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Boost-Commit : |
From: dgregor_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-06-30 00:50:39
Author: dgregor
Date: 2008-06-30 00:50:38 EDT (Mon, 30 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 46883
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/46883
Eliminate informal requirements in the container requirements tables that are better specified in the containers themselves
Text files modified:
sandbox/committee/concepts/stdlib/clib-containers.tex | 561 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 560 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/committee/concepts/stdlib/clib-containers.tex
--- sandbox/committee/concepts/stdlib/clib-containers.tex (original)
+++ sandbox/committee/concepts/stdlib/clib-containers.tex 2008-06-30 00:50:38 EDT (Mon, 30 Jun 2008)
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
%% Handle special hyphenation rules
\hyphenation{tem-plate ex-am-ple in-put-it-er-a-tor}
@@ -139,7 +141,12 @@
container's value type for the same operation. Those container
concepts that are actually needed (e.g., for the container
adaptors~\ref{container.adaptors}) are specified in the new
- section~\ref{container.concepts}.}
+ section~\ref{container.concepts}. We have, however, removed many
+ informal ``requires'' clauses from the container requirements
+ tables, because they have never been complete and the same
+ information is available more formally in the real requires clauses
+ of the containers themselves (which appropriately account for the
+ variation between containers).}
@@ -181,6 +188,239 @@
\editorial{Remove Table 88: \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A, T,
Args>}} requirements}
+In Tables~\ref{tab:containers.container.requirements} and
+\ref{tab:containers.reversible.requirements}, \tcode{X}\
+denotes a container class containing objects of type
+\tcode{T}, \tcode{a}\ and \tcode{b}
+denote values of type \tcode{X}, \tcode{u}\
+denotes an identifier, \tcode{r}\ denotes
+an lvalue or a const rvalue of type \tcode{X}, and \tcode{rv}
+denotes a non-const rvalue of type \tcode{X}.
+{Container requirements}
+\\ \topline
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{operational} &
+\chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{complexity} \\
+ & & \chdr{semantics} & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{operational} &
+\chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{complexity} \\
+ & & \chdr{semantics} & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\tcode{X::value_type} &
+ \tcode{T} &
+ &
+ &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::reference} &
+ lvalue of \tcode{T} &
+ &
+ &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::const_reference} &
+ const lvalue of \tcode{T} &
+ &
+ &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::iterator} &
+ iterator type whose value type is \tcode{T} &
+ &
+ any iterator category except output iterator.
+ convertible to \tcode{X::const_iterator}. &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::const_iterator} &
+ constant iterator type whose value type is \tcode{T} &
+ &
+ any iterator category except output iterator &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::dif\-ference_type} &
+ signed integral type &
+ &
+ is identical to the difference type of \tcode{X::iterator}\ and \tcode{X::const_iterator} &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::size_type} &
+ unsigned integral type &
+ &
+ \tcode{size_type} can represent any non-negative value of \tcode{difference_type} &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X u;} &
+ &
+ &
+ post: \tcode{u.size() == 0}&
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X();} &
+ &
+ &
+ \tcode{X().size() == 0} &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X(a);} &
+ &
+ &
+\removedCCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} is \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}.} post: \tcode{a == X(a)}. &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X u(a);} &
+ &
+ &
+\removedCCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} is \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}.} &
+ linear \\
+\tcode{X u = a;} &
+ &
+ &
+ post: \tcode{u == a} &
+ \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X u(rv);} &
+ &
+ &
+ \removedCCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} is \mbox{\tcode{MoveConstructible}}.} &
+(Note B) \\
+\tcode{X u = rv;} &
+ &
+ &
+ post: \tcode{u} shall be equal to the value that \tcode{rv} had before this construction
+ &
+ \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a = rv;} &
+\tcode{X\&} &
+All existing elements of \tcode{a} are either move assigned or destroyed &
+\tcode{a} shall be equal to the value that \tcode{rv}
+had before this construction &
+ (Note C) \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{(\&a)->$\sim$X();} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ &
+ note: the destructor is applied to every element of \tcode{a}; all the memory is deallocated. &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.begin();} &
+ \tcode{iterator}; \tcode{const_iterator}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ &
+ &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.end();} &
+ \tcode{iterator}; \tcode{const_iterator}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ &
+ &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.cbegin();} &
+ \tcode{const_iterator} &
+ \tcode{const_cast<X const\&>(a).begin();} &
+ &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.cend();} &
+ \tcode{const_iterator} &
+ \tcode{const_cast<X const\&>(a).end();} &
+ &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a == b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ &
+ \tcode{==}\ is an equivalence relation.
+ \tcode{a.size() == b.size()}
+ \tcode{\&\& equal(a.begin(),}
+ \tcode{a.end(), b.begin())} &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a != b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ &
+ Equivalent to: \tcode{!(a == b)} &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.swap(b)}; &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ &
+ \tcode{swap(a,b)} &
+ (Note A) \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{r = a} &
+ \tcode{X\&} &
+ &
+ post: \tcode{r == a}. &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.size()} &
+ \tcode{size_type} &
+ \tcode{a.end() $-$ a.begin()} &
+ &
+ (Note A) \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.max_size()} &
+ \tcode{size_type} &
+ \tcode{size()}\ of the largest possible container &
+ &
+ (Note A) \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.empty()} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ \tcode{a.size() == 0} &
+ &
+constant \\ \rowsep
+\resetcolor{}\tcode{a < b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ \tcode{lexico\-graphical_compare( a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end())} &
+ pre: \tcode{<}\ is defined for values of \tcode{T}. \tcode{<} is a total ordering relationship. &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a > b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ \tcode{b < a} &
+ &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a <= b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ \tcode{!(a > b)} &
+ &
+ linear \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a >= b} &
+ convertible to \tcode{bool} &
+ \tcode{!(a < b)} &
+ &
+ linear \\
+Notes: the algorithms
+are defined in clause~\ref{algorithms}.
+Those entries marked ``(Note A)'' should have constant complexity.
+Those entries marked ``(Note B)'' have constant complexity unless
+ is \mbox{\tcode{true}}}{\mbox{\tcode{AllocatorPropagateNever<X::allocator_type>}} is satisfied}, in which case they have linear complexity. Those
+ entries marked ``(Note C)'' have constant complexity if
+ \tcode{a.get_allocator() == rv.get_allocator()} or if either
+ \changedCCC{\mbox{\tcode{allocator_propagate_on_move_assignment<X::allocator_type>::value}}
+ is \mbox{\tcode{true}}}{\mbox{\tcode{AllocatorPropagateOnMoveAssignment<X::allocator>}} is satisfied} or \changedCCC{\mbox{\tcode{allocator_propagate_on_copy_assignment<X::allocator_type>::value}} is
+ \mbox{\tcode{true}}}{\mbox{\tcode{AllocatorPropagateOnCopyAssignment<X::allocator>}} is satisfied} and linear complexity otherwise.
Copy and move constructors for all container types defined in this
@@ -205,6 +445,325 @@
\tcode{get_allocator()} returns a copy of the \tcode{Allocator} object
used to construct the container, or to replace the allocator.
+\rSec2[sequence.reqmts]{Sequence containers}
+The complexities of the expressions are sequence dependent.
+{Sequence container requirements (in addition to container)}
+\\ \topline
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \rhdr{assertion/note} \\
+ & & \rhdr{pre/post-condition} \\ \capsep
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \rhdr{assertion/note} \\
+ & & \rhdr{pre/post-condition} \\ \capsep
+\tcode{X(n, t)}\br
+\tcode{X a(n, t)} &
+ &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}.}\br
+ post: \tcode{size() == n}\br
+ Constructs a sequence container with \tcode{n}\ copies of \tcode{t} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X(i, j)}\br
+\tcode{X a(i, j)} &
+ &
+\mbox{\requires} \removedCC{If the iterator's dereference operation returns an
+ lvalue or a const rvalue, \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}.}
+ Each iterator in the range \range{i}{j} shall be dereferenced exactly once.\br
+ post: \tcode{size() == distance}\ between \tcode{i}\ and \tcode{j}\br
+ Constructs a sequence container equal to the range \tcode{[i, j)} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.emplace(p, args);} &
+ \tcode{iterator} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{T, Args>}}.}
+ Inserts an object of type \tcode{T} constructed with
+ \tcode{std::forward<Args>(args)...}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.insert(p,t)} &
+ \tcode{iterator} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{T, Args>}}
+ and \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}}.}\br
+ Inserts a copy of \tcode{t}\ before \tcode{p}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.insert(p,rv)} &
+ \tcode{iterator} &
+\removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{T, T\&\&>}} and \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{MoveAssignable}}.}
+ Inserts a copy of \tcode{rv} before \tcode{p}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.insert(p,n,t)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}
+ and \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}}.}\br
+ Inserts \tcode{n}\ copies of \tcode{t}\ before \tcode{p}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.insert(p,i,j)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+\mbox{\requires} \removedCC{If the iterator's dereference operation returns an
+ lvalue or a const rvalue, \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}.}
+ Each iterator in the range \range{i}{j} shall be dereferenced exactly once.\br
+ pre: \tcode{i}\ and \tcode{j}\ are not iterators into \tcode{a}.\br
+ Inserts copies of elements in \tcode{[i, j)} before \tcode{p} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.erase(q)} &
+ \tcode{iterator} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{MoveAssignable}}.}
+ Erases the element pointed to by \tcode{q} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.erase(q1,q2)} &
+ \tcode{iterator} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{MoveAssignable}}.}
+ Erases the elements in the range \tcode{[q1, q2)}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.clear()} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \tcode{erase(begin(), end())}\br
+ post: \tcode{size() == 0} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.assign(i,j)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \requires \removedCC{If the iterator's dereference operation returns an
+ lvalue or a const rvalue, \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}
+ and \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}}.}
+ Each iterator in the range \range{i}{j} shall be dereferenced exactly once.\br
+ pre: \tcode{i}, \tcode{j}\ are not iterators into \tcode{a}.\br
+ Replaces elements in \tcode{a}\ with a copy of \tcode{[i, j)}. \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.assign(n,t)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{T}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}
+ and \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}}.}\br
+ pre: \tcode{t}\ is not a reference into \tcode{a}.\br
+ Replaces elements in \tcode{a}\ with \tcode{n}\ copies of \tcode{t}. \\
+Table~\ref{tab:containers.sequence.optional} lists operations
+that are provided for some types of
+sequence containers but not others.
+An implementation shall provide
+these operations for all container types shown in the ``container''
+column, and shall implement them so as to take amortized constant
+{Optional sequence container operations}
+\\ \topline
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{container} \\
+ & & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{container} \\
+ & & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\tcode{a.front()} &
+ \tcode{reference; const_reference}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ \tcode{*a.begin()} &
+ \tcode{vector}, \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque}, \tcode{basic_string}\\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.back()} &
+ \tcode{reference; const_reference}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ \tcode{\{ iterator tmp = a.end();}\br
+ \tcode{ \dcr tmp;}\br
+ \tcode{ return *tmp; \}} &
+ \tcode{vector}, \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque}, \tcode{basic_string}\\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.push_-} \tcode{front(args)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \tcode{a.emplace(a.begin(),} \tcode{std::forward<Args>(args)...)}
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{T, Args>}}} &
+ \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.push_-} \tcode{back(args)} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \tcode{a.emplace(a.end(),} \tcode{std::forward<Args>(args)...)}
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{T, Args>}}} &
+ \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque}, \tcode{vector} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.pop_front()} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \tcode{a.erase(a.begin())} &
+ \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.pop_back()} &
+ \tcode{void} &
+ \tcode{\{ iterator tmp = a.end();}\br
+ \tcode{ \dcr tmp;}\br
+ \tcode{ a.erase(tmp); \}} &
+ \tcode{vector}, \tcode{list}, \tcode{deque}, \tcode{basic_string}\\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a[n]} &
+ \tcode{reference; const_reference}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ \tcode{*(a.begin() + n)} &
+ \tcode{vector}, \tcode{deque}, \tcode{basic_string}, \tcode{match_results}\\ \rowsep
+\tcode{a.at(n)} &
+ \tcode{reference; const_reference}\ for constant \tcode{a} &
+ \tcode{*(a.begin() + n)} &
+ \tcode{vector}, \tcode{deque} \\
+\rSec2[associative.reqmts]{Associative containers}
+In Table~\ref{tab:containers.associative.requirements},
+\tcode{X}\ denotes an associative container class,
+\tcode{a}\ denotes a value of \tcode{X},
+\tcode{a_uniq}\ denotes a value of \tcode{X}\
+when \tcode{X}\ supports unique keys,
+\tcode{a_eq}\ denotes a value of \tcode{X}\
+when \tcode{X}\ supports multiple keys,
+\tcode{u} denotes an identifier, \tcode{r} denotes an lvalue or a const rvalue of type \tcode{X}, \tcode{rv} denotes a non-const rvalue of type \tcode{X},
+\tcode{i}\ and \tcode{j}\
+satisfy input iterator requirements and refer to elements
+implicitly convertible to
+\tcode{value_type}, \range{i}{j}\
+denotes a valid range,
+\tcode{p}\ denotes a valid const iterator to \tcode{a},
+\tcode{q}\ denotes a valid dereferenceable const iterator to \tcode{a},
+\tcode{[q1, q2)}\ denotes a valid range of const iterators in \tcode{a},
+\tcode{t}\ denotes a value of \tcode{X::value_type},
+\tcode{k} denotes a value of \tcode{X::key_type}\
+and \tcode{c}\ denotes a value of type \tcode{X::key_compare}.
+\tcode{A} denotes the storage allocator used by \tcode{X}, if any, or \tcode{std::allocator<X::value_type>} otherwise, and \tcode{m} denotes an allocator of a type convertible to \tcode{A}.
+{Associative container requirements (in addition to container)}
+\\ \topline
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{complexity} \\
+ & & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{assertion/note} & \rhdr{complexity} \\
+ & & \chdr{pre/post-condition} & \\ \capsep
+\tcode{X::key_type} &
+ \tcode{Key} &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\tcode{Key}} is \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}} and \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}}} &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::key_compare} & \tcode{Compare} & defaults to
+ \tcode{less<key_type>} & compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X::value_compare} &
+ a binary predicate type &
+ is the same as \tcode{key_compare}\ for \tcode{set}\ and
+ \tcode{multiset}; is an ordering relation on pairs induced by the
+ first component (\textit{i.e.} \tcode{Key}) for \tcode{map}\ and \tcode{multimap}. &
+ compile time \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X a(c);} &
+ &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{key_compare, key_compare>}}.}
+ Constructs an empty container.\br
+ Uses a copy of \tcode{c} as a comparison object. &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X()}\br\tcode{X a;} &
+ &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{key_compare, key_compare>}}.}
+ Constructs an empty container.\br
+ Uses \tcode{Compare()} as a comparison object &
+ constant \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X~a(i,j,c);} &
+ &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{key_compare, key_compare>}}.}
+ Constructs an empty container and inserts elements from the
+ range \tcode{[i, j)}\ into it; uses \tcode{c}\ as a comparison object. &
+ $N \log N$ in general ($N$ is the distance from \tcode{i}\ to \tcode{j});
+ linear if \tcode{[i, j)}\ is sorted with \tcode{value_comp()} \\ \rowsep
+\tcode{X(i,j)} \tcode{X~a(i,j);} &
+ &
+ \removedCC{\mbox{\requires} \mbox{\tcode{ConstructibleAsElement<A,}} \mbox{\tcode{key_compare, key_compare>}}.}
+ Same as above, but uses \tcode{Compare()}\ as a comparison object &
+ same as above \\ \rowsep
+\rSec2[unord.req]{Unordered associative containers}
+\index{unordered associative containers}%
+\index{unordered associative containers!requirements}%
+\index{requirements!Unordered Associative Container}%
+\index{unordered associative containers!unique keys}%
+\index{unordered associative containers!equivalent keys}%
+In table~\ref{tab:HashRequirements}:
+\tcode{X} is an unordered associative container class, \tcode{a} is an
+object of type \tcode{X}, \tcode{b} is a possibly const object of
+type \tcode{X}, \tcode{a_uniq} is an object of type \tcode{X}
+when \tcode{X} supports unique keys, \tcode{a_eq} is an object of
+type \tcode{X} when \tcode{X} supports equivalent keys, \tcode{i}
+and \tcode{j} are input iterators that refer
+to \tcode{value_type}, \tcode{[i, j)} is a valid range,
+\tcode{p} and \tcode{q2} are valid const iterators to \tcode{a},
+\tcode{q} and \tcode{q1} are valid dereferenceable const iterators to \tcode{a},
+\tcode{[q1, q2)} is a valid range in \tcode{a},
+\tcode{t} is a value of
+type \tcode{X::value_type}, \tcode{k} is a value of
+type \tcode{key_type}, \tcode{hf} is a possibly const value of
+type \tcode{hasher}, \tcode{eq} is a possibly const value of
+type \tcode{key_equal}, \tcode{n} is a value of
+type \tcode{size_type}, and \tcode{z} is a value of
+type \tcode{float}.
+ {Unordered associative container requirements (in addition to container)}
+ {tab:HashRequirements}
+\\ \topline
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type}
+& \chdr{assertion/note pre/post-condition}
+& \rhdr{complexity} \\ \capsep
+\lhdr{expression} & \chdr{return type} & \chdr{assertion/note pre/post-condition} & \rhdr{complexity} \\ \capsep
+& \tcode{Key}
+& \removedCC{\mbox{\tcode{Key}} shall be \mbox{\tcode{CopyAssignable}} and \mbox{\tcode{CopyConstructible}}}
+ \index{unordered associative containers!key_type@\tcode{key_type}}%
+ \index{key_type@\tcode{key_type}!unordered associative containers}%
+& compile time
+\\ \rowsep
+& \tcode{Hash}
+& \removedCC{\mbox{\tcode{Hash}} shall be a unary function object type such that the expression
+ \mbox{\tcode{hf(k)}} has type \mbox{\tcode{std::size_t}}.}
+ \index{unordered associative containers!hasher@\tcode{hasher}}%
+ \index{hasher@\tcode{hasher}!unordered associative containers}%
+& compile time
+\\ \rowsep
+& \tcode{Pred}
+& \removedCC{\mbox{\tcode{Pred}} shall be a binary predicate that takes two arguments
+ of type \mbox{\tcode{Key}}.} \tcode{Pred} is an equivalence relation.%
+ \index{unordered associative containers!key_equal@\tcode{key_equal}}%
+ \index{key_equal@\tcode{key_equal}!unordered associative containers}%
+& compile time
+\\ \rowsep
\editorial{Add the following new section [container.concepts]}
\rSec2[container.concepts]{Container concepts}
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk