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Boost-Commit : |
From: john_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-01-21 06:27:57
Author: johnmaddock
Date: 2008-01-21 06:27:56 EST (Mon, 21 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 42891
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/42891
Initial commit of a program to plot PDF graphs.
sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/doc/sf_and_dist/graphs/dist_graphs.cpp (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/doc/sf_and_dist/graphs/dist_graphs.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/math_toolkit/libs/math/doc/sf_and_dist/graphs/dist_graphs.cpp 2008-01-21 06:27:56 EST (Mon, 21 Jan 2008)
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2008.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
+#include <boost/svg_plot/svg_2d_plot.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+template <class Dist>
+struct value_finder
+ value_finder(Dist const& d, typename Dist::value_type v)
+ : m_dist(d), m_value(v) {}
+ inline typename Dist::value_type operator()(const typename Dist::value_type& x)
+ {
+ return pdf(m_dist, x) - m_value;
+ }
+ Dist m_dist;
+ typename Dist::value_type m_value;
+template <class Dist>
+class distribution_plotter
+ distribution_plotter() : m_min_x(0), m_max_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_y(0) {}
+ void add(const Dist& d, const std::string& name)
+ {
+ //
+ // Add to our list for later:
+ //
+ m_distributions.push_back(std::make_pair(name, d));
+ //
+ // Get the extent:
+ //
+ double a, b;
+ std::tr1::tie(a, b) = support(d);
+ //
+ // PDF maximimum is at the mode:
+ //
+ double mod;
+ try
+ {
+ mod = mode(d);
+ }
+ catch(const std::domain_error& )
+ {
+ mod = a;
+ }
+ if(mod <= a)
+ {
+ if(a)
+ mod = a * (1 + 1e-2);
+ else
+ mod = 1e-2;
+ }
+ double peek_y = pdf(d, mod);
+ double min_y = peek_y / 20;
+ //
+ // If the extent is "infinite" then find out how large it
+ // has to be for the PDF to decay to min_y:
+ //
+ if(a <= -(std::numeric_limits<double>::max)())
+ {
+ boost::uintmax_t max_iter = 500;
+ double guess = mod;
+ if((pdf(d, 0) > min_y) || (guess == 0))
+ guess = -1e-3;
+ a = boost::math::tools::bracket_and_solve_root(
+ value_finder<Dist>(d, min_y),
+ guess,
+ 8.0,
+ true,
+ boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance<double>(10),
+ max_iter).first;
+ }
+ if(b >= (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)())
+ {
+ boost::uintmax_t max_iter = 500;
+ double guess = mod;
+ if(a <= 0)
+ if((pdf(d, 0) > min_y) || (guess == 0))
+ guess = 1e-3;
+ b = boost::math::tools::bracket_and_solve_root(
+ value_finder<Dist>(d, min_y),
+ guess,
+ 8.0,
+ false,
+ boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance<double>(10),
+ max_iter).first;
+ }
+ //
+ // Recalculate peek_y and location of mod so that
+ // it's not too close to one end of the graph:
+ // otherwise we may be shooting off to infinity.
+ //
+ if(mod <= a + (b-a)/50)
+ {
+ mod = a + (b-a)/50;
+ }
+ if(mod >= b - (b-a)/50)
+ {
+ mod = b - (b-a)/50;
+ }
+ peek_y = pdf(d, mod);
+ //
+ // Now set our limits:
+ //
+ if(peek_y > m_max_y)
+ m_max_y = peek_y;
+ if(m_max_x == m_min_x)
+ {
+ m_max_x = b;
+ m_min_x = a;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(a < m_min_x)
+ m_min_x = a;
+ if(b > m_max_x)
+ m_max_x = b;
+ }
+ }
+ void plot(const std::string& title, const std::string& file)
+ {
+ using namespace boost::svg;
+ static const svg_color colors[5] =
+ {
+ darkblue,
+ darkred,
+ darkgreen,
+ darkorange,
+ chartreuse
+ };
+ svg_2d_plot plot;
+ plot.image_size(750, 400);
+ plot.title_font_size(20);
+ plot.legend_title_font_size(15);
+ plot.title(title);
+ plot.legend_on(true).title_on(true);
+ //plot.x_major_labels_on(true).y_major_labels_on(true);
+ double x_delta = (m_max_x - m_min_x) / 10;
+ double y_delta = (m_max_y - m_min_y) / 10;
+ plot.x_range(m_min_x, m_max_x)
+ .y_range(m_min_y, m_max_y + y_delta);
+ plot.x_label_on(true).x_label("Random Variable");
+ plot.y_label_on(true).y_label("Probability");
+ plot.plot_border_color(lightslategray).legend_border_color(lightslategray).background_border_color(lightslategray);
+ //
+ // Work out axis tick intervals:
+ //
+ double l = std::floor(std::log10((m_max_x - m_min_x) / 10) + 0.5);
+ double interval = std::pow(10.0, (int)l);
+ if(((m_max_x - m_min_x) / interval) > 10)
+ interval *= 5;
+ plot.x_major_interval(interval);
+ l = std::floor(std::log10((m_max_y - m_min_y) / 10) + 0.5);
+ interval = std::pow(10.0, (int)l);
+ if(((m_max_y - m_min_y) / interval) > 10)
+ interval *= 5;
+ plot.y_major_interval(interval);
+ int color_index = 0;
+ for(std::list<std::pair<std::string, Dist> >::const_iterator i = m_distributions.begin();
+ i != m_distributions.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ double x = m_min_x;
+ double interval = (m_max_x - m_min_x) / 1000;
+ std::map<double, double> data;
+ while(x <= m_max_x)
+ {
+ data[x] = pdf(i->second, x);
+ x += interval;
+ }
+ plot.plot(data, i->first)
+ .line_on(true)
+ .line_color(colors[color_index])
+ .line_width(0.5)
+ .shape(none);
+ ++color_index;
+ color_index = color_index % (sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]));
+ }
+ plot.write(file);
+ }
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, Dist> > m_distributions;
+ double m_min_x, m_max_x, m_min_y, m_max_y;
+int main()
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::gamma_distribution<> >
+ gamma_plotter;
+ gamma_plotter.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(1), "shape = 0.5");
+ gamma_plotter.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(2), "shape = 1");
+ gamma_plotter.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(4), "shape = 3");
+ gamma_plotter.plot("Gamma Distribution PDF With Scale = 1", "gamma1_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::gamma_distribution<> >
+ gamma_plotter2;
+ gamma_plotter2.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(2, 0.5), "scale = 2");
+ gamma_plotter2.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(2, 1), "scale = 0.5");
+ gamma_plotter2.add(boost::math::gamma_distribution<>(2, 2), "scale = 2");
+ gamma_plotter2.plot("Gamma Distribution PDF With Shape = 2", "gamma2_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::normal>
+ normal_plotter;
+ normal_plotter.add(boost::math::normal(0, 1), "μ = 0, σ = 1");
+ normal_plotter.add(boost::math::normal(0, 0.5), "μ = 0, σ = 0.5");
+ normal_plotter.add(boost::math::normal(0, 2), "μ = 0, σ = 2");
+ normal_plotter.add(boost::math::normal(-1, 1), "μ = -1, σ = 1");
+ normal_plotter.add(boost::math::normal(1, 1), "μ = 1, σ = 1");
+ normal_plotter.plot("Normal Distribution PDF", "normal_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::non_central_chi_squared>
+ nc_cs_plotter;
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 0), "v=20, l=0");
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 1), "v=20, l=1");
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 5), "v=20, l=5");
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 10), "v=20, l=10");
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 20), "v=20, l=20");
+ nc_cs_plotter.add(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(20, 100), "v=20, l=100");
+ nc_cs_plotter.plot("Non Central Chi Squared PDF", "nccs_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::beta_distribution<> >
+ beta_plotter;
+ beta_plotter.add(boost::math::beta_distribution<>(0.5, 0.5), "alpha=0.5, beta=0.5");
+ beta_plotter.add(boost::math::beta_distribution<>(5, 1), "alpha=5, beta=1");
+ beta_plotter.add(boost::math::beta_distribution<>(1, 3), "alpha=1, beta=3");
+ beta_plotter.add(boost::math::beta_distribution<>(2, 2), "alpha=2, beta=2");
+ beta_plotter.add(boost::math::beta_distribution<>(2, 5), "alpha=2, beta=5");
+ beta_plotter.plot("Beta Distribution PDF", "beta_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::cauchy_distribution<> >
+ cauchy_plotter;
+ cauchy_plotter.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(-5, 1), "location = -5");
+ cauchy_plotter.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(0, 1), "location = 0");
+ cauchy_plotter.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(5, 1), "location = 5");
+ cauchy_plotter.plot("Cauchy Distribution PDF (scale = 1)", "cauchy_pdf1.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::cauchy_distribution<> >
+ cauchy_plotter2;
+ cauchy_plotter2.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(0, 0.5), "scale = 0.5");
+ cauchy_plotter2.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(0, 1), "scale = 1");
+ cauchy_plotter2.add(boost::math::cauchy_distribution<>(0, 2), "scale = 2");
+ cauchy_plotter2.plot("Cauchy Distribution PDF (location = 0)", "cauchy_pdf2.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::chi_squared_distribution<> >
+ chi_squared_plotter;
+ chi_squared_plotter.add(boost::math::chi_squared_distribution<>(1), "v=1");
+ chi_squared_plotter.add(boost::math::chi_squared_distribution<>(2), "v=2");
+ chi_squared_plotter.add(boost::math::chi_squared_distribution<>(5), "v=5");
+ chi_squared_plotter.plot("Chi Squared Distribution PDF", "chi_squared_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::exponential_distribution<> >
+ exponential_plotter;
+ exponential_plotter.add(boost::math::exponential_distribution<>(0.5), "λ=1");
+ exponential_plotter.add(boost::math::exponential_distribution<>(1), "λ=2");
+ exponential_plotter.add(boost::math::exponential_distribution<>(2), "λ=5");
+ exponential_plotter.plot("Exponential Distribution PDF", "exponential_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<> >
+ extreme_value_plotter;
+ extreme_value_plotter.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(-5), "location=1");
+ extreme_value_plotter.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(0), "location=2");
+ extreme_value_plotter.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(5), "location=5");
+ extreme_value_plotter.plot("Extreme Value Distribution PDF (shape=1)", "extreme_value_pdf1.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<> >
+ extreme_value_plotter2;
+ extreme_value_plotter2.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(0, 0.5), "shape=0.5");
+ extreme_value_plotter2.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(0, 1), "shape=1");
+ extreme_value_plotter2.add(boost::math::extreme_value_distribution<>(0, 2), "shape=2");
+ extreme_value_plotter2.plot("Extreme Value Distribution PDF (location=0)", "extreme_value_pdf2.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::fisher_f_distribution<> >
+ fisher_f_plotter;
+ fisher_f_plotter.add(boost::math::fisher_f_distribution<>(4, 4), "n=4, m=4");
+ fisher_f_plotter.add(boost::math::fisher_f_distribution<>(10, 4), "n=10, m=4");
+ fisher_f_plotter.add(boost::math::fisher_f_distribution<>(10, 10), "n=10, m=10");
+ fisher_f_plotter.add(boost::math::fisher_f_distribution<>(4, 10), "n=4, m=10");
+ fisher_f_plotter.plot("F Distribution PDF", "fisher_f_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::lognormal_distribution<> >
+ lognormal_plotter;
+ lognormal_plotter.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(-1), "location=-1");
+ lognormal_plotter.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(0), "location=0");
+ lognormal_plotter.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(1), "location=1");
+ lognormal_plotter.plot("Lognormal Distribution PDF (scale=1)", "lognormal_pdf1.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::lognormal_distribution<> >
+ lognormal_plotter2;
+ lognormal_plotter2.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(0, 0.5), "scale=0.5");
+ lognormal_plotter2.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(0, 1), "scale=1");
+ lognormal_plotter2.add(boost::math::lognormal_distribution<>(0, 2), "scale=2");
+ lognormal_plotter2.plot("Lognormal Distribution PDF (location=0)", "lognormal_pdf2.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::pareto_distribution<> >
+ pareto_plotter;
+ pareto_plotter.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(1), "location=1");
+ pareto_plotter.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(2), "location=2");
+ pareto_plotter.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(3), "location=3");
+ pareto_plotter.plot("Pareto Distribution PDF (scale=1)", "pareto_pdf1.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::pareto_distribution<> >
+ pareto_plotter2;
+ pareto_plotter2.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(1, 0.5), "scale=0.5");
+ pareto_plotter2.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(1, 1), "scale=1");
+ pareto_plotter2.add(boost::math::pareto_distribution<>(1, 2), "scale=2");
+ pareto_plotter2.plot("Pareto Distribution PDF (location=1)", "pareto_pdf2.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<> >
+ rayleigh_plotter;
+ rayleigh_plotter.add(boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<>(0.5), "σ=0.5");
+ rayleigh_plotter.add(boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<>(1), "σ=1");
+ rayleigh_plotter.add(boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<>(2), "σ=2");
+ rayleigh_plotter.add(boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<>(4), "σ=4");
+ rayleigh_plotter.add(boost::math::rayleigh_distribution<>(10), "σ=10");
+ rayleigh_plotter.plot("Rayleigh Distribution PDF", "rayleigh_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::triangular_distribution<> >
+ triangular_plotter;
+ triangular_plotter.add(boost::math::triangular_distribution<>(-1,0,1), "{-1,0,1}");
+ triangular_plotter.add(boost::math::triangular_distribution<>(0,1,1), "{0,1,1}");
+ triangular_plotter.add(boost::math::triangular_distribution<>(0,1,3), "{0,1,3}");
+ triangular_plotter.add(boost::math::triangular_distribution<>(0,0.5,1), "{0,0.5,1}");
+ triangular_plotter.add(boost::math::triangular_distribution<>(-2,0,3), "{-2,0,3}");
+ triangular_plotter.plot("Triangular Distribution PDF", "triangular_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::students_t_distribution<> >
+ students_t_plotter;
+ students_t_plotter.add(boost::math::students_t_distribution<>(1), "v=1");
+ students_t_plotter.add(boost::math::students_t_distribution<>(5), "v=5");
+ students_t_plotter.add(boost::math::students_t_distribution<>(30), "v=30");
+ students_t_plotter.plot("Students T Distribution PDF", "students_t_pdf.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::weibull_distribution<> >
+ weibull_plotter;
+ weibull_plotter.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(0.2), "shape=0.2");
+ weibull_plotter.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(1), "shape=1");
+ weibull_plotter.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(5), "shape=5");
+ weibull_plotter.plot("Weibull Distribution PDF (scale=1)", "weibull_pdf1.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::weibull_distribution<> >
+ weibull_plotter2;
+ weibull_plotter2.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(3, 0.5), "scale=0.5");
+ weibull_plotter2.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(3, 1), "scale=1");
+ weibull_plotter2.add(boost::math::weibull_distribution<>(3, 2), "scale=2");
+ weibull_plotter2.plot("weibull Distribution PDF (shape=3)", "weibull_pdf2.svg");
+ distribution_plotter<boost::math::uniform_distribution<> >
+ uniform_plotter;
+ uniform_plotter.add(boost::math::uniform_distribution<>(0, 1), "{0,1}");
+ uniform_plotter.add(boost::math::uniform_distribution<>(0, 3), "{0,3}");
+ uniform_plotter.add(boost::math::uniform_distribution<>(-2, 3), "{-2,3}");
+ uniform_plotter.add(boost::math::uniform_distribution<>(-1, 1), "{-1,1}");
+ uniform_plotter.plot("Uniform Distribution PDF", "uniform_pdf.svg");
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk