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Boost-Commit : |
From: steven_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-07-12 17:10:39
Author: steven_watanabe
Date: 2008-07-12 17:10:38 EDT (Sat, 12 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 47365
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/47365
Mostly port common.jam
Text files modified:
branches/build/python_port/python/boost/build/tools/common.py | 688 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 files changed, 395 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)
Modified: branches/build/python_port/python/boost/build/tools/common.py
--- branches/build/python_port/python/boost/build/tools/common.py (original)
+++ branches/build/python_port/python/boost/build/tools/common.py 2008-07-12 17:10:38 EDT (Sat, 12 Jul 2008)
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import re
import bjam
import os
+import os.path
from boost.build.build import feature
from boost.build.util.utility import *
@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@
if check_tool_aux(command[0]) or check_tool_aux(command[-1]):
return command
+# ported from trunk_at_47281
def handle_options(tool, condition, command, options):
""" Handle common options for toolset, specifically sets the following
flag variables:
@@ -419,6 +421,7 @@
toolset.flags(tool + '.compile.fortran', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<fflags>', options))
toolset.flags(tool + '.link', 'OPTIONS', condition, feature.get_values('<linkflags>', options))
+# ported from trunk_at_47281
def get_program_files_dir():
""" returns the location of the "program files" directory on a windows
@@ -430,303 +433,402 @@
ProgramFiles = "c:\\Program Files"
return ProgramFiles
-### if [ os.name ] = NT
-### {
-### RM = del /f ;
-### CP = copy ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### RM = rm -f ;
-### CP = cp ;
-### }
-### nl = "
-### " ;
-### # Returns the command needed to set shell variable on the
-### # current platform.
-### rule variable-setting-command ( variable value )
-### {
-### if [ os.name ] = NT
-### {
-### return "set $(variable)=$(value)$(nl)" ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### return "$(variable)=$(value)" ;
-### }
-### }
-### # Returns the command needed to set shell variable on the
-### # current platform. Each element of values is expected to be a path,
-### # elements are joined with os-specific characer which delimits paths in
-### # environment variables.
-### #
-### # Each element of value can have the form '$VARIABLE'. This means that
-### # the value of environment variable 'VARIABLE' should be used. For example:
-### #
-### # common.path-variable-setting-command PATH : $PATH foo : exported ;
-### #
-### # would add 'foo' to the end of 'PATH' variable.
-### rule path-variable-setting-command ( variable : values * : exported ? )
-### {
-### local result ;
-### # Handle references to variables.
-### local values2 ;
-### # Create regex. Dollar is in separate variable to avoid
-### # interpreting it as variable access in bjam.
-### d = $ ;
-### # Backslash protects special meaning of '$' in regexps.
-### r = \\$(d)(.*) ;
-### for local v in $(values)
-### {
-### local m = [ MATCH $(r) : $(v) ] ;
-### if $(m) && [ os.name ] = NT
-### {
-### values2 += %$(m)% ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### # If there's no match, just add the value
-### # If there's match but we're not on NT, the $VAR syntax
-### # is already OK.
-### values2 += $(v) ;
-### }
-### }
-### values = $(values2) ;
-### if [ os.name ] = NT
-### {
-### result = set $(variable)=$(values:J=";")$(nl) ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### # We can't put ":" directly in :J modifier.
-### local sep = ":" ;
-### if $(exported)
-### {
-### result = $(variable)=$(values:J=$(sep));export $(variable) ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### result = $(variable)=$(values:J=$(sep)) ;
-### }
-### }
-### return $(result:J=" ") ;
-### }
-### # Return a command which can create a file. If 'r' is result of invocation,
-### # then
-### # r foobar
-### # will create foobar with unspecified content. What happens if file already
-### # exists is unspecified.
-### rule file-creation-command ( )
-### {
-### if [ modules.peek : NT ]
-### {
-### return "echo. > " ;
-### }
-### else
-### {
-### return "touch " ;
-### }
-### }
-### rule MkDir
-### {
-### # If dir exists, don't update it
-### # Do this even for $(DOT).
-### NOUPDATE $(<) ;
-### if $(<) != $(DOT) && ! $($(<)-mkdir)
-### {
-### local s ;
-### # Cheesy gate to prevent multiple invocations on same dir
-### # MkDir1 has the actions
-### # Arrange for jam dirs
-### $(<)-mkdir = true ;
-### MkDir1 $(<) ;
-### Depends dirs : $(<) ;
-### # Recursively make parent directories.
-### # $(<:P) = $(<)'s parent, & we recurse until root
-### s = $(<:P) ;
-### if $(NT)
-### {
-### switch $(s)
-### {
-### case *: : s = ;
-### case *:\\ : s = ;
-### }
-### }
-### if $(s) && $(s) != $(<)
-### {
-### Depends $(<) : $(s) ;
-### MkDir $(s) ;
-### }
-### else if $(s)
-### {
-### NOTFILE $(s) ;
-### }
-### }
-### }
-### actions MkDir1
-### {
-### mkdir "$(<)"
-### }
-### actions piecemeal together existing Clean
-### {
-### $(RM) "$(>)"
-### }
-### rule copy
-### {
-### }
-### actions copy
-### {
-### $(CP) "$(>)" "$(<)"
-### }
-### # Cause creation of response file, containing the sources in 'sources'
-### # All the targets in 'targets' will depend on response file, and response
-### # file will be created before the targets are built.
-### rule response-file ( targets + : sources * : the-response-file : properties * )
-### {
-### # Manufacture a fake target for response file.
-### # If response file is in targets, we're in trouble.
-### # The actions for response file are already generated, and bjam thinks it's
-### # created. So setting dependency on response file will not help to create
-### # it before other targets. So, we need another target.
-### local g = [ utility.ungrist $(the-response-file:G) ] ;
-### local rsp = $(the-response-file:G=$(g)-rsp) ;
-### LOCATE on $(rsp) = [ on $(the-response-file) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
-### DEPENDS $(targets) : $(rsp) ;
-### # Cause RSP to be recreated if sources are out-of-date.
-### DEPENDS $(rsp) : $(sources) ;
-### # Add libraries from <library> property to the list of sources.
-### local libraries ;
-### for local p in $(properties)
-### {
-### if $(p:G) = <library-file> &&
-### ! [ type.is-derived [ $(p:G=).type ] SHARED_LIB ]
-### {
-### libraries += $(p:G=) ;
-### }
-### }
-### # Get real jam targets
-### local xlibraries ;
-### for local l in $(libraries)
-### {
-### xlibraries += [ $(l).actualize ] ;
-### }
-### sources += $(xlibraries) ;
-### response-file-1 $(rsp) : $(sources[1]) ;
-### if $(sources[2-])
-### {
-### response-file-2 $(rsp) : $(sources[2-]) ;
-### }
-### print.output $(rsp) ;
-### print.text [ utility.apply-default-suffix .lib :
-### [ on $(targets[1])
-### ] ] ;
-### print.text
-### [ on $(targets[1])
-### return -D$(DEFINES) -I\"$(INCLUDES)\"
-### ] ;
-### }
-### # response-file generation is broken up into two phases, the first of
-### # which overwrites any existing file and the second of which appends
-### # to the file, piecemeal, so that no command-line is too long.
-### actions quietly response-file-1
-### {
-### echo "$(>)" > "$(<)"
-### }
-### actions quietly piecemeal response-file-2
-### {
-### echo "$(>)" >> "$(<)"
-### }
-### rule __test__ ( ) {
-### import assert ;
-### local save-os = [ modules.peek os : name ] ;
-### modules.poke os : name : LINUX ;
-### assert.result "PATH=foo:$PATH:bar" :
-### path-variable-setting-command PATH : foo $PATH bar ;
-### modules.poke os : name : NT ;
-### nl = "
-### " ;
-### assert.result "set PATH=foo;%PATH%;bar$(nl)" :
-### path-variable-setting-command PATH : foo $PATH bar ;
-### modules.poke os : name : $(save-os) ;
-### }
-# FIXME: global variable
-made_dirs = {}
-def mkdir(engine, path_target):
- """Creates dependencies that cause directory 'path_target' to be created"""
- # If dir exists, don't update it
- # Do this even for $(DOT).
- bjam.call("NOUPDATE", path_target)
- if path_target != "." and not made_dirs.has_key(path_target):
- made_dirs[path_target] = 1
- engine.set_update_action("common.MkDir1", path_target, [], None)
- parent = os.path.dirname(path_target)
- # Part of original Jam code, supposed to prevent
- # calling mkdir on drive letters.
- if len(parent) == 2 and parent[1] == ':':
- parent = None
- if len(parent) == 3 and parent[1] == ':' and parent[2] == '\\':
- parent = None
- if parent and parent != path_target:
- engine.add_dependency(path_target, parent)
- mkdir(engine, parent)
- elif parent:
- bjam.call("NOTFILE", parent)
+# ported from trunk_at_47281
+def rm_command():
+ return __RM
+# ported from trunk_at_47281
+def copy_command():
+ return __CP
+# ported from trunk_at_47281
+def variable_setting_command(variable, value):
+ """
+ Returns the command needed to set an environment variable on the current
+ platform. The variable setting persists through all following commands and is
+ visible in the environment seen by subsequently executed commands. In other
+ words, on Unix systems, the variable is exported, which is consistent with the
+ only possible behavior on Windows systems.
+ """
+ assert(isinstance(variable, str))
+ assert(isinstance(value, str))
+ if os_name() == 'NT':
+ return "set " + variable + "=" + value + os.linesep
+ else:
+ # (todo)
+ # The following does not work on CYGWIN and needs to be fixed. On
+ # CYGWIN the $(nl) variable holds a Windows new-line \r\n sequence that
+ # messes up the executed export command which then reports that the
+ # passed variable name is incorrect. This is most likely due to the
+ # extra \r character getting interpreted as a part of the variable name.
+ #
+ # Several ideas pop to mind on how to fix this:
+ # * One way would be to separate the commands using the ; shell
+ # command separator. This seems like the quickest possible
+ # solution but I do not know whether this would break code on any
+ # platforms I I have no access to.
+ # * Another would be to not use the terminating $(nl) but that would
+ # require updating all the using code so it does not simply
+ # prepend this variable to its own commands.
+ # * I guess the cleanest solution would be to update Boost Jam to
+ # allow explicitly specifying \n & \r characters in its scripts
+ # instead of always relying only on the 'current OS native newline
+ # sequence'.
+ #
+ # Some code found to depend on this behaviour:
+ # * This Boost Build module.
+ # * __test__ rule.
+ # * path-variable-setting-command rule.
+ # * python.jam toolset.
+ # * xsltproc.jam toolset.
+ # * fop.jam toolset.
+ # (todo) (07.07.2008.) (Jurko)
+ #
+ # I think that this works correctly in python -- Steven Watanabe
+ return variable + "=" + value + os.linesep + "export " + variable + os.linesep
+def path_variable_setting_command(variable, paths):
+ """
+ Returns a command to sets a named shell path variable to the given NATIVE
+ paths on the current platform.
+ """
+ assert(isinstance(variable, str))
+ assert(isinstance(paths, list))
+ sep = os.path.pathsep
+ return variable_setting_command(variable, sep.join(paths))
+def prepend_path_variable_command(variable, paths):
+ """
+ Returns a command that prepends the given paths to the named path variable on
+ the current platform.
+ """
+ return path_variable_setting_command(variable,
+ paths + os.environ(variable).split(os.pathsep))
+def file_creation_command():
+ """
+ Return a command which can create a file. If 'r' is result of invocation, then
+ 'r foobar' will create foobar with unspecified content. What happens if file
+ already exists is unspecified.
+ """
+ if os_name() == 'NT':
+ return "echo. > "
+ else:
+ return "touch "
+#FIXME: global variable
+__mkdir_set = set()
+__re_windows_drive = re.compile(r'^.*:\$')
+def mkdir(engine, target):
+ # If dir exists, do not update it. Do this even for $(DOT).
+ bjam.call('NOUPDATE', target)
+ global __mkdir_set
+ # FIXME: Where is DOT defined?
+ #if $(<) != $(DOT) && ! $($(<)-mkdir):
+ if target != '.' and target not in __mkdir_set:
+ # Cheesy gate to prevent multiple invocations on same dir.
+ __mkdir_set.add(target)
+ # Schedule the mkdir build action.
+ if os_name() == 'NT':
+ engine.set_update_action("common.MkDir1-quick-fix-for-windows", target, [], None)
+ else:
+ engine.set_update_action("common.MkDir1-quick-fix-for-unix", target, [], None)
+ # Prepare a Jam 'dirs' target that can be used to make the build only
+ # construct all the target directories.
+ engine.add_dependency('dirs', target)
+ # Recursively create parent directories. $(<:P) = $(<)'s parent & we
+ # recurse until root.
+ s = os.path.dirname(target)
+ if os_name() == 'NT':
+ if(__re_windows_drive.match(s)):
+ s = ''
+ if s:
+ if s != target:
+ engine.add_dependency(target, s)
+ mkdir(engine, s)
+ else:
+ bjam.call('NOTFILE', s)
+__re_version = re.compile(r'^([^.]+)[.]([^.]+)[.]?([^.]*)')
+def format_name(format, name, target_type, prop_set):
+ """ Given a target, as given to a custom tag rule, returns a string formatted
+ according to the passed format. Format is a list of properties that is
+ represented in the result. For each element of format the corresponding target
+ information is obtained and added to the result string. For all, but the
+ literal, the format value is taken as the as string to prepend to the output
+ to join the item to the rest of the result. If not given "-" is used as a
+ joiner.
+ The format options can be:
+ <base>[joiner]
+ :: The basename of the target name.
+ <toolset>[joiner]
+ :: The abbreviated toolset tag being used to build the target.
+ <threading>[joiner]
+ :: Indication of a multi-threaded build.
+ <runtime>[joiner]
+ :: Collective tag of the build runtime.
+ <version:/version-feature | X.Y[.Z]/>[joiner]
+ :: Short version tag taken from the given "version-feature"
+ in the build properties. Or if not present, the literal
+ value as the version number.
+ <property:/property-name/>[joiner]
+ :: Direct lookup of the given property-name value in the
+ build properties. /property-name/ is a regular expression.
+ e.g. <property:toolset-.*:flavor> will match every toolset.
+ /otherwise/
+ :: The literal value of the format argument.
+ For example this format:
+ boost_ <base> <toolset> <threading> <runtime> <version:boost-version>
+ Might return:
+ boost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_33.dll, or
+ boost_regex-vc80-gd-1_33.dll
+ The returned name also has the target type specific prefix and suffix which
+ puts it in a ready form to use as the value from a custom tag rule.
+ """
+ assert(isinstance(format, list))
+ assert(isinstance(name, str))
+ assert(isinstance(target_type, str) or not type)
+ # assert(isinstance(prop_set, property_set.PropertySet))
+ if type.is_derived(target_type, 'LIB'):
+ result = "" ;
+ for f in format:
+ grist = get_grist(f)
+ if grist == '<base>':
+ result += os.path.basename(name)
+ elif grist == '<toolset>':
+ result += join_tag(ungrist(f),
+ toolset_tag(name, target_type, prop_set))
+ elif grist == '<threading>':
+ result += join_tag(ungrist(f),
+ threading_tag(name, target_type, prop_set))
+ elif grist == '<runtime>':
+ result += join_tag(ungrist(f),
+ runtime_tag(name, target_type, prop_set))
+ elif grist.startswith('<version:'):
+ key = grist[len('<version:'):-1]
+ version = prop_set.get('<' + key + '>')
+ if not version:
+ version = key
+ version = __re_version.match(version)
+ result += join_tag(ungrist(f), version[1] + '_' + version[2])
+ elif grist.startswith('<property:'):
+ key = grist[len('<property:'):-1]
+ property_re = re.compile('<(' + key + ')>')
+ p0 = None
+ for prop in prop_set.raw():
+ match = property_re.match(prop)
+ if match:
+ p0 = match[1]
+ break
+ if p0:
+ p = prop_set.get('<' + p0 + '>')
+ if p:
+ assert(len(p) == 1)
+ result += join_tag(ungrist(f), p)
+ else:
+ result += ungrist(f)
+ result = virtual_target.add_prefix_and_suffix(
+ ''.join(result), target_type, prop_set)
+ return result
+def join_tag(joiner, tag):
+ if not joiner: joiner = '-'
+ return joiner + tag
+__re_toolset_version = re.compile(r"<toolset.*version>(\d+)[.](\d*)")
+def toolset_tag(name, target_type, prop_set):
+ tag = ''
+ properties = prop_set.raw()
+ tools = prop_set.get('<toolset>')
+ assert(len(tools) == 0)
+ tools = tools[0]
+ if tools.startswith('borland'): tag += 'bcb'
+ elif tools.startswith('como'): tag += 'como'
+ elif tools.startswith('cw'): tag += 'cw'
+ elif tools.startswith('darwin'): tag += 'xgcc'
+ elif tools.startswith('edg'): tag += edg
+ elif tools.startswith('gcc'):
+ flavor = prop_set.get('<toolset-gcc:flavor>')
+ ''.find
+ if flavor.find('mingw') != -1:
+ tag += 'mgw'
+ else:
+ tag += 'gcc'
+ elif tools == 'intel':
+ if prop_set.get('<toolset-intel:platform>') == ['win']:
+ tag += 'iw'
+ else:
+ tag += 'il'
+ elif tools.startswith('kcc'): tag += 'kcc'
+ elif tools.startswith('kylix'): tag += 'bck'
+ #case metrowerks* : tag += cw ;
+ #case mingw* : tag += mgw ;
+ elif tools.startswith('mipspro'): tag += 'mp'
+ elif tools.startswith('msvc'): tag += 'vc'
+ elif tools.startswith('sun'): tag += 'sw'
+ elif tools.startswith('tru64cxx'): tag += 'tru'
+ elif tools.startswith('vacpp'): tag += 'xlc'
+ for prop in properties:
+ match = __re_toolset_version.match(prop)
+ if(match):
+ version = match
+ break
+ version_string = None
+ # For historical reasons, vc6.0 and vc7.0 use different naming.
+ if tag == 'vc':
+ if version.group(1) == '6':
+ # Cancel minor version.
+ version_string = '6'
+ elif version.group(1) == '7' and version.group(2) == '0':
+ version_string = '7'
+ # On intel, version is not added, because it does not matter and it's the
+ # version of vc used as backend that matters. Ideally, we'd encode the
+ # backend version but that would break compatibility with V1.
+ elif tag == 'iw':
+ version_string = ''
+ # On borland, version is not added for compatibility with V1.
+ elif tag == 'bcb':
+ version_string = ''
+ if version_string is None:
+ version = version.group(1) + version.group(2)
+ tag += version
+ return tag
+def threading_tag(name, target_type, prop_set):
+ tag = ''
+ properties = prop_set.raw()
+ if '<threading>multi' in properties: tag = 'mt'
+ return tag
+def runtime_tag(name, target_type, prop_set ):
+ tag = ''
+ properties = prop_set.raw()
+ if '<runtime-link>static' in properties: tag += 's'
+ # This is an ugly thing. In V1, there's a code to automatically detect which
+ # properties affect a target. So, if <runtime-debugging> does not affect gcc
+ # toolset, the tag rules won't even see <runtime-debugging>. Similar
+ # functionality in V2 is not implemented yet, so we just check for toolsets
+ # which are known to care about runtime debug.
+ if '<toolset>msvc' in properties \
+ or '<stdlib>stlport' in properties \
+ or '<toolset-intel:platform>win' in properties:
+ if '<runtime-debugging>on' in properties: tag += 'g'
+ if '<python-debugging>on' in properties: tag += 'y'
+ if '<variant>debug' in properties: tag += 'd'
+ if '<stdlib>stlport' in properties: tag += 'p'
+ if '<stdlib-stlport:iostream>hostios' in properties: tag += 'n'
+ return tag
+## TODO:
+##rule __test__ ( )
+## import assert ;
+## local nl = "
+##" ;
+## local save-os = [ modules.peek os : .name ] ;
+## modules.poke os : .name : LINUX ;
+## assert.result "PATH=foo:bar:baz$(nl)export PATH$(nl)"
+## : path-variable-setting-command PATH : foo bar baz ;
+## assert.result "PATH=foo:bar:$PATH$(nl)export PATH$(nl)"
+## : prepend-path-variable-command PATH : foo bar ;
+## modules.poke os : .name : NT ;
+## assert.result "set PATH=foo;bar;baz$(nl)"
+## : path-variable-setting-command PATH : foo bar baz ;
+## assert.result "set PATH=foo;bar;%PATH%$(nl)"
+## : prepend-path-variable-command PATH : foo bar ;
+## modules.poke os : .name : $(save-os) ;
def init(manager):
engine = manager.engine()
- engine.register_action ("common.MkDir1", 'mkdir "$(<)"')
- engine.register_action ("common.Clean", 'rm -rf "$(>)"')
+ engine.register_action("common.MkDir1-quick-fix-for-unix", 'mkdir -p "$(<)"')
+ engine.register_action("common.MkDir1-quick-fix-for-windows", 'if not exist "$(<)\\" mkdir "$(<)"')
import boost.build.tools.make
import boost.build.build.alias
+ global __RM, __CP, __IGNORE, __LN
+ # ported from trunk_at_47281
+ if os_name() == 'NT':
+ __RM = 'del /f /q'
+ __CP = 'copy'
+ __IGNORE = '2>nul >nul & setlocal'
+ __LN = __CP
+ #if not __LN:
+ # __LN = CP
+ else:
+ __RM = 'rm -f'
+ __CP = 'cp'
+ __IGNORE = ''
+ __LN = 'ln'
+ # FIXME: piecemeal together existing
+ engine.register_action("common.Clean", __RM + ' "$(>)"')
+ engine.register_action("common.copy", __CP + ' "$(>)" "$(<)"')
+ # FIXME: quietly updated piecemeal together
+ engine.register_action("common.RmTemps", __RM + ' "$(>)" ' + __IGNORE)
+ engine.register_action("common.hard-link",
+ __RM + ' "$(<)" 2$(NULL_OUT) $(NULL_OUT)' + os.linesep +
+ __LN + ' "$(>)" "$(<)" $(NULL_OUT)')
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk