![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
From: bdawes_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-03-23 11:38:30
Author: bemandawes
Date: 2008-03-23 11:38:30 EDT (Sun, 23 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 43805
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/43805
Merge from trunk
- copied unchanged from r43804, /trunk/tools/release/index.html
- copied unchanged from r43804, /trunk/tools/release/inspect.sh
- copied unchanged from r43804, /trunk/tools/release/snapshot_posix.sh
- copied unchanged from r43804, /trunk/tools/release/snapshot_windows.sh
Deleted: branches/release/tools/release/make_tarballs.py
--- branches/release/tools/release/make_tarballs.py 2008-03-23 11:38:30 EDT (Sun, 23 Mar 2008)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) MetaCommunications, Inc. 2003-2004
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-import sys
-import os
-import shutil
-import optparse
-import utils
-my_location = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ) )
-def accept_args( args ):
- #( release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, temp_dir, start_step ) = accept_args( sys.argv[ 1: ] )
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option( "-v", "--release-version", dest="release_version", metavar="release-version", help="release version (e.g. 1.32.0)")
- parser.add_option( "", "--tag", dest="tag", help="CVS tag" )
- parser.add_option( "-r", "--cvs-branch", dest="cvs_branch", metavar="cvs-branch"
- , help = "cvs branch to get the sources from (e.g RC_1_32_0). Important: it is case sensitive" )
- parser.add_option( "-u", "--sf-user", dest="sf_user", metavar="sf-user"
- , help = "SourceForge user name (for CVS)" )
- parser.add_option( "-t", "--toolset", dest="toolset", help="toolset to use to build needed tools" )
- parser.add_option( "-s", "--start-step", dest="start_step" )
- parser.usage = "make_tarballs [options] target_directory \n\n" + \
- "Requirements:\n" + \
- " CVS:\n"+ \
- " cvs - (windows) to export sources with windows newlines \n" + \
- " /usr/bin/cvs - (cygwin) to export sources with posix newlines\n" + \
- " Utilities:\n" + \
- " mv - (cygwin) posix move\n" + \
- " /usr/bin/find - (cygwin) to export sources with posix newlines\n" + \
- " 7z - to create zipball\n" + \
- " BoostBook generation:\n" + \
- " bjam\n" + \
- " user-config.jam - in user directory ($HOME/%HOME%) for BoostBook generation\n" + \
- " java\n" + \
- " doxygen\n"
- ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( args )
- temp_dir = None
- start_step = None
- if ( len( args ) > 0 ): temp_dir = args[0]
- ( version, tag, user, toolset, start_step ) = ( options.release_version
- , options.cvs_branch
- , options.sf_user
- , options.toolset
- , options.start_step )
- if ( start_step is None ): start_step = ""
- def required( value, name ):
- if ( value is None ):
- print "%s should be specified." % name
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit( 1 )
- required( version, "version" )
- required( tag, "tag" )
- required( user, "user" )
- required( temp_dir, "temp_dir" )
- required( toolset, "toolset" )
- return ( version, tag, user, toolset, temp_dir, start_step )
-def remove_directory( directory ):
- if os.path.exists( directory ):
- print " Removing directory %s" % directory
- os.system( 'rd /s /q "%s"' % directory )
-def clean_directory( directory ):
- remove_directory( directory )
- print " Creating directory %s" % directory
- os.makedirs( directory )
-def listdir_recursively( root, path="" ):
- # recursive listdir
- files = []
- try:
- for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(root, path)):
- pathname = os.path.join(path, file)
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, pathname)):
- files.extend(listdir_recursively(root, pathname))
- else:
- files.append(pathname)
- except OSError:
- pass
- return files
-def find_file( root, name ):
- print root
- files = listdir_recursively( root )
- for file in files:
- # print file
- if os.path.basename( file ) == name:
- return os.path.join( root, file )
- return None
-start_dir = os.getcwd()
-class make_tarballs( utils.step_controller ):
- def __init__( self, release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, toolset, temp_dir, start_step ):
- utils.step_controller.__init__( self, start_step )
- self.release_version_ = release_version
- self.cvs_tag_ = cvs_tag
- self.sf_user_ = sf_user
- self.toolset_ = toolset
- self.temp_dir_ = temp_dir
- def run( self ):
- archives = []
- win_build_results = self.build_win( self.release_version_
- , self.cvs_tag_
- , self.sf_user_
- , self.temp_dir_ )
- archives.extend( win_build_results[1] )
- archives.extend( self.build_unix( self.release_version_
- , self.cvs_tag_
- , self.sf_user_
- , self.temp_dir_
- , win_build_results[0] ) )
- # os.chdir( start_dir )
- # for archive in archives:
- # shutil.copy( archive, start_dir )
- def make_temp_platform( self, temp, platform ):
- temp_platform = os.path.join( temp, platform )
- if not self.is_skipping():
- clean_directory( temp_platform )
- return temp_platform
- def cvs_export( self, sf_user, cvs_tag, release_version, shell = "%s" ):
- if not self.is_skipping():
- print " Exporting..."
- cvs_export_template = 'cvs -d:ext:%(user)s_at_[hidden]:/cvsroot/boost -z9 export -r %(branch)s boost'
- cmd = cvs_export_template % { "user": sf_user
- , "branch" : cvs_tag }
- print cmd
- os.system( shell % cmd )
- os.system( "del /S/F/Q .cvsignore >nul" )
- # have to use mv instead of os.rename - cygwin cvs sets strange directory permssions
- # which Windows rename or Python's os.rename cannot deal with
- os.system( "mv boost boost_%s" % release_version )
- return "boost_%s" % release_version
- def build_win( self, release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, temp_dir ):
- if "win.export":
- self.start_step( "win.export", "Exporting windows copy" )
- temp_win = self.make_temp_platform( temp_dir, "win" )
- os.chdir( temp_win )
- exported_dir = self.cvs_export( sf_user, cvs_tag, release_version )
- self.finish_step( "win.export" )
- self.make_docs( os.path.abspath( exported_dir ), temp_dir )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_readonly", "Making all files writable" ):
- os.chdir( temp_win )
- utils.checked_system( [ "attrib /S -R *.*" ] )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_readonly" )
- zip_name = "boost_%s.zip" % release_version
- os.chdir( temp_win )
- if self.start_step( "win.zip", " Zipping" ):
- print " Zipping"
- if os.path.exists( zip_name ): os.unlink( zip_name )
- utils.checked_system( ["7z a -r -tzip %s %s\* > %s" % ( zip_name, "boost_%s" % release_version, zip_name + ".log" ) ] )
- self.finish_step( "win.zip" )
- return ( os.path.abspath( exported_dir ), [ os.path.abspath( zip_name ) ] )
- def make_docs( self, boost_directory, temp_dir ):
- boostbook_temp = os.path.join( boost_directory, "bin.v2" )
- tools_directory = os.path.join( temp_dir, "tools" )
- if not os.path.exists( tools_directory ):
- os.makedirs( tools_directory )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.setup_tools", "Setting up BoostBook tools" ):
- sys.path.append( sys.path[0] + "/../boostbook" )
- print sys.path
- import setup_boostbook
- os.environ[ "BOOST_ROOT" ] = boost_directory
- setup_boostbook.setup_boostbook( os.path.join( temp_dir, "tools" ) )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.clean", "Clearing \"bin.v2" ):
- if os.path.exists( boostbook_temp ):
- shutil.rmtree( boostbook_temp )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.clean" )
- cd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir( os.path.join( boost_directory, "doc" ) )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.correct_permissions", "Making html's writable" ):
- utils.checked_system(
- [
- "cd html"
- , "attrib -R *"
- , "cd .."
- ] )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.correct_permissions" )
- def generate( output_format ):
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.%s" % output_format, ' Generating %s' % output_format ):
- utils.checked_system( [
- # "set HOME=%s" % my_location
- "%s -d2 --v2 %s " % ( bjam_path(), output_format )
- ] )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.%s" % output_format )
- generate( "html" )
- generate( "docbook" )
- generate( "fo" )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.copy_docs", "Copying docs into doc directory" ):
- shutil.copy( os.path.join( boostbook_temp, "doc", self.toolset_, "debug", "boost.docbook" ), "boost.docbook" )
- shutil.copy( os.path.join( boostbook_temp, "doc", self.toolset_, "debug", "boost.fo" ), "boost.fo" )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.copy_docs" )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.clean2", "Copying docs into doc directory" ):
- shutil.rmtree( boostbook_temp )
- shutil.rmtree( "xml" )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.clean2" )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.bb_userman", "Creating Boost.Build user manual" ):
- os.chdir( os.path.join( boost_directory, "tools", "build", "v2", "doc" ) )
- utils.checked_system( [
-# "set HOME=%s" % my_location
- "%s -d2 --v2 pdf" % bjam_path()
- ] )
- for f in [ "userman.pdf" ]:
- shutil.copy( find_file( os.path.join( boostbook_temp ), f ), f )
- shutil.rmtree( boostbook_temp )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.bb_userman" )
- if self.start_step( "win.make_docs.clean3", boost_directory ):
- for i in os.walk( boost_directory ):
- for f in i[2]:
- full_path = os.path.join( i[0], f )
- if os.path.splitext( f )[1] in [ ".boostbook" ] \
- and os.access( full_path, os.W_OK ):
- os.unlink( full_path )
- self.finish_step( "win.make_docs.clean3" )
- def correct_executable_permissions( self, path ):
- if not self.is_skipping():
- print " Correcting permissions"
- for i in os.walk( path ):
- for f in i[2]:
- if os.path.splitext( f )[1] in ( ".css", ".hpp", ".cpp",\
- ".html", ".htm", ".rst", \
- ".pdf", ".xml", ".png",\
- ".jpg", ".vcproj", ".pattern2", \
- ".jam", ".bat", ".sty", ".diff" ) \
- or os.path.basename( f ).lower() in ( "jamfile", "todo", "makefile", "jamrules", "gnumakefile" ):
- print os.path.join( i[0], f )
- os.system( "chmod a-x %s" % os.path.join( i[0], f ) )
- def build_unix( self, release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, temp_dir, win_build_dir ):
- self.start_step( "unix.export", "Exporting unix copy" )
- temp_unix = self.make_temp_platform( temp_dir, "unix" )
- os.chdir( temp_unix )
- exported_dir = self.cvs_export( sf_user, cvs_tag, release_version, "bash -c \"/usr/bin/%s\"" )
- self.correct_executable_permissions( "." )
- self.finish_step( "unix.export" )
- self.copy_docs_to_unix( os.path.abspath( exported_dir )
- , win_build_dir )
- if self.start_step( "unix.make_readonly", "Making all files readonly" ):
- utils.checked_system( [ "chmod -R a-w+r,u+w %s" % temp_unix ] )
- utils.checked_system( [ "bash -c /usr/bin/find %s -type d -exec chmod u+w {} ;" % temp_unix ] )
- self.finish_step( "unix.make_readonly" )
- gz_archive_name = "boost_%s" % release_version + ".tar.gz"
- if self.start_step( "unix.gz", " Making .gz" ):
- if os.path.exists( gz_archive_name ): os.unlink( gz_archive_name )
- os.system( "tar cfz %s %s" % ( gz_archive_name, "boost_%s" % release_version ) )
- self.finish_step( "unix.gz" )
- bz2_archive_name = "boost_%s" % release_version + ".tar.bz2"
- if self.start_step( "unix.bz2", " Making .bz2" ):
- if os.path.exists( bz2_archive_name ): os.unlink( bz2_archive_name )
- os.system( 'bash -c "gunzip -c %s | bzip2 > %s"' % ( gz_archive_name, bz2_archive_name ) )
- self.finish_step( "unix.bz2" )
- return [ os.path.abspath( x ) for x in ( gz_archive_name, bz2_archive_name ) ]
- def remove_x_permission( self, directory ):
- for i in os.walk( directory ):
- for f in i[1]:
- os.system( "chmod a=xr,u=rwx %s" % os.path.join( i[0], f ) )
- for f in i[2]:
- os.system( "chmod a=r,u=rw %s" % os.path.join( i[0], f ) )
- def copy_docs_to_unix( self, unix_boost_directory, win_boost_directory ):
- if self.start_step( "unix.copy_docs", "Copying docs to unix copy" ):
- doc_directory = os.path.join( unix_boost_directory, "doc" )
- doc_html_directory = os.path.join( doc_directory, "html" )
- remove_directory( doc_html_directory )
- utils.checked_system( [
- "cp -R %s %s " % ( os.path.join( win_boost_directory, "doc", "html" )
- , doc_html_directory )
- ] )
- for f in [ "boost.docbook", "boost.fo" ]:
- utils.checked_system( [
- "cp %s %s" % ( os.path.join( win_boost_directory, "doc", f )
- , os.path.join( doc_directory, f ) )
- ] )
- self.remove_x_permission( doc_directory )
- boost_build_doc_directory = os.path.join( unix_boost_directory, "tools", "build", "v2", "doc" )
- boost_build_doc_html_directory = os.path.join( boost_build_doc_directory, "html" )
- remove_directory( boost_build_doc_html_directory )
- utils.checked_system( [
- "cp -R %s %s " % ( os.path.join( win_boost_directory, "tools", "build", "v2", "doc", "html" )
- , boost_build_doc_html_directory ) ] )
- for f in [ "userman.pdf" ]:
- utils.checked_system( [
- "cp %s %s " % ( os.path.join( win_boost_directory, "tools", "build", "v2", "doc", f )
- , os.path.join( boost_build_doc_directory, f ) ) ] )
- self.remove_x_permission( boost_build_doc_directory )
- self.finish_step( "unix.copy_docs" )
-def bjam_path():
- if os.path.exists( os.path.join( my_location, "bjam.exe" ) ):
- return os.path.join( my_location, "bjam.exe" )
- else:
- return "bjam.exe"
-def main():
- ( release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, toolset, temp_dir, start_step ) = accept_args( sys.argv[ 1: ] )
- make_tarballs( release_version, cvs_tag, sf_user, toolset, temp_dir, start_step ).run()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
Deleted: branches/release/tools/release/utils.py
--- branches/release/tools/release/utils.py 2008-03-23 11:38:30 EDT (Sun, 23 Mar 2008)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import string
-import os
-class failure_exception:
- def __init__( self, rc ):
- self.rc_ = rc
- def __str__( self ):
- return "rc: %d" % self.rc_
-def system( commands ):
- if os.path.exists( "tmp.cmd" ):
- os.chmod( "tmp.cmd", 0777 )
- os.unlink( "tmp.cmd" )
- f = open( "tmp.cmd", "w" )
- f.write( string.join( commands, "\n" ) )
- f.close()
- rc = os.system( "tmp.cmd" )
- os.chmod( "tmp.cmd", 0777 )
- os.unlink( "tmp.cmd" )
- return rc
-def checked_system( commands, valid_return_codes = [ 0 ] ):
- rc = system( commands )
- if rc not in [ 0 ] + valid_return_codes: raise failure_exception( rc )
- return rc
-class step_controller:
- def __init__( self, start_step ):
- self.current_step_ = None;
- self.skip_to_step_ = start_step
- def start_step( self, step_name, start_message ):
- self.current_step_ = step_name
- if self.is_skipping( step_name ):
- print "[%s] Skipping." % step_name
- return 0
- else:
- self.skip_to_step_ = ""
- print "[%s] %s" % ( step_name, start_message )
- return 1
- def finish_step( self, step_name ):
- print "[%s] Finished" % step_name
- def is_skipping( self, step_name = None ):
- if step_name is None: step_name = self.current_step_
- return self.skip_to_step_ != "" and self.skip_to_step_ != step_name
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk