![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
From: bdawes_at_[hidden]
Date: 2007-11-25 14:43:33
Author: bemandawes
Date: 2007-11-25 14:43:32 EST (Sun, 25 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 41377
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/41377
Full merge from trunk at revision 41356 of entire boost-root tree.
- copied unchanged from r41356, /trunk/Jamroot
Properties modified:
branches/release/ (props changed)
Text files modified:
branches/release/index.htm | 1131 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 files changed, 554 insertions(+), 577 deletions(-)
Deleted: branches/release/Jamfile.v2
--- branches/release/Jamfile.v2 2007-11-25 14:43:32 EST (Sun, 25 Nov 2007)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002-2006.
-# Copyright Dave Abrahams 2005-2006.
-# Copyright Rene Rivera 2005-2006.
-# Copyright Douglas Gregor 2005.
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-# Usage:
-# bjam [options] [install|stage]
-# Builds and installs Boost.
-# Targets and Related Options:
-# install Install headers and compiled library files to the
-# ======= configured locations (below).
-# --prefix=<PREFIX> Install architecture independent files here.
-# Default; C:\Boost on Win32
-# Default; /usr/local on Unix. Linux, etc.
-# --exec-prefix=<EPREFIX> Install architecture dependent files here.
-# Default; <PREFIX>
-# --libdir=<DIR> Install library files here.
-# Default; <EPREFIX>/lib
-# --includedir=<HDRDIR> Install header files here.
-# Default; <PREFIX>/include
-# stage Build and install only compiled library files
-# ===== to the stage directory.
-# --stagedir=<STAGEDIR> Install library files here
-# Default; ./stage
-# Other Options:
-# --builddir=DIR Build in this location instead of building
-# within the distribution tree. Recommended!
-# --toolset=toolset Indicates the toolset to build with.
-# --show-libraries Displays the list of Boost libraries that require
-# build and installation steps, then exit.
-# --layout=<layout> Determines whether to choose library names
-# and header locations such that multiple
-# versions of Boost or multiple compilers can
-# be used on the same system.
-# versioned (default) - Names of boost
-# binaries include the Boost version
-# number and the name and version of the
-# compiler. Boost headers are installed
-# in a subdirectory of <HDRDIR> whose
-# name contains the Boost version
-# number.
-# system - Binaries names do not include
-# the Boost version number or the name
-# and version number of the compiler.
-# Boost headers are installed directly
-# into <HDRDIR>. This option is
-# intended for system integrators who
-# are building distribution packages.
-# --buildid=ID Adds the specified ID to the name of built
-# libraries. The default is to not add anything.
-# --help This message.
-# --with-<library> Build and install the specified <library>
-# If this option is used, only libraries
-# specified using this option will be built.
-# --without-<library> Do not build, stage, or install the specified
-# <library>. By default, all libraries are built.
-# TODO:
-# - handle boost version
-# - handle python options such as pydebug
-import modules ;
-import set ;
-import stage ;
-import package ;
-import path ;
-import common ;
-import os ;
-import regex ;
-import errors ;
-import "class" : new ;
-import common ;
-constant BOOST_VERSION : 1.34.1 ;
-local version-tag = [ MATCH "^([^.]+)[.]([^.]+)[.]([^.]+)" : $(BOOST_VERSION) ] ;
-if $(version-tag[3]) = 0
- version-tag = $(version-tag[1-2]) ;
-constant BOOST_VERSION_TAG : $(version-tag:J="_") ;
-local default-build ;
-if $(__file__:D) = ""
- default-build =
- debug release
- <threading>single <threading>multi
- <link>shared <link>static
- ;
- if [ os.name ] = NT
- {
- default-build += <runtime-link>shared <runtime-link>static ;
- }
- default-build =
- debug
- ;
-rule handle-static-runtime ( properties * )
- # This property combination is dangerous.
- # Ideally, we'd add constraint to default build,
- # so that user can build with property combination
- # by hand. But we don't have any 'constraint' mechanism
- # for default-build, so disable such builds in requirements.
- # For CW, static runtime is needed so that
- # std::locale works.
- if <link>shared in $(properties)
- && <runtime-link>static in $(properties)
- && ! ( <toolset>cw in $(properties) )
- {
- return <build>no ;
- }
-project boost
- : requirements <include>.
- # disable auto-linking for all targets here,
- # primarily because it caused troubles with V2
- <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1
- # Used to encode variant in target name. See the
- # 'tag' rule below.
- <tag>@$(__name__).tag
- <conditional>@handle-static-runtime
- : usage-requirements <include>.
- : build-dir bin.v2
- : default-build $(default-build)
- ;
-# Setup convenient aliases for all libraries.
-all-libraries =
- [ MATCH .*libs/(.*)/build/.* : [ glob libs/*/build/Jamfile.v2 ] ]
- ;
-# First, the complicated libraries: where the target name in
-# Jamfile is different from directory name.
-alias prg_exec_monitor : libs/test/build//boost_prg_exec_monitor ;
-alias test_exec_monitor : libs/test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor ;
-alias unit_test_framework : libs/test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ;
-alias bgl-vis : libs/graps/build//bgl-vis ;
-alias serialization : libs/serialization/build//boost_serialization ;
-alias wserialization : libs/serialization/build//boost_wserialization ;
-explicit prg_exec_monitor test_exec_monitor unit_test_framework
- bgl-vis serialization wserialization ;
-for local l in $(all-libraries)
- if ! $(l) in test graph serialization
- {
- alias $(l) : libs/$(l)/build//boost_$(l) ;
- explicit $(l) ;
- }
-alias headers : : : : <include>. ;
-# Decides which libraries are to be installed by looking at --with-<library>
-# --without-<library> arguments. Returns the list of directories under "libs"
-# which must be built at installed.
-rule libraries-to-install ( existing-libraries * )
- local argv = [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ;
- local with-parameter = [ MATCH --with-(.*) : $(argv) ] ;
- local without-parameter = [ MATCH --without-(.*) : $(argv) ] ;
- # Do some checks
- if $(with-parameter) && $(without-parameter)
- {
- ECHO "error: both --with-<library> and --without-<library> specified" ;
- EXIT ;
- }
- local wrong = [ set.difference $(with-parameter) : $(existing-libraries) ] ;
- if $(wrong)
- {
- ECHO "error: wrong library name '$(wrong[1])' in the --with-<library> option." ;
- EXIT ;
- }
- local wrong = [ set.difference $(without-parameter) : $(existing-libraries) ] ;
- if $(wrong)
- {
- ECHO "error: wrong library name '$(wrong[1])' in the --without-<library> option." ;
- EXIT ;
- }
- if $(with-parameter)
- {
- return [ set.intersection $(existing-libraries) : $(with-parameter) ] ;
- }
- else
- {
- return [ set.difference $(existing-libraries) : $(without-parameter) ] ;
- }
-# what kind of layout are we doing?
-layout = [ MATCH "^--layout=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ;
-layout ?= versioned ;
-layout-$(layout) = true ;
-# possible stage only location
-local stage-locate = [ MATCH "^--stagedir=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ;
-stage-locate ?= stage ;
-path-constant BOOST_STAGE_LOCATE : $(stage-locate) ;
-# location of python
-local python-root = [ MATCH "^--with-python-root=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ;
-PYTHON_ROOT ?= $(python-root) ;
-# Select the libraries to install.
-libraries = [ libraries-to-install $(all-libraries) ] ;
-if --show-libraries in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
- ECHO "The following libraries require building:" ;
- for local l in $(libraries)
- {
- ECHO " - $(l)" ;
- }
- EXIT ;
-# Custom build ID.
-local build-id = [ MATCH "^--buildid=(.*)" : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ;
-if $(build-id)
- constant BUILD_ID : [ regex.replace $(build-id) "[*\\/:.\"\' ]" "_" ] ;
-# This rule is called by Boost.Build to determine the name of
-# target. We use it to encode build variant, compiler name and
-# boost version in the target name
-rule tag ( name : type ? : property-set )
- {
- if $(layout) = versioned
- {
- local result = [ common.format-name
- <base> <toolset> <threading> <runtime> -$(BOOST_VERSION_TAG)
- -$(BUILD_ID)
- : $(name) : $(type) : $(property-set) ] ;
- # Optionally add version suffix.
- # On NT, library with version suffix won't be recognized
- # by linkers. On CYGWIN, we get strage duplicate symbol
- # errors when library is generated with version suffix.
- # On OSX, version suffix is not needed -- the linker expets
- # libFoo.1.2.3.dylib format.
- # AIX linkers don't accept version suffixes either.
- if $(type) = SHARED_LIB &&
- ! ( [ $(property-set).get <target-os> ] in windows cygwin darwin aix )
- {
- result = $(result).$(BOOST_VERSION) ;
- }
- return $(result) ;
- }
- else
- {
- return [ common.format-name
- <base> <threading> <runtime> -$(BUILD_ID)
- : $(name) : $(type) : $(property-set) ] ;
- }
- }
-# Install to system location.
-local install-requirements =
- <install-source-root>boost
- ;
-if $(layout-versioned)
- install-requirements += <install-header-subdir>boost-$(BOOST_VERSION_TAG)/boost ;
- install-requirements += <install-header-subdir>boost ;
-if [ modules.peek : NT ]
- install-requirements += <install-default-prefix>C:/Boost ;
-else if [ modules.peek : UNIX ]
- install-requirements += <install-default-prefix>/usr/local ;
-local headers =
- [ path.glob-tree boost : *.hpp *.ipp *.h *.inc : CVS ]
- [ path.glob-tree boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers : c* : CVS ]
- [ path.glob-tree boost/test/utils/runtime : *.cpp : CVS ]
- [ path.glob-tree boost/spirit/tree :
- parsetree.dtd : CVS ]
- [ path.glob-tree boost/tr1/tr1 :
- algorithm array bitset complex deque exception fstream functional
- iomanip ios iostream istream iterator limits list locale map
- memory new numeric ostream queue random regex set sstream stack
- stdexcept streambuf string strstream tuple type_traits typeinfo
- utility valarray vector *.SUNWCCh : CVS ]
- ;
-# Complete install
-package.install install-proper
- : $(install-requirements) <install-no-version-symlinks>on
- :
- : libs/$(libraries)/build
- : $(headers)
- ;
-explicit install-proper ;
-# Install just library.
-install stage-proper
- : libs/$(libraries)/build
- : <location>$(stage-locate)/lib
- <install-dependencies>on <install-type>LIB
- <install-no-version-symlinks>on
- ;
-explicit stage-proper ;
-if $(layout-versioned)
- && ( [ modules.peek : NT ] || [ modules.peek : UNIX ] )
- rule make-unversioned-links ( project name ? : property-set : sources * )
- {
- local result ;
- local filtered ;
- local pattern ;
- local nt = [ modules.peek : NT ] ;
- # Collect the libraries that have the version number in 'filtered'.
- for local s in $(sources)
- {
- local m ;
- if $(nt)
- {
- m = [ MATCH "(.*[.]lib)" : [ $(s).name ] ] ;
- }
- else
- {
- m = [ MATCH "(.*[.]so[.0-9]+)" "(.*[.]a)" : [ $(s).name ] ] ;
- }
- if $(m)
- {
- filtered += $(s) ;
- }
- }
- # Create hardlinks without version.
- for local s in $(filtered)
- {
- local name = [ $(s).name ] ;
- local ea = [ $(s).action ] ;
- local ep = [ $(ea).properties ] ;
- local a = [
- new non-scanning-action $(s) : common.hard-link : $(ep) ] ;
- local noversion-file ;
- if $(nt)
- {
- noversion-file = [ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]lib)" : $(name) ] ;
- }
- else
- {
- noversion-file =
- [ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]so)[.0-9]*" : $(name) ]
- [ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]a)" : $(name) ]
- [ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]dll[.]a)" : $(name) ] ;
- }
- local new-name =
- $(noversion-file[1])$(noversion-file[2]) ;
- result += [ new file-target $(new-name) exact : [ $(s).type ] : $(project)
- : $(a) ] ;
- }
- return $(result) ;
- }
- generate stage-unversioned : stage-proper :
- <generating-rule>@make-unversioned-links ;
- explicit stage-unversioned ;
- generate install-unversioned : install-proper :
- <generating-rule>@make-unversioned-links ;
- explicit install-unversioned ;
- # Create do-nothing aliases
- alias stage-unversioned ;
- alias install-unversioned ;
-alias install : install-proper install-unversioned ;
-alias stage : stage-proper stage-unversioned ;
-explicit install ;
-explicit stage ;
-# Just build the libraries, don't install them anywhere.
-# This is what happens with just "bjam --v2".
-alias build_all : libs/$(libraries)/build ;
-# This rule should be called from libraries' Jamfiles and will
-# create two targets, "install" and "stage", that will install
-# or stage that library. The --prefix option is respected, by
-# --with and --without options, naturally, are ignored.
-# - libraries -- list of library targets to install.
-rule boost-install ( libraries * )
- package.install install
- : <dependency>/boost//install-headers $(install-requirements)
- : # No binaries
- : $(libraries)
- : # No headers, it's handled by the dependency
- ;
- install stage : $(libraries) : <location>$(BOOST_STAGE_LOCATE) ;
- local c = [ project.current ] ;
- local project-module = [ $(c).project-module ] ;
- module $(project-module)
- {
- explicit stage ;
- }
-# Make project ids of all libraries known.
-for local l in $(libraries)
- use-project /boost/$(l) : libs/$(l)/build ;
Deleted: branches/release/Jamrules
--- branches/release/Jamrules 2007-11-25 14:43:32 EST (Sun, 25 Nov 2007)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Boost.Build top level Jamrules
-# See tools/build/index.html for documentation.
-project boost ;
-# Set some important global variables if they haven't already been set by the
-# user on the command-line or in the environment
-# Establish this as the root of the boost installation. Most targets will want
-# $(BOOST_ROOT) in their #include path.
-path-global BOOST_ROOT : . ;
-# The current version of Boost.
-BOOST_VERSION ?= 1.34.0 ;
Modified: branches/release/index.htm
--- branches/release/index.htm (original)
+++ branches/release/index.htm 2007-11-25 14:43:32 EST (Sun, 25 Nov 2007)
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- <title>Boost C++ Libraries</title>
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- <div class="body-0">
- <div class="body-1">
- <div class="body-2">
- <div id="heading">
- <div id="heading-0">
- <h1><img id="boost-logo" src="more/boost-dark-trans.png" alt=
- "Boost C++ Libraries" width="237" height="55" name=
- "boost-logo" /></h1>
- <p id="heading-quote"><span class="quote">“...one of the
- most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects
- in the world.”</span> <span class="attribution">—
- Herb Sutter and <a href=
- "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Alexandrescu">Andrei
- Alexandrescu</a>, <a href=
- "http://safari.awprofessional.com/?XmlId=0321113586">C++ Coding
- Standards</a></span></p>
- <div class="clear"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="content">
- <table summary="">
- <tr>
- <td id="sections" rowspan="2">
- <div class="section" id="intro">
- <h1>Welcome to Boost.org!</h1>
- <div class="section-body">
- <div class="section-body-0">
- <div class="section-body-1">
- <p>Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++
- source libraries.</p>
- <p>We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++
- Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be
- widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of
- applications. The <a href=
- "more/license_info.html">Boost license</a> encourages
- both commercial and non-commercial use.</p>
- <p>We aim to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that Boost
- libraries are suitable for eventual standardization.
- Ten Boost libraries are already included in the
- <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21">C++
- Standards Committee's</a> Library Technical Report (
- <a href=
- "http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1745.pdf">
- TR1</a>) as a step toward becoming part of a future
- C++ Standard. More Boost libraries are proposed for
- the upcoming <a href=
- "http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1810.html">
- TR2</a>.</p>
- <p class="note"><span class="note-label">Getting
- started:</span> <span class="note-body">Boost works
- on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX
- and Windows variants. Follow the <a href=
- "more/getting_started.html">Getting Started Guide</a>
- to download and install Boost. Popular Linux and Unix
- distributions such as <a href=
- "http://fedora.redhat.com/">Fedora</a>, <a href=
- "http://www.debian.org/">Debian</a>, and <a href=
- "http://www.netbsd.org/">NetBSD</a> include pre-built
- Boost packages. Boost may also already be available
- on your organization's internal web
- server.</span></p>
- <p class="note"><span class=
- "note-label">Background:</span> <span class=
- "note-body">The <a href=
- "more/background.html">Background Information
- page</a> has introductory material to help those
- educating their organization about Boost.</span></p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="section" id="participation">
- <h2><a name="Membership" id=
- "Membership"></a>Participation</h2>
- <div class="section-body">
- <div class="section-body-0">
- <div class="section-body-1">
- <p>Although Boost was begun by members of the C++
- Standards Committee Library Working Group,
- participation has expanded to include thousands of
- programmers from the C++ community at large.</p>
- <p>If you are interested in participating in Boost,
- please join our main <a href=
- "more/mailing_lists.htm#main">developers mailing
- list</a>. Discussions are highly technical, and list
- members are encouraged to participate in formal
- reviews of proposed libraries. There is also a
- <a href="more/mailing_lists.htm#users">users mailing
- list</a>, and several <a href=
- "more/mailing_lists.htm#projects">project specific
- lists</a>.</p>
- <p>Both the main Boost developers list and the users
- list are also accessible as <a href=
- "more/mailing_lists.htm">newsgroups</a>.</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="section" id="news">
- <h2>Latest News</h2>
- <div class="section-body">
- <div class="section-body-0">
- <div class="section-body-1">
- <h3>July 24, 2007 - Version 1.34.1</h3>
- <p>This is a bug fix release addressing many problems with the 1.34.0 release.
- It is a recommended upgrade for all users of Boost 1.34.0. For a complete list of fixes see
- Boost Trac.</p>
- <h4>Supported Compilers</h4>
- <p>New in this release is improved support for
- the IBM XL C/C++ compiler.</p>
- <p>Boost is tested on a wide range of compilers and
- platforms. Since Boost libraries rely on modern C++
- features not available in all compilers, not all
- Boost libraries will work with every compiler.
- The following compilers and platforms have been
- extensively tested with Boost, although many other
- compilers and platforms will work as well. For more
- information, see the <a href=
- "http://www.boost.org/regression/release/user/">regression
- test results</a>.</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="http://developer.apple.com/">Apple
- GCC</a> 4.0.1 on Mac OS X.</li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://www.borland.com/us/products/cbuilder/">Borland
- C++</a> 5.8.2 on Windows.</li>
- <li>GNU C++
- <ul>
- <li>
- 3.2.x., 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x on Linux
- </li>
- <li>
- 4.1.x on Solaris
- </li>
- <li>
- 3.4.x on Windows
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="http://h30097.www3.hp.com/cplus/">HP
- C++ for Tru64 UNIX 7.1</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="http://www.hp.com/go/c++">HP
- aC++ A.06.14</a>.</li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/index.htm">
- Intel C++</a> 9.1 on Windows, 9.0 on Linux.</li>
- <li><a href="http://www.metrowerks.com/">Metrowerks
- CodeWarrior</a> 9.4 on Windows.</li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Microsoft
- Visual C++</a> 6.0 (sp5, with and without STLport),
- 7.0, 7.1, 8.0. Note: Boost does not support the
- non-standard "Safe" C++ Library shipping with
- Visual C++ 8.0, which may result in many spurious
- warnings from Boost headers and other
- standards-conforming C++ code. To suppress these
- warnings, define the macro
- <code>_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE</code>.</li>
- <li><a href="http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/compilers_index.html">
- Sun Studio 11</a>
- on Solaris.</li>
- </ul>
- <h4>Acknowledgements</h4>
- <p>Thomas Witt
- managed this release.</p>
- <p>A great number of people contributed their time
- and expertise to make this release possible. Special
- thanks go to Kim Barrett consolidating Boost.Iostreams changes
- from various branches and Rene Rivera for general build and installation
- support.</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="clear"></div>
- </td>
- <td id="sidebars-top">
- <div class="sidebar" id="boost-sidebar">
- <div class="sidebar-0">
- <div class="sidebar-1">
- <div class="sidebar-2">
- <div class="sidebar-3">
- <div class="sidecell" id="libraries">
- <div class="sidecell-0">
- <h4>Libraries</h4>
- <ul>
- <li><a href=
- "libs/libraries.htm">Documentation</a></li>
- <li><a href=
- "more/license_info.html">License</a></li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586">
- Download</a></li>
- <li><a href=
- "more/getting_started.html">Getting
- Started</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="sidecell" id="tests">
- <div class="sidecell-0">
- <h4>Regression Tests</h4>
- <ul>
- <li><a href=
- "status/compiler_status.html">General
- Info</a></li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://www.boost.org/regression/release/user/">
- Release</a></li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://www.boost.org/regression/developement/developer/">
- Development</a></li>
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+<H1><IMG id=boost-logo height=55 alt="Boost C++ Libraries"
+src="more/boost-dark-trans.png" width=237 name=boost-logo></H1>
+<P id=heading-quote><SPAN class=quote>...one of the most highly regarded and
+expertly designed C++ library projects in the world.</SPAN> <SPAN
+class=attribution> Herb Sutter and <A
+href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Alexandrescu">Andrei Alexandrescu</A>,
+<A href="http://safari.awprofessional.com/?XmlId=0321113586">C++ Coding
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+<DIV id=content>
+<TABLE summary="">
+ <TR>
+ <TD id=sections rowSpan=2>
+ <DIV class=section id=intro>
+ <H1>Welcome to Boost.org!</H1>
+ <DIV class=section-body>
+ <DIV class=section-body-0>
+ <DIV class=section-body-1>
+ <P>Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.</P>
+ <P>We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library.
+ Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a
+ broad spectrum of applications. The <A href="more/license_info.html">Boost
+ license</A> encourages both commercial and non-commercial use.</P>
+ <P>We aim to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
+ implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
+ standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the <A
+ href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21">C++ Standards
+ Committee's</A> Library Technical Report ( <A
+ href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1745.pdf">TR1</A>)
+ as a step toward becoming part of a future C++ Standard. More Boost
+ libraries are proposed for the upcoming <A
+ href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1810.html">TR2</A>.</P>
+ <P class=note><SPAN class=note-label>Getting started:</SPAN> <SPAN
+ class=note-body>Boost works on almost any modern operating system,
+ including UNIX and Windows variants. Follow the <A
+ href="more/getting_started.html">Getting Started Guide</A> to download and
+ install Boost. Popular Linux and Unix distributions such as <A
+ href="http://fedora.redhat.com/">Fedora</A>, <A
+ href="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A>, and <A
+ href="http://www.netbsd.org/">NetBSD</A> include pre-built Boost packages.
+ Boost may also already be available on your organization's internal web
+ server.</SPAN></P>
+ <P class=note><SPAN class=note-label>Background:</SPAN> <SPAN
+ class=note-body>The <A href="more/background.html">Background Information
+ page</A> has introductory material to help those educating their
+ organization about Boost.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV class=section id=participation>
+ <H2><A id=Membership name=Membership></A>Participation</H2>
+ <DIV class=section-body>
+ <DIV class=section-body-0>
+ <DIV class=section-body-1>
+ <P>Although Boost was begun by members of the C++ Standards Committee
+ Library Working Group, participation has expanded to include thousands of
+ programmers from the C++ community at large.</P>
+ <P>If you are interested in participating in Boost, please join our main
+ developers mailing list.
+ Discussions are highly technical, and list members are encouraged to
+ participate in formal reviews of proposed libraries. There is also a <A
+ href="more/mailing_lists.htm#users">users mailing list</A>, and several <A
+ href="more/mailing_lists.htm#projects">project specific lists</A>.</P>
+ <P>Both the main Boost developers list and the users list are also
+ accessible as <A
+ href="more/mailing_lists.htm">newsgroups</A>.</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV class=section id=news>
+ <H2>Latest News</H2>
+ <DIV class=section-body>
+ <DIV class=section-body-0>
+ <DIV class=section-body-1>
+ <H3>May 14, 2007 - BoostCon'07 starts today</H3>
+ <P>The long anticipated BoostCon'07 finally starts today. Promising to be the
+ main face-to-face event for all things Boost, BoostCon'07 opens the door to
+ your C++ future. </P>
+ <H3>May 12, 2007 - Version 1.34.0</H3>
+ <H4>New Libraries</H4>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="doc/html/foreach.html">Foreach
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> <TT>BOOST_FOREACH</TT> macro for easily iterating
+ over the elements of a sequence, from Eric Niebler.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A
+ href="libs/statechart/doc/index.html">Statechart Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ Arbitrarily complex finite state machines can be implemented in easily
+ readable and maintainable C++ code, from Andreas Huber.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/tr1/index.html">TR1
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> An implementation of the C++ Technical Report on
+ Standard Library Extensions, from John Maddock. This library does not
+ itself implement the TR1 components, rather it's a thin wrapper that
+ will include your standard library's TR1 implementation (if it has one),
+ otherwise it will include the Boost Library equivalents, and import them
+ into namespace <CODE>std::tr1</CODE>. Highlights include: Reference
+ Wrappers, Smart Pointers, result_of, Function Object Binders,
+ Polymorphic function wrappers, Type Traits, Random Number Generators and
+ Distributions, Tuples, Fixed Size Array, Hash Function Objects, Regular
+ Expressions, and Complex Number Additional Algorithms.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="doc/html/typeof.html">Typeof
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> Typeof operator emulation, from Arkadiy Vertleyb and
+ Peder Holt.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="doc/html/xpressive.html">Xpressive
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> Regular expressions that can be written as strings
+ or as expression templates, and that can refer to each other and
+ themselves recursively with the power of context-free grammars, from
+ Eric Niebler. </LI></UL>
+ <H4>Updated Libraries</H4>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/assign/index.html">Assign
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Support for <CODE>ptr_map<key,T></CODE> via the new function
+ <CODE>ptr_map_insert()</CODE>
+ <LI>Support for initialization of <A
+ href="libs/ptr_container/index.html">Pointer Containers</A> when the
+ containers hold pointers to an abstract base class. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="doc/html/date_time.html">Date_time
+ library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Support for new US/Canada timezone rules and other bug fixes. See
+ Change History
+ for details. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/index.htm">Filesystem Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ Major upgrade in preparation for submission to the C++ Standards
+ Committee for TR2. Changes include:
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/i18n.html#Internationalization">Internationalization</A>,
+ provided by class templates <I>basic_path</I>,
+ <I>basic_filesystem_error</I>, <I>basic_directory_iterator</I>, and
+ <I>basic_directory_entry</I>.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/i18n.html#Simplification">Simplification</A>
+ of the path interface by eliminating special constructors to identify
+ native formats.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/i18n.html#Rationalization">Rationalization</A>
+ of predicate function design, including the addition of several new
+ functions.
+ <LI>Clearer specification by reference to <A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/design.htm#POSIX-01">POSIX</A>, the ISO/IEEE
+ Single Unix Standard, with provisions for Windows and other operating
+ systems.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/i18n.html#Preservation">Preservation</A> of
+ existing user code whenever possible.
+ <LI><A href="libs/filesystem/doc/i18n.html#More_efficient">More
+ efficient</A> directory iteration.
+ <LI>Addition of a <A
+ href="libs/filesystem/doc/tr2_proposal.html#Class-template-basic_recursive_directory_iterator">recursive
+ directory iterator</A>. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/function/index.html">Function
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> Boost.Function now implements a small buffer
+ optimization, which can drastically improve the performance when copying
+ or constructing Boost.Function objects storing small function objects.
+ For instance, <CODE>bind(&X:foo, &x, _1, _2)</CODE> requires no
+ heap allocation when placed into a Boost.Function object.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A
+ href="libs/functional/hash/index.html">Functional/Hash
+ Library</A></SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Use declarations for standard classes, so that the library doesn't
+ need to include all of their headers
+ <LI>Deprecated the <TT><boost/functional/hash/*.hpp></TT>
+ headers.
+ <LI>Add support for the <TT>BOOST_HASH_NO_EXTENSIONS</TT> macro, which
+ disables the extensions to TR1
+ <LI>Minor improvements to the hash functions for floating point
+ numbers. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/graph/doc/index.html">Graph
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/maximum_matching.html"><TT>edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching</TT></A>,
+ from Aaron Windsor.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/lengauer_tarjan_dominator.htm"><TT>lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree</TT></A>,
+ from JongSoo Park.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/compressed_sparse_row.html"><TT>compressed_sparse_row_graph</TT></A>,
+ from Jeremiah Willcock and Douglas Gregor of Indiana University.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/sorted_erdos_renyi_gen.html"><TT>sorted_erdos_renyi_iterator</TT></A>,
+ from Jeremiah Willcock of Indiana University.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/biconnected_components.html"><TT>biconnected_components</TT></A>
+ now supports a visitor and named parameters, from Janusz Piwowarski.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/adjacency_matrix.html"><TT>adjacency_matrix</TT></A>
+ now models the <A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/BidirectionalGraph.html">Bidirectional Graph</A>
+ concept.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/dijkstra_shortest_paths.html"><TT>dijkstra_shortest_paths</TT></A>
+ now calls <TT>vis.initialize_vertex</TT> for each vertex during
+ initialization.
+ <LI><B>Note:</B> the name of the compiled library for the <A
+ href="libs/graph/doc/read_graphviz.html">GraphViz reader</A> has
+ changed to <CODE>boost_graph</CODE> (from <CODE>bgl-viz</CODE>) to
+ match Boost conventions.
+ <LI>See the <A href="libs/graph/doc/history.html#1.34.0">complete
+ revision history</A> for more information. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/multi_array/index.html">MultiArray
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> Boost.MultiArray now by default provides
+ range-checking for <CODE>operator[]</CODE>. Range checking can be
+ disabled by defining the macro <CODE>BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS</CODE> before
+ including <TT>multi_array.hpp</TT>. A bug in
+ <CODE>multi_array::resize()</CODE> related to storage orders was fixed.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A
+ href="libs/multi_index/doc/index.html">Multi-index Containers
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>New <A
+ href="libs/multi_index/doc/tutorial/indices.html#rnd_indices">random
+ access indices</A>.
+ <LI>Non key-based indices feature new <A
+ href="libs/multi_index/doc/tutorial/indices.html#rearrange">rearrange
+ facilities</A>.
+ <LI>This version also includes a number of optimizations and usage
+ improvements. For a complete list of changes, see the library <A
+ href="libs/multi_index/doc/release_notes.html#boost_1_34">release
+ notes</A>. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/optional/index.html">Optional
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><CODE>boost::none_t and boost::none</CODE> now added to Optional's
+ documentation
+ <LI>Relational operators now directly support arguments of type
+ <CODE>'T'</CODE> and <CODE>'none_t'</CODE>
+ <LI>operator->() now also works with reference types.
+ <LI>Helper functions <CODE>make_optional(val), make_optional(cond,val)
+ and get_optional_value_or(opt,alternative_value)</CODE> added.
+ <LI>Constructor taking a boolean condition (as well as a value) added.
+ <LI>Member function <CODE>get_value_or(alternative_value)</CODE>
+ added.
+ <LI>Incompatbility bug with mpl::apply<> fixed.
+ <LI>Converting assignment bug with uninitialized lvalues fixed.
+ </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/parameter/index.html">Parameter
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Every ArgumentPack is now a valid <A
+ href="libs/mpl/doc/refmanual/forward-sequence.html">MPL Forward
+ Sequence.</A>
+ <LI>Support for unnamed arguments (those whose keyword is deduced from
+ their types) is added.
+ <LI>Support for named and unnamed template arguments is added.
+ <LI>New overload generation macros solve the <A
+ href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2002/n1385.htm">forwarding
+ problem</A> directly.
+ <LI>See also the Python library changes, below. </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/ptr_container/index.html">Pointer
+ Container Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Support for serialization via <A
+ href="libs/serialization/index.html">Boost.Serialization.</A>
+ <LI>Exceptions can be disabled by defining the macro
+ BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_NO_EXCEPTIONS before including any header. This
+ macro is defined by default if BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined.
+ <LI>Additional <CODE>std::auto_ptr<T></CODE> overloads added
+ s.t. one can also pass <CODE>std::auto_ptr<T></CODE> instead of
+ only <CODE>T*</CODE> arguments to member functions.
+ <LI><CODE>transfer()</CODE> now has weaker requirements s.t. one can
+ transfer objects from <CODE>ptr_container<Derived></CODE> to
+ <CODE>ptr_container<Base></CODE>, </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/python/index.html">Python
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Boost.Python now automatically appends C++ signatures to
+ docstrings. The new <A
+ href="libs/python/doc/v2/docstring_options.html"><CODE>docstring_options.hpp</CODE></A>
+ header is available to control the content of docstrings.
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/python/doc/v2/stl_iterator.html#stl_input_iterator-spec"><CODE>stl_input_iterator</CODE></A>,
+ for turning a Python iterable object into an STL input iterator, from
+ Eric Niebler.
+ <LI>Support for <CODE>void*</CODE> conversions is added.
+ <LI>Integrated support for wrapping C++ functions built with the
+ parameter library; keyword names are automatically known to
+ docsstrings.
+ <LI>Enhancements to the API for better embedding support
+ (<CODE>boost::python::import()</CODE>,
+ <CODE>boost::python::exec()</CODE>, and
+ <CODE>boost::python::exec_file()</CODE>). </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="doc/html/signals.html">Signals
+ Library</A>:</SPAN> More improvements to signal invocation performance
+ from Robert Zeh.
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr.htm">Smart
+ Pointers Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.htm#allocator_constructor">Allocator
+ support</A> as proposed in <A
+ href="http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2005/n1851.pdf">N1851</A>
+ (162 Kb PDF).
+ <LI><A
+ href="libs/smart_ptr/pointer_cast.html"><CODE>pointer_cast</CODE></A>
+ and <A
+ href="libs/smart_ptr/pointer_to_other.html"><CODE>pointer_to_other</CODE></A>
+ utilities to allow pointer-independent code, from Ion Gaztanaga.
+ </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A
+ href="libs/algorithm/string/index.html">String Algorithm
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><CODE>lexicographical_compare</CODE>
+ <LI><CODE>join</CODE>
+ <LI>New comparison predicates <CODE>is_less</CODE>,
+ <CODE>is_not_greater</CODE>.
+ <LI>Negative indexes support (like Perl) in various algorihtms
+ (<CODE>*_head/tail</CODE>, <CODE>*_nth</CODE>). </LI></UL>
+ <LI><SPAN class=library><A href="libs/wave/index.html">Wave
+ Library</A>:</SPAN>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Wave now correctly recognizes pp-number tokens as mandated by the
+ C++ Standard, which are converted to C++ tokens right before they are
+ returned from the library.
+ <LI>Several new preprocessing hooks have been added. For a complete
+ description please refer to the related documentation page: <A
+ href="libs/wave/doc/class_reference_ctxpolicy.html">The Context
+ Policy</A>.
+ <LI>Shared library (dll) support has been added for the generated Wave
+ libraries.
+ <LI>The overall error handling has been improved. It is now possible
+ to recover and continue after an error or a warning was issued.
+ <LI>Support for optional comment and/or full whitespace preservation
+ in the generated output stream has been added.
+ <LI>The Wave library now performs automatic include guard detection to
+ avoid accessing header files more than once, if appropriate.
+ <LI>Full interactive mode has been added to the Wave tool. Now the
+ Wave tool can be used just like Python or Perl for instance to
+ interactively try out your BOOST_PP macros. Additionally it is now
+ possible to load and save the current state of an interactive session
+ (macro tables et.al.).
+ <LI>The overall performance has been improved by upto 40-60%,
+ depending on the concrete files to process.
+ <LI>Support for new pragmas has been added allowing to control certain
+ library features from inside the preprocessed sources (partial output
+ redirection, control of generated whitespace and #line directives).
+ <LI>Optional support for #pragma message "..." has been added.
+ <LI>This version also includes a number of bug fixes and usage
+ improvements. For a complete list of changes, see the libraries <A
+ href="libs/wave/ChangeLog">change log</A>. </LI></UL></LI></UL>
+ <H4>Supported Compilers</H4>
+ <P>Boost is tested on a wide range of compilers and platforms. Since Boost
+ libraries rely on modern C++ features not available in all compilers, not
+ all Boost libraries will work with every compiler. The following compilers
+ and platforms have been extensively tested with Boost, although many other
+ compilers and platforms will work as well. For more information, see the
+ <A href="http://www.boost.org/regression/release/user/">regression test
+ results</A>.</P>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Apple GCC 4.0.1 on Mac OS
+ X.
+ <LI><A href="http://www.borland.com/us/products/cbuilder/">Borland
+ C++</A> 5.8.2 on Windows.
+ <LI>GNU C++
+ <UL>
+ <LI>3.2.x., 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x on Linux
+ <LI>4.1.x on Solaris
+ <LI>3.4.x on Windows </LI></UL>
+ <LI>HP aC++ A.06.14.
+ <LI><A
+ href="http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/index.htm">Intel
+ C++</A> 9.1 on Windows, 9.0 on Linux.
+ <LI>Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.4
+ on Windows.
+ <LI><A href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/">Microsoft Visual
+ C++</A> 6.0 (sp5, with and without STLport), 7.0, 7.1, 8.0. Note: Boost
+ does not support the non-standard "Safe" C++ Library shipping with
+ Visual C++ 8.0, which may result in many spurious warnings from Boost
+ headers and other standards-conforming C++ code. To suppress these
+ warnings, define the macro <CODE>_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE</CODE>.
+ <LI><A
+ href="http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/compilers_index.html">Sun
+ Studio 11</A> on Solaris. </LI></UL>
+ <H4>Acknowledgements</H4>
+ <P>Thomas Witt managed this
+ release.</P>
+ <P>A great number of people contributed their time and expertise to make
+ this release possible. Special thanks go to Vladimir Prus for making
+ Boost.Build version 2 a reality, David Abrahams for authoring a new
+ Getting Started guide, Rene Rivera for general build and installation
+ support and Greg D. for answering countless
+ questions.</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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+ <P>Copyright Rene Rivera 2004-2007.</P></DIV>
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Deleted: branches/release/project-root.jam
--- branches/release/project-root.jam 2007-11-25 14:43:32 EST (Sun, 25 Nov 2007)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Rene Rivera, Vladimir Prus, David Abrahams
-# 2006. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version
-# 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-path-constant BOOST_ROOT : . ;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk