.]]
+ struct plain_parser_category {};
+ struct binary_parser_category : plain_parser_category {};
+ struct unary_parser_category : plain_parser_category {};
+ struct action_parser_category : unary_parser_category {};
+[header `embed_t`]
+Each parser has a typedef `embed_t`. This typedef specifies how a parser is embedded in a composite. By default, if one is not specified, the parser will be embedded by value. That is, a copy of the parser is placed as a member variable of the composite. Most parsers are embedded by value. In certain situations however, this is not desirable or possible. One particular example is the [link __rule__ rule]. The rule, unlike other parsers is embedded by reference.
+[header The match]
+The match holds the result of a parser. A match object evaluates to true when a succesful match is found, otherwise false. The length of the match is the number of characters (or tokens) that is successfully matched. This can be queried through its `length()` member function. A negative value means that the match is unsucessful.
+Each parser may have an associated attribute. This attribute is also returned back to the client on a successful parse through the match object. We can get this attribute via the match's `value()` member function. Be warned though that the match's attribute may be invalid, in which case, getting the attribute will result in an exception. The member function `has_valid_attribute()` can be queried to know if it is safe to get the match's attribute. The attribute may be set anytime through the member function `value(v)` where `v` is the new attribute value.
+A match attribute is valid:
+* on a successful match;
+* when its value is set through the `value(val)` member function;
+* if it is assigned or copied from a compatible match object (e.g. `match<double>` from `match<int>`) with a valid attribute. A match object `A` is compatible with another match object `B` if the attribute type of `A` can be assigned from the attribute type of `B` (i.e. `a = b;` must compile).
+The match attribute is undefined:
+* on an unsuccessful match;
+* when an attempt to copy or assign from another match object with an incompatible attribute type (e.g. `match<std::string>` from `match<int>`).
+[header The match class:]
+ template <typename T>
+ class match
+ {
+ public:
+ /*...*/
+ typedef T attr_t;
+ operator safe_bool() const; // convertible to a bool
+ int length() const;
+ bool has_valid_attribute() const;
+ void value(T const&) const;
+ T const& value();
+ };
+[header `match_result`]
+It has been mentioned repeatedly that the parser returns a match object as its result. This is a simplification. Actually, for the sake of genericity, parsers are really not hard-coded to return a match object. More accurately, a parser returns an object that adheres to a conceptual interface, of which the match is an example. Nevertheless, we shall call the result type of a parser a match object regardless if it is actually a match class, a derivative or a totally unrelated type.
+[info [*Meta-functions]
+What are meta-functions? We all know how functions look like. In simplest terms, a function accepts some arguments and returns a result. Here is the function we all love so much:
+int identity_func(int arg)
+{ return arg; } // return the argument arg
+Meta-functions are essentially the same. These beasts also accept arguments and return a result. However, while functions work at runtime on values, meta-functions work at compile time on types (or constants, but we shall deal only with types). The meta-function is a template class (or struct). The template parameters are the arguments to the meta-function and a typedef within the class is the meta-function's return type. Here is the corresponding meta-function:
+template <typename ArgT>
+struct identity_meta_func
+{ typedef ArgT type; } // return the argument ArgT
+The meta-function above is invoked as:
+typename identity_meta_func<ArgT>::type
+By convention, meta-functions return the result through the typedef `type`. Take note that `typename` is only required within templates.
+The actual match type used by the parser depends on two types: the parser's attribute type and the scanner type. `match_result` is the meta-function that returns the desired match type given an attribute type and a scanner type.
+ typename match_result<ScannerT, T>::type
+The meta-function basically answers the question "given a scanner type `ScannerT` and an attribute type `T`, what is the desired match type?" \[ __note__ `typename` is only required within templates \].
+[header The `parse` member function]
+Concrete sub-classes inheriting from parser must have a corresponding member function `parse(...)` compatible with the conceptual Interface:
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ RT
+ parse(ScannerT const& scan) const;
+where `RT` is the desired return type of the parser.
+[header The parser result]
+Concrete sub-classes inheriting from parser in most cases need to have a nested meta-function `result` that returns the result `type` of the parser's parse member function, given a scanner type. The meta-function has the form:
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ struct result
+ {
+ typedef RT type;
+ };
+where `RT` is the desired return type of the parser. This is usually, but not always, dependent on the template parameter `ScannerT`. For example, given an attribute type `int`, we can use the `match_result` metafunction:
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ struct result
+ {
+ typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, int>::type type;
+ };
+If a parser does not supply a result metafunction, a default is provided by the base parser class. The default is declared as:
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ struct result
+ {
+ typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, nil_t>::type type;
+ };
+Without a result metafunction, notice that the parser's default attribute is `nil_t` (i.e. the parser has no attribute).
+[header `parser_result`]
+Given a a scanner type `ScannerT` and a parser type `ParserT`, what will be the actual result of the parser? The answer to this question is provided to by the `parser_result` meta-function.
+ typename parser_result<ParserT, ScannerT>::type
+In general, the meta-function just forwards the invocation to the parser's result meta-function:
+ template <typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
+ struct parser_result
+ {
+ typedef typename ParserT::template result<ScannerT>::type type;
+ };
+This is similar to a global function calling a member function. Most of the time, the usage above is equivalent to:
+ typename ParserT::template result<ScannerT>::type
+Yet, this should not be relied upon to be true all the time because the `parser_result` metafunction might be specialized for specific parser and/or scanner types.
+The `parser_result` metafunction makes the signature of the required `parse` member function almost canonical:
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type
+ parse(ScannerT const& scan) const;
+where `self_t` is a typedef to the parser.
+[header `parser` class declaration]
+ template <typename DerivedT>
+ struct parser
+ {
+ typedef DerivedT embed_t;
+ typedef DerivedT derived_t;
+ typedef plain_parser_category parser_category_t;
+ template <typename ScannerT>
+ struct result
+ {
+ typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, nil_t>::type type;
+ };
+ DerivedT& derived();
+ DerivedT const& derived() const;
+ template <typename ActionT>
+ action<DerivedT, ActionT>
+ operator[](ActionT const& actor) const;
+ };
+[endsect][/ in_depth_parser]
Added: sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser_context.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/in_depth/the_parser_context.qbk 2007-11-10 11:26:59 EST (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+[section:in_depth_parser_context In-depth: The Parser Context]
+[section Overview]
+The parser's [*context] is yet another concept. An instance (object) of the `context` class is created before a non-terminal starts parsing and is destructed after parsing has concluded. A non-terminal is either a `rule`, a `subrule`, or a `grammar`. Non-terminals have a `ContextT` template parameter. The following pseudo code depicts what's happening when a non-terminal is invoked:
+ return_type
+ a_non_terminal::parse(ScannerT const& scan)
+ {
+ context_t ctx(/**/);
+ ctx.pre_parse(/**/);
+ // main parse code of the non-terminal here...
+ return ctx.post_parse(/**/);
+ }
+The context is provided for extensibility. Its main purpose is to expose the start and end of the non-terminal's parse member function to accommodate external hooks. We can extend the non-terminal in a multitude of ways by writing specialized context classes, without modifying the class itself. For example, we can make the non-terminal emit debug diagnostics information by writing a context class that prints out the current state of the scanner at each point in the parse traversal where the non-terminal is invoked.
+Example of a parser context that prints out debug information:
+ pre_parse: non-terminal XXX is entered. The current state of the input
+ is "hello world, this is a test"
+ post_parse: non-terminal XXX has concluded, the non-terminal matched "hello world".
+ The current state of the input is ", this is a test"
+Most of the time, the context will be invisible from the user's view. In general, clients of the framework need not deal directly nor even know about contexts. Power users, however, might find some use of contexts. Thus, this is part of the public API. Other parts of the framework in other layers above the core take advantage of the context to extend non-terminals.
+[endsect][/ overview]
+[section:declaration Class declaration]
+The `parser_context` class is the default context class that the non-terminal uses.
+ template <typename AttrT = nil_t>
+ struct parser_context
+ {
+ typedef AttrT attr_t;
+ typedef implementation_defined base_t;
+ typedef parser_context_linker<parser_context<AttrT> > context_linker_t;
+ template <typename ParserT>
+ parser_context(ParserT const& p) {}
+ template <typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
+ void
+ pre_parse(ParserT const& p, ScannerT const& scan) {}
+ template <typename ResultT, typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
+ ResultT&
+ post_parse(ResultT& hit, ParserT const& p, ScannerT const& scan)
+ { return hit; }
+ };
+The non-terminal's `ContextT` template parameter is a concept. The `parser_context` class above is the simplest model of this concept. The default `parser_context`'s `pre_parse` and `post_parse` member functions are simply no-ops. You can think of the non-terminal's `ContextT` template parameter as the policy that governs how the non-terminal will behave before and after parsing. The client can supply her own context policy by passing a user defined context template parameter to a particular non-terminal.
+[table Parser Context Policies
+ [
+ [`attr_t`]
+ [`typedef`: the attribute type of the non-terminal. See the [link __id_parser__#match match].]
+ ]
+ [
+ [`base_t`]
+ [`typedef`: the base class of the non-terminal. The non-terminal inherits from this class.]
+ ]
+ [
+ [`context_linker_t`]
+ [
+ `typedef`: this class type opens up the possibility for Spirit to plug in additional functionality into the non-terminal parse function or even bypass the given context. This should simply be typedefed to `parser_context_linker<T>` where `T` is the type of the user defined context class.
+ ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [`constructor`]
+ [Construct the context. The non-terminal is passed as an argument to the constructor.]
+ ]
+ [
+ [`pre_parse`]
+ [Do something prior to parsing. The non-terminal and the current scanner are passed as arguments.]
+ ]
+ [
+ [`post_parse`]
+ [
+ Do something after parsing. This is called regardless of the parse result. A reference to the parser's result is passed in. The context has the power to modify this. The non-terminal and the current scanner are also passed as arguments.
+ ]
+ ]
+The `base_t` deserves further explanation. Here goes... The context is strictly a stack based class. It is created before parsing and destructed after the non-terminal's parse member function exits. Sometimes, we need auxiliary data that exists throughout the full lifetime of the non-terminal host. Since the non-terminal inherits from the context's `base_t`, the context itself, when created, gets access to this upon construction when the non-terminal is passed as an argument to the constructor. Ditto on `pre_parse` and `post_parse`.
+The non-terminal inherits from the context's `base_t` typedef. The sole requirement is that it is a class that is default constructible. The copy-construction and assignment requirements depends on the host. If the host requires it, so does the context's `base_t`. In general, it wouldn't hurt to provide these basic requirements.
+[endsect][/ declaration]
+[section:non_default_attribute Non-default Attribute Type]
+Right out of the box, the `parser_context` class may be paramaterized with a type other than the default `nil_t`. The following code demonstrates the usage of the `parser_context` template with an explicit argument to declare rules with match results different from `nil_t`:
+ rule<parser_context<int> > int_rule = int_p;
+ parse(
+ "123",
+ // Using a returned value in the semantic action
+ int_rule[cout << arg1 << endl]
+ );
+In this example, `int_rule` is declared with `int` attribute type. Hence, the `int_rule` variable can hold any parser which returns an `int` value (for example `int_p` or `bin_p`). The important thing to note is that we can use the returned value in the semantic action bound to the `int_rule`.
+__lens__ See __parser_context_cpp__ in the examples. This is part of the Spirit distribution.
+[endsect][/ non_default_attribute]
+[section:example An Example]
+As an example let's have a look at the Spirit parser context, which inserts some debug output to the parsing process:
+ template<typename ContextT>
+ struct parser_context_linker : public ContextT
+ {
+ typedef ContextT base_t;
+ template <typename ParserT>
+ parser_context_linker(ParserT const& p)
+ : ContextT(p) {}
+ // This is called just before parsing of this non-terminal
+ template <typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
+ void pre_parse(ParserT const& p, ScannerT &scan)
+ {
+ // call the pre_parse function of the base class
+ this->base_t::pre_parse(p, scan);
+ if (trace_parser(p.derived())) {
+ // print out pre parse info
+ impl::print_node_info(
+ false, scan.get_level(), false,
+ parser_name(p.derived()),
+ scan.first, scan.last);
+ }
+ scan.get_level()++; // increase nesting level
+ }
+ // This is called just after parsing of the current non-terminal
+ template <typename ResultT, typename ParserT, typename ScannerT>
+ ResultT& post_parse(
+ ResultT& hit, ParserT const& p, ScannerT& scan)
+ {
+ --scan.get_level(); // decrease nesting level
+ if (trace_parser(p.derived())) {
+ impl::print_node_info(
+ hit, scan.get_level(), true,
+ parser_name(p.derived()),
+ scan.first, scan.last);
+ }
+ // call the post_parse function of the base class
+ return this->base_t::post_parse(hit, p, scan);
+ }
+ };
+During debugging (`BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG` is defined) this parser context is injected into the derivation hierarchy of the current `parser_context`, which was originally specified to be used for a concrete parser, so the template parameter `ContextT` represents the original `parser_context`. For this reason the `pre_parse` and `post_parse` functions call it's counterparts from the base class. Additionally these functions call a special `print_node_info` function, which does the actual output of the parser state info of the current non-terminal. For more info about the printed information, you may want to have a look at the topic [link __debugging__ Debugging].
+[endsect][/ example]
+[endsect][/ in_depth_parser_context]
Modified: sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/spirit.qbk
--- sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/spirit.qbk (original)
+++ sandbox/boost_docs/branches/spirit_qbking/doc/src/spirit.qbk 2007-11-10 11:26:59 EST (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@
[include techniques.qbk]
+[include faq.qbk]
[include rationale.qbk]
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk