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Boost-Commit : |
From: grafikrobot_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-05-22 16:04:59
Author: grafik
Date: 2008-05-22 16:04:59 EDT (Thu, 22 May 2008)
New Revision: 45667
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/45667
Switch to using pulldom to be able to handle the very-large bjam XML log files.
Text files modified:
trunk/tools/regression/src/process_jam_log.py | 317 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
Modified: trunk/tools/regression/src/process_jam_log.py
--- trunk/tools/regression/src/process_jam_log.py (original)
+++ trunk/tools/regression/src/process_jam_log.py 2008-05-22 16:04:59 EDT (Thu, 22 May 2008)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import optparse
import time
import xml.dom.minidom
+import xml.dom.pulldom
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape, escape
import os.path
@@ -77,10 +78,37 @@
def add_log(self):
if self.input[0]:
- bjam_log = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.input[0])
+ bjam_xml = self.input[0]
- bjam_log = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.input[1])
- self.x(bjam_log.documentElement)
+ bjam_xml = self.input[1]
+ events = xml.dom.pulldom.parse(bjam_xml)
+ context = []
+ test_run = self.results.documentElement
+ for (event,node) in events:
+ if event == xml.dom.pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
+ context.append(node)
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ x_f = self.x_name_(*context)
+ if x_f:
+ events.expandNode(node)
+ # expanding eats the end element, hence walking us out one level
+ context.pop()
+ # call the translator, and add returned items to the result
+ items = (x_f[1])(node)
+ if items:
+ for item in items:
+ if item:
+ test_run.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
+ test_run.appendChild(item)
+ elif event == xml.dom.pulldom.END_ELEMENT:
+ context.pop()
+ #~ Add the log items nwo that we've collected all of them.
+ items = self.log.values()
+ if items:
+ for item in items:
+ if item:
+ test_run.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
+ test_run.appendChild(item)
def gen_output(self):
if self.output:
@@ -93,6 +121,24 @@
def tostring(self):
return self.results.toxml('utf-8')
+ def x_name_(self, *context, **kwargs):
+ node = None
+ names = [ ]
+ for c in context:
+ if c:
+ if not isinstance(c,xml.dom.Node):
+ suffix = '_'+c.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
+ else:
+ suffix = '_'+c.nodeName.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
+ node = c
+ names.append('x')
+ names = map(lambda x: x+suffix,names)
+ if node:
+ for name in names:
+ if hasattr(self,name):
+ return (name,getattr(self,name))
+ return None
def x(self, *context, **kwargs):
node = None
names = [ ]
@@ -113,26 +159,10 @@
assert False, 'Unknown node type %s'%(name)
return None
- #~ The single top-level build element...
- def x_build( self, node ):
- test_run = self.results.documentElement
- #~ Iterate over the sub-sections in a specific order to build up the
- #~ cross-reference information and the XML output.
- for type in ('timestamp','comment','test','targets','action'):
- items = self.x(node,type)
- #~ Any items generated by the processing are inteserted into the results.
- if items:
- for item in items:
- if item:
- test_run.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
- test_run.appendChild(item)
- return None
#~ The timestamp goes to the corresponding attribute in the result.
def x_build_timestamp( self, node ):
test_run = self.results.documentElement
- timestamp = self.get_child(self.get_child(node,tag='timestamp'),tag='#cdata-section').data.strip()
- test_run.setAttribute('timestamp',timestamp)
+ test_run.setAttribute('timestamp',self.get_data(node).strip())
return None
#~ Comment file becomes a comment node.
@@ -150,122 +180,122 @@
#~ Tests are remembered for future reference.
def x_build_test( self, node ):
test_run = self.results.documentElement
- test_node = self.get_child(node,tag='test')
- while test_node:
- test_name = test_node.getAttribute('name')
- self.test[test_name] = {
- 'library' : '/'.join(test_name.split('/')[0:-1]),
- 'test-name' : test_name.split('/')[-1],
- 'test-type' : test_node.getAttribute('type').lower(),
- 'test-program' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='source').strip(),
- 'target' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='target').strip(),
- 'info' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='info',strip=True)
- }
- #~ Add a lookup for the test given the test target.
- self.target_to_test[self.test[test_name]['target']] = test_name
- #~ print "--- %s\n => %s" %(self.test[test_name]['target'],test_name)
- test_node = self.get_sibling(test_node.nextSibling,tag='test')
+ test_node = node
+ test_name = test_node.getAttribute('name')
+ self.test[test_name] = {
+ 'library' : '/'.join(test_name.split('/')[0:-1]),
+ 'test-name' : test_name.split('/')[-1],
+ 'test-type' : test_node.getAttribute('type').lower(),
+ 'test-program' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='source',strip=True),
+ 'target' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='target',strip=True),
+ 'info' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='info',strip=True)
+ }
+ #~ Add a lookup for the test given the test target.
+ self.target_to_test[self.test[test_name]['target']] = test_name
+ #~ print "--- %s\n => %s" %(self.test[test_name]['target'],test_name)
return None
#~ Process the target dependency DAG into an ancestry tree so we can look up
#~ which top-level library and test targets specific build actions correspond to.
- def x_build_targets( self, node ):
+ def x_build_targets_target( self, node ):
test_run = self.results.documentElement
- target_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(node,tag='targets'),tag='target')
- while target_node:
- name = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='name').strip()
- path = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='path').strip()
- jam_target = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='jam-target').strip()
- #~ Map for jam targets to virtual targets.
- self.target[jam_target] = {
- 'name' : name,
- 'path' : path
- }
- #~ Create the ancestry.
- dep_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(target_node,tag='dependencies'),tag='dependency')
- while dep_node:
- child = self.get_data(dep_node).strip()
- child_jam_target = '<p%s>%s' % (path,child.split('//',1)[1])
- self.parent[child_jam_target] = jam_target
- #~ print "--- %s\n ^ %s" %(jam_target,child_jam_target)
- dep_node = self.get_sibling(dep_node.nextSibling,tag='dependency')
- target_node = self.get_sibling(target_node.nextSibling,tag='target')
+ target_node = node
+ name = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='name',strip=True)
+ path = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='path',strip=True)
+ jam_target = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='jam-target',strip=True)
+ #~ print "--- target :: %s" %(name)
+ #~ Map for jam targets to virtual targets.
+ self.target[jam_target] = {
+ 'name' : name,
+ 'path' : path
+ }
+ #~ Create the ancestry.
+ dep_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(target_node,tag='dependencies'),tag='dependency')
+ while dep_node:
+ child = self.get_data(dep_node,strip=True)
+ child_jam_target = '<p%s>%s' % (path,child.split('//',1)[1])
+ self.parent[child_jam_target] = jam_target
+ #~ print "--- %s\n ^ %s" %(jam_target,child_jam_target)
+ dep_node = self.get_sibling(dep_node.nextSibling,tag='dependency')
return None
#~ Given a build action log, process into the corresponding test log and
#~ specific test log sub-part.
def x_build_action( self, node ):
test_run = self.results.documentElement
- action_node = self.get_child(node,tag='action')
- while action_node:
- name = self.get_child(action_node,tag='name')
- if name:
- name = self.get_data(name)
- #~ Based on the action, we decide what sub-section the log
- #~ should go into.
- action_type = None
- if re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](compile)',name):
- action_type = 'compile'
- elif re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](link|archive)',name):
- action_type = 'link'
- elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](capture-output)',name):
- action_type = 'run'
- elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](expect-failure|expect-success)',name):
- action_type = 'result'
- #~ print "+ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,'','')
- if action_type:
- #~ Get the corresponding test.
- (target,test) = self.get_test(action_node,type=action_type)
- #~ And the log node, which we will add the results to.
- log = self.get_log(action_node,test)
- #~ print "--- [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
- #~ Collect some basic info about the action.
- result_data = "%(info)s\n\n%(command)s\n%(output)s\n" % {
- 'command' : self.get_action_command(action_node,action_type),
- 'output' : self.get_action_output(action_node,action_type),
- 'info' : self.get_action_info(action_node,action_type)
- }
- #~ For the test result status we find the appropriate node
- #~ based on the type of test. Then adjust the result status
- #~ acorrdingly. This makes the result status reflect the
- #~ expectation as the result pages post processing does not
- #~ account for this inversion.
- action_tag = action_type
- if action_type == 'result':
- if re.match(r'^compile',test['test-type']):
- action_tag = 'compile'
- elif re.match(r'^link',test['test-type']):
- action_tag = 'link'
- elif re.match(r'^run',test['test-type']):
- action_tag = 'run'
- #~ The result sub-part we will add this result to.
- result_node = self.get_child(log,tag=action_tag)
- if action_node.getAttribute('status') == '0':
- action_result = 'succeed'
- else:
- action_result = 'fail'
- if not result_node:
- #~ If we don't have one already, create it and add the result.
- result_node = self.new_text(action_tag,result_data,
- result = action_result,
- timestamp = action_node.getAttribute('start'))
- log.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
- log.appendChild(result_node)
+ action_node = node
+ name = self.get_child(action_node,tag='name')
+ if name:
+ name = self.get_data(name)
+ #~ Based on the action, we decide what sub-section the log
+ #~ should go into.
+ action_type = None
+ if re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](compile)',name):
+ action_type = 'compile'
+ elif re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](link|archive)',name):
+ action_type = 'link'
+ elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](capture-output)',name):
+ action_type = 'run'
+ elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](expect-failure|expect-success)',name):
+ action_type = 'result'
+ #~ print "+ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,'','')
+ if action_type:
+ #~ Get the corresponding test.
+ (target,test) = self.get_test(action_node,type=action_type)
+ #~ Skip action that have no correspoding test as they are
+ #~ regular build actions and don't need to show up in the
+ #~ regression results.
+ if not test:
+ return None
+ #~ And the log node, which we will add the results to.
+ log = self.get_log(action_node,test)
+ #~ print "--- [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
+ #~ Collect some basic info about the action.
+ result_data = "%(info)s\n\n%(command)s\n%(output)s\n" % {
+ 'command' : self.get_action_command(action_node,action_type),
+ 'output' : self.get_action_output(action_node,action_type),
+ 'info' : self.get_action_info(action_node,action_type)
+ }
+ #~ For the test result status we find the appropriate node
+ #~ based on the type of test. Then adjust the result status
+ #~ acorrdingly. This makes the result status reflect the
+ #~ expectation as the result pages post processing does not
+ #~ account for this inversion.
+ action_tag = action_type
+ if action_type == 'result':
+ if re.match(r'^compile',test['test-type']):
+ action_tag = 'compile'
+ elif re.match(r'^link',test['test-type']):
+ action_tag = 'link'
+ elif re.match(r'^run',test['test-type']):
+ action_tag = 'run'
+ #~ The result sub-part we will add this result to.
+ result_node = self.get_child(log,tag=action_tag)
+ if action_node.getAttribute('status') == '0':
+ action_result = 'succeed'
+ else:
+ action_result = 'fail'
+ if not result_node:
+ #~ If we don't have one already, create it and add the result.
+ result_node = self.new_text(action_tag,result_data,
+ result = action_result,
+ timestamp = action_node.getAttribute('start'))
+ log.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
+ log.appendChild(result_node)
+ else:
+ #~ For an existing result node we set the status to fail
+ #~ when any of the individual actions fail, except for result
+ #~ status.
+ if action_type != 'result':
+ result = result_node.getAttribute('result')
+ if action_node.getAttribute('status') != '0':
+ result = 'fail'
- #~ For an existing result node we set the status to fail
- #~ when any of the individual actions fail, except for result
- #~ status.
- if action_type != 'result':
- result = result_node.getAttribute('result')
- if action_node.getAttribute('status') != '0':
- result = 'fail'
- else:
- result = action_result
- result_node.setAttribute('result',result)
- result_node.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
- result_node.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode(result_data))
- action_node = self.get_sibling(action_node.nextSibling,tag='action')
- return self.log.values()
+ result = action_result
+ result_node.setAttribute('result',result)
+ result_node.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode("\n"))
+ result_node.appendChild(self.results.createTextNode(result_data))
+ return None
#~ The command executed for the action. For run actions we omit the command
#~ as it's just noise.
@@ -323,7 +353,11 @@
test = self.test[lib]
- test = self.test[self.target_to_test[self.target[target]['name']]]
+ target_name_ = self.target[target]['name']
+ if self.target_to_test.has_key(target_name_):
+ test = self.test[self.target_to_test[target_name_]]
+ else:
+ test = None
return (base,test)
#~ Find, or create, the test-log node to add results to.
@@ -357,10 +391,12 @@
#~ XML utilities...
- def get_sibling( self, sibling, tag = None, id = None, name = None ):
+ def get_sibling( self, sibling, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
n = sibling
while n:
found = True
+ if type and found:
+ found = found and type == n.nodeType
if tag and found:
found = found and tag == n.nodeName
if (id or name) and found:
@@ -377,23 +413,30 @@
n = n.nextSibling
return None
- def get_child( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None ):
- return self.get_sibling(root.firstChild,tag=tag,id=id,name=name)
+ def get_child( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
+ return self.get_sibling(root.firstChild,tag=tag,id=id,name=name,type=type)
def get_data( self, node, strip = False, default = None ):
data = None
if node:
- if not data:
- data = self.get_child(node,tag='#text')
- if not data:
- data = self.get_child(node,tag='#cdata-section')
- if data:
- if not strip:
- data = data.data
- else:
- data = data.data.strip()
+ data_node = None
+ if not data_node:
+ data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#text')
+ if not data_node:
+ data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#cdata-section')
+ data = ""
+ while data_node:
+ data += data_node.data
+ data_node = data_node.nextSibling
+ if data_node:
+ if data_node.nodeName != '#text' \
+ and data_node.nodeName != '#cdata-section':
+ data_node = None
if not data:
data = default
+ else:
+ if strip:
+ data = data.strip()
return data
def get_child_data( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, strip = False, default = None ):
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk