![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
From: chochlik_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-06-13 10:49:26
Author: matus.chochlik
Date: 2008-06-13 10:49:25 EDT (Fri, 13 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 46375
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/46375
split the traversal sources into main / detail files
sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/detail/traversal.hpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/traversal.hpp | 214 ---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
Added: sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/detail/traversal.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/detail/traversal.hpp 2008-06-13 10:49:25 EDT (Fri, 13 Jun 2008)
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * \file boost/mirror/detail/traversal.hpp
+ * Traversal of meta classes by a visitor
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 Matus Chochlik. Distributed under the Boost
+ * Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+ * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ */
+#include <boost/mirror/meta_class.hpp>
+#include <boost/mirror/algorithm/for_each.hpp>
+#include <boost/ref.hpp>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace boost {
+namespace mirror {
+template <class MetaClass, class Context> class deep_traversal_of;
+template <class MetaClass, class Context> class flat_traversal_of;
+namespace detail {
+ template <
+ class MetaClass,
+ class Context,
+ class MetaAttributes,
+ template <class, class> class TraversalType
+ >
+ struct traversal_utils
+ {
+ protected:
+ typedef typename mpl::push_back<Context, MetaClass>::type
+ ClassContext;
+ template <class VisitorType>
+ class attribute_traversal
+ {
+ public:
+ attribute_traversal(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> _visitor,
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* _ptr_to_inst
+ )
+ : visitor(_visitor)
+ , ptr_to_inst(_ptr_to_inst)
+ {
+ visitor.enter_attributes(
+ MetaClass(),
+ MetaAttributes(),
+ ClassContext()
+ );
+ }
+ ~attribute_traversal(void)
+ {
+ visitor.leave_attributes(
+ MetaClass(),
+ MetaAttributes(),
+ ClassContext()
+ );
+ }
+ template <class MetaAttribute>
+ void operator ()(MetaAttribute ma) const
+ {
+ // update the traversal context
+ typename mpl::push_back<
+ ClassContext,
+ MetaAttributes
+ >::type ctx;
+ //
+ // process a single attribute
+ process_single(
+ ma,
+ ctx,
+ typename VisitorType::works_on_instances()
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ VisitorType& visitor;
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst;
+ // process single attribute WITH an instance
+ template <class MetaAttribute, class AttribsContext>
+ void process_single(
+ MetaAttribute ma,
+ AttribsContext ctx,
+ mpl::bool_<true>
+ ) const
+ {
+ // enter the attribute
+ visitor.enter_attribute(ma, ctx);
+ //
+ // get the type of the attribute
+ typedef typename MetaAttribute::type attrib_type;
+ //
+ // the poiner has to be valid
+ assert(ptr_to_inst != 0);
+ //
+ // get an attribute instance
+ typedef BOOST_TYPEOF(ma.get(*ptr_to_inst)) instance_type;
+ instance_type instance(ma.get(*ptr_to_inst));
+ //
+ // traverse the attribute
+ TraversalType<
+ typename mpl::push_back<
+ AttribsContext,
+ MetaAttribute
+ >::type
+ >::accept(visitor, &instance);
+ //
+ // leave the attribute
+ visitor.leave_attribute(ma, ctx);
+ }
+ // process single attribute W/O an instance
+ template <class MetaAttribute, class AttribsContext>
+ void process_single(
+ MetaAttribute ma,
+ AttribsContext ctx,
+ mpl::bool_<false>
+ ) const
+ {
+ // enter the attribute
+ visitor.enter_attribute(ma, ctx);
+ //
+ // traverse the attributes
+ typedef typename MetaAttribute::type attrib_type;
+ TraversalType<
+ typename mpl::push_back<
+ AttribsContext,
+ MetaAttribute
+ >::type
+ >::accept(visitor, 0);
+ //
+ // leave the attributes
+ visitor.leave_attribute(ma, ctx);
+ }
+ };
+ // attribute_traversal factory function
+ template <class VisitorType>
+ static inline attribute_traversal<VisitorType>
+ show_attribs_to(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst
+ )
+ {
+ return attribute_traversal<VisitorType>(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
+ }
+ template <class VisitorType>
+ class base_class_traversal
+ {
+ public:
+ base_class_traversal(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> _visitor,
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* _ptr_to_inst
+ )
+ : visitor(_visitor)
+ , ptr_to_inst(_ptr_to_inst)
+ {
+ visitor.enter_base_classes(
+ MetaClass(),
+ ClassContext()
+ );
+ }
+ ~base_class_traversal(void)
+ {
+ visitor.leave_base_classes(
+ MetaClass(),
+ ClassContext()
+ );
+ }
+ template <class MetaInheritance>
+ void operator ()(MetaInheritance mbc) const
+ {
+ ClassContext ctx;
+ //
+ // enter the base cass
+ visitor.enter_base_class(mbc, ctx);
+ //
+ // get the meta-class of the base class
+ typedef typename MetaInheritance::meta_base_class
+ meta_base_class;
+ // traverse the base class
+ TraversalType<
+ meta_base_class,
+ typename mpl::push_back<
+ ClassContext,
+ MetaInheritance
+ >::type
+ >::accept(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
+ // leave the base class
+ visitor.leave_base_class(mbc, ctx);
+ }
+ private:
+ VisitorType& visitor;
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst;
+ };
+ // base class traversal factory function
+ template <class VisitorType>
+ static inline base_class_traversal<VisitorType>
+ show_bases_to(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
+ typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst
+ )
+ {
+ return base_class_traversal<VisitorType>(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
+ }
+ template <
+ class VisitorType,
+ class MetaClass,
+ class Context,
+ class InstanceType
+ >
+ inline static void lead_to_instance(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
+ MetaClass mc,
+ Context ctx,
+ InstanceType* ptr_to_inst
+ )
+ {
+ do_lead_to_instance(
+ visitor,
+ mc,
+ ctx,
+ ptr_to_inst,
+ typename VisitorType::works_on_instances()
+ );
+ }
+ private:
+ template <
+ class VisitorType,
+ class MetaClass,
+ class Context,
+ class InstanceType
+ >
+ inline static void do_lead_to_instance(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
+ MetaClass,
+ Context,
+ InstanceType* ptr_to_inst,
+ mpl::bool_<false>
+ ){ }
+ template <
+ class VisitorType,
+ class MetaClass,
+ class Context,
+ class InstanceType
+ >
+ inline static void do_lead_to_instance(
+ reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
+ MetaClass mc,
+ Context ctx,
+ InstanceType* ptr_to_inst,
+ mpl::bool_<true>
+ )
+ {
+ visitor.get().visit_instance(mc, ctx, ptr_to_inst);
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace mirror
+} // namespace boost
+#endif //include guard
Modified: sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/traversal.hpp
--- sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/traversal.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/mirror/boost/mirror/traversal.hpp 2008-06-13 10:49:25 EDT (Fri, 13 Jun 2008)
@@ -10,220 +10,12 @@
-#include <boost/mirror/meta_class.hpp>
-#include <boost/mirror/algorithm/for_each.hpp>
-#include <boost/ref.hpp>
-#include <assert.h>
+#include <boost/mirror/detail/traversal.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace mirror {
-template <class MetaClass, class Context> class deep_traversal_of;
-template <class MetaClass, class Context> class flat_traversal_of;
-namespace detail {
- template <
- class MetaClass,
- class Context,
- class MetaAttributes,
- template <class, class> class TraversalType
- >
- struct traversal_utils
- {
- protected:
- typedef typename mpl::push_back<Context, MetaClass>::type
- ClassContext;
- template <class VisitorType>
- class attribute_traversal
- {
- public:
- attribute_traversal(
- reference_wrapper<VisitorType> _visitor,
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* _ptr_to_inst
- )
- : visitor(_visitor)
- , ptr_to_inst(_ptr_to_inst)
- {
- visitor.enter_attributes(
- MetaClass(),
- MetaAttributes(),
- ClassContext()
- );
- }
- ~attribute_traversal(void)
- {
- visitor.leave_attributes(
- MetaClass(),
- MetaAttributes(),
- ClassContext()
- );
- }
- template <class MetaAttribute>
- void operator ()(MetaAttribute ma) const
- {
- // update the traversal context
- typename mpl::push_back<
- ClassContext,
- MetaAttributes
- >::type ctx;
- //
- // process a single attribute
- process_single(
- ma,
- ctx,
- typename VisitorType::works_on_instances()
- );
- }
- private:
- VisitorType& visitor;
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst;
- // process single attribute WITH an instance
- template <class MetaAttribute, class AttribsContext>
- void process_single(
- MetaAttribute ma,
- AttribsContext ctx,
- mpl::bool_<true>
- ) const
- {
- // enter the attribute
- visitor.enter_attribute(ma, ctx);
- //
- // get the type of the attribute
- typedef typename MetaAttribute::type attrib_type;
- //
- // the poiner has to be valid
- assert(ptr_to_inst != 0);
- //
- // get an attribute instance
- typedef BOOST_TYPEOF(ma.get(*ptr_to_inst)) instance_type;
- instance_type instance(ma.get(*ptr_to_inst));
- //
- // traverse the attribute
- TraversalType<
- typename mpl::push_back<
- AttribsContext,
- MetaAttribute
- >::type
- >::accept(visitor, &instance);
- //
- // leave the attribute
- visitor.leave_attribute(ma, ctx);
- }
- // process single attribute W/O an instance
- template <class MetaAttribute, class AttribsContext>
- void process_single(
- MetaAttribute ma,
- AttribsContext ctx,
- mpl::bool_<false>
- ) const
- {
- // enter the attribute
- visitor.enter_attribute(ma, ctx);
- //
- // traverse the attributes
- typedef typename MetaAttribute::type attrib_type;
- TraversalType<
- typename mpl::push_back<
- AttribsContext,
- MetaAttribute
- >::type
- >::accept(visitor, 0);
- //
- // leave the attributes
- visitor.leave_attribute(ma, ctx);
- }
- };
- // attribute_traversal factory function
- template <class VisitorType>
- static inline attribute_traversal<VisitorType>
- show_attribs_to(
- reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst
- )
- {
- return attribute_traversal<VisitorType>(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
- }
- template <class VisitorType>
- class base_class_traversal
- {
- public:
- base_class_traversal(
- reference_wrapper<VisitorType> _visitor,
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* _ptr_to_inst
- )
- : visitor(_visitor)
- , ptr_to_inst(_ptr_to_inst)
- {
- visitor.enter_base_classes(
- MetaClass(),
- ClassContext()
- );
- }
- ~base_class_traversal(void)
- {
- visitor.leave_base_classes(
- MetaClass(),
- ClassContext()
- );
- }
- template <class MetaInheritance>
- void operator ()(MetaInheritance mbc) const
- {
- ClassContext ctx;
- //
- // enter the base cass
- visitor.enter_base_class(mbc, ctx);
- //
- // get the meta-class of the base class
- typedef typename MetaInheritance::meta_base_class
- meta_base_class;
- // traverse the base class
- TraversalType<
- meta_base_class,
- typename mpl::push_back<
- ClassContext,
- MetaInheritance
- >::type
- >::accept(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
- // leave the base class
- visitor.leave_base_class(mbc, ctx);
- }
- private:
- VisitorType& visitor;
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst;
- };
- // base class traversal factory function
- template <class VisitorType>
- static inline base_class_traversal<VisitorType>
- show_bases_to(
- reference_wrapper<VisitorType> visitor,
- typename MetaClass::reflected_type* ptr_to_inst
- )
- {
- return base_class_traversal<VisitorType>(visitor, ptr_to_inst);
- }
- };
-} // namespace detail
template <class MetaClass, class Context = mpl::vector0<> >
class deep_traversal_of
: detail::traversal_utils<
@@ -263,7 +55,7 @@
// enter the type
visitor.get().enter_type(mc, ctx);
// visit the instance
- visitor.get().visit_instance(mc, ctx, ptr_to_inst);
+ lead_to_instance(visitor, mc, ctx, ptr_to_inst);
// go through the base classes
for_each<typename MetaClass::base_classes>(
cref(show_bases_to(visitor, ptr_to_inst))
@@ -315,7 +107,7 @@
// enter the type
visitor.get().enter_type(mc, ctx);
// visit the instance
- visitor.get().visit_instance(mc, ctx, ptr_to_inst);
+ lead_to_instance(visitor, mc, ctx, ptr_to_inst);
// go through all of the class' attributes
for_each<typename MetaClass::all_attributes>(
cref(show_attribs_to(visitor, ptr_to_inst))
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk