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Boost-Commit : |
From: jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-07-31 12:40:03
Author: jurko
Date: 2008-07-31 12:40:03 EDT (Thu, 31 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 47909
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/47909
Removed an old Boost Build generators_prototype.py script used as a prototype for one of the possible generator implementation designs.
Deleted: trunk/tools/build/v2/generators_prototype.py
--- trunk/tools/build/v2/generators_prototype.py 2008-07-31 12:40:03 EDT (Thu, 31 Jul 2008)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-# Importing by a different name keeps PyChecker happy
-from __future__ import generators as generators_
-import sys
-class Generator(object):
- """Representation of a transformation from source to target types.
- sources and targets may be either strings or sequences of
- strings.
- >>> print Generator(('obj*', 'lib*'), 'exe')
- exe <- obj*,lib*
- >>> assert Generator('c','o').unary
- """
- def __init__(self, sources, targets):
- """
- >>> g = Generator(['obj*', 'z', 'cpp'], ['lib','dll'])
- >>> g.signature
- [('cpp', 1, 1), ('obj', 0, '*'), ('z', 1, 1)]
- >>> g = Generator('cpp', 'obj')
- >>> g.signature
- [('cpp', 1, 1)]
- """
- self.sources = _sequence_of_strings(sources)
- self.targets =_sequence_of_strings(targets)
- self.targets_ = _string_multiset(targets)
- signature = {}
- stars = {}
- for s in self.sources:
- if s.endswith('*'):
- stars[s[:-1]] = 1
- signature.setdefault(s[:-1],0)
- else:
- signature[s] = signature.get(s,0) + 1
- self.signature = []
- for t, n in signature.items():
- if t in stars:
- self.signature.append((t, n, '*'))
- else:
- self.signature.append((t, n, n))
- self.signature.sort() # makes doctests nicer
- # Remember whether the signature is strictly unary
- self.unary = not stars and len(self.sources) == 1
- def match(self, group):
- """If group satisfies an element of the signature, returns an
- amended signature that consists of all other elements.
- Otherwise, returns None.
- >>> g = Generator(['obj*', 'z', 'cpp', 'z'], ['lib','dll'])
- >>> g.match(TargetTypeGroup('obj',12))
- [('cpp', 1, 1), ('z', 2, 2)]
- >>> g.match(TargetTypeGroup('cpp',12)) # None
- >>> g.match(TargetTypeGroup('cpp',1))
- [('obj', 0, '*'), ('z', 2, 2)]
- >>> g.match(TargetTypeGroup('z',2))
- [('cpp', 1, 1), ('obj', 0, '*')]
- >>> Generator('cpp','obj').match(TargetTypeGroup('cpp',1))
- []
- >>> Generator('cpp','obj').match(TargetTypeGroup('cpp',12))
- []
- """
- if self in group.generators:
- return None
- for i in range(len(self.signature)):
- e = self.signature[i]
- if e[0] == group.target_type:
- if self.unary:
- return []
- if e[1] > group.size or e[2] < group.size:
- return None
- else:
- return self.signature[:i] + self.signature[i+1:]
- return None
- def __str__(self):
- """Make a nice human-readable representation
- >>> g = Generator(['obj*', 'z', 'cpp'], ['lib','dll'])
- >>> print g
- lib,dll <- obj*,z,cpp
- """
- return ','.join(self.targets) + ' <- ' + ','.join(self.sources)
- def __type_list_rep(self, type_list):
- if len(type_list) == 1:
- return repr(type_list[0])
- else:
- return repr(type_list)
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- self.__module__ + '.' + type(self).__name__ + '(' +
- self.__type_list_rep(self.sources)
- + ', ' + self.__type_list_rep(self.targets) + ')'
- )
-def _dict_tuple(d):
- l = d.items()
- l.sort()
- return tuple(l)
-def _sorted(list):
- list.sort()
- return list
-class GeneratorSet(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.all_generators = {}
- self.generators_by_type = {}
- def __iadd__(self, generator):
- """Add a generator to the set
- >>> s = GeneratorSet()
- >>> s += Generator('foo', 'bar')
- >>> s += Generator('foo', 'baz')
- >>> s += Generator(['foo','bar'], 'baz')
- >>> s += Generator('bar', ['baz', 'mumble'])
- >>> s += Generator('bar*', ['bing'])
- >>> print s
- {
- bar:
- baz <- foo,bar
- baz,mumble <- bar
- bing <- bar*
- foo:
- bar <- foo
- baz <- foo
- baz <- foo,bar
- }
- """
- if not generator in self.all_generators:
- self.all_generators[generator] = 1
- for t in generator.sources:
- if t.endswith('*'):
- t = t[:-1]
- l = self[t]
- l.append(generator)
- return self
- def __isub__(self, generator):
- for t in generator.sources:
- if t.endswith('*'):
- t = t[:-1]
- self[t].remove(generator)
- return self
- def __getitem__(self, t):
- """Given a target type, return a list of all the generators
- which can consume that target type.
- """
- return self.generators_by_type.setdefault(t,[])
- def __str__(self):
- # import pprint
- # return pprint.pformat(self.generators_by_type)
- s = []
- for k,v in _sorted(self.generators_by_type.items()):
- s += [ ' ' + k + ':\n ' + '\n '.join([ str(x) for x in v ]) ]
- return '{\n' + '\n'.join(s) + '\n}'
-def _dicts_intersect(d1, d2):
- """True iff d1 and d2 have a key in common
- >>> assert _dicts_intersect({1:0, 2:0}, {2:0})
- >>> assert _dicts_intersect({2:0}, {1:0, 2:0})
- >>> assert not _dicts_intersect({1:0, 3:0}, {2:0})
- >>> assert not _dicts_intersect({2:0}, {1:0, 3:0})
- """
- if len(d2) < len(d1):
- tmp = d1
- d1 = d2
- d2 = tmp
- for k in d1.iterkeys():
- if k in d2:
- return True
- return False
-class TargetTypeGroup(object):
- instances = 0
- def __init__(
- self
- , target_type
- , size # how many of that type are in the group.
- , parents = ()
- , generator = None):
- """
- >>> g1 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1)
- >>> assert not g1.extra_targets
- >>> assert g1.consumed_sources == { g1:1 }
- >>> g2 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1)
- >>> g3 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1, [g1,g2])
- >>> assert g1 in g3.consumed_sources
- >>> assert g2 in g3.consumed_sources
- >>> assert not g3 in g3.consumed_sources
- """
- self.target_type = target_type
- self.size = size
- self.parents = parents
- self.generator = generator
- self.siblings = None
- self.id = TargetTypeGroup.instances
- self.ambiguous = reduce(lambda x,y: x or y.ambiguous and 1,
- parents, None)
- self.generators = { generator : 1 } # it doesn't hurt to store None here
- ignored = [ self.generators.update(p.generators) for p in parents ]
- self.__constituents = None
- self.__extra_targets = None
- TargetTypeGroup.instances += 1
- if generator:
- self.moves = { (id(generator),id(parents)) : 1 }
- else:
- self.moves = {}
- if not parents:
- self.consumed_sources = {self:1}
- self.__extra_targets = ()
- else:
- ignored = [ self.moves.update(p.moves) for p in parents ]
- if len(parents) == 1:
- self.consumed_sources = parents[0].consumed_sources
- else:
- self.consumed_sources = {}
- for c in parents:
- self.consumed_sources.update(c.consumed_sources)
- # constituents property - the set of all target groups consumed in
- # creating this group
- def __get_constituents(self):
- if self.__constituents is None:
- self.__constituents = {self:1}
- for c in self.parents:
- self.__constituents.update(c.constituents)
- return self.__constituents
- constituents = property(__get_constituents)
- cost = property(lambda self: len(self.moves))
- # extra targets property - in general, every target group sits at
- # the root of a DAG. The extra targets are the ones produced by
- # generators that run in this DAG but which are not part of the
- # DAG, i.e. are not constituents. In the example below, X and Y
- # are extra targets of A.
- #
- # A X B,C <- D
- # / \ / C,Y <- E
- # B C Y A,X <- B,C
- # \ / \ /
- # Sources: D E
- #
- # We use the extra targets to determine the equivalence of two
- # search States
- def __get_extra_targets(self):
- if self.__extra_targets is None:
- if len(self.parents) == 1 and not self.siblings:
- self.__extra_targets = self.parents[0].extra_targets
- else:
- # all siblings are created incidentally
- if self.siblings:
- t = tuple([s for s in self.siblings if s != self])
- else:
- t = ()
- # Any groups created incidentally as part of generating my
- # parents are also incidental to my generation
- for c in self.parents:
- for i in c.extra_targets:
- if i not in self.constituents:
- t += (i,)
- self.__extra_targets = _sort_tuple(t)
- return self.__extra_targets
- extra_targets = property(__get_extra_targets)
- def set_siblings(self, sibs):
- assert self.__extra_targets is None, \
- "can't set siblings after extra targets already computed."
- assert self.parents, "original source nodes don't have siblings"
- self.siblings = sibs
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s.%s(#%s$%s)' % (self.size,self.target_type,self.id,self.cost)
- def is_compatible_with(self, other):
- """True iff self and other can be used to trigger a generator.
- >>> g1 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1)
- >>> g2 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1)
- >>> assert g1.is_compatible_with(g2)
- >>> g3 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1, [g1])
- >>> g4 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1, [g2])
- >>> assert g3.is_compatible_with(g4)
- >>> assert g3.is_compatible_with(g2)
- >>> assert not g3.is_compatible_with(g1)
- >>> assert not g2.is_compatible_with(g4)
- >>> g5 = TargetTypeGroup('x', 1, [g3])
- >>> assert not g5.is_compatible_with(g1)
- """
- return not _dicts_intersect(
- self.constituents, other.constituents)
- def all_compatible(self, others):
- """True iff self is_compatible with every element of other
- """
- for o in others:
- if not self.is_compatible_with(o):
- return False
- return True
- def atoms(self):
- """If this group was formed by combining other groups without
- a generator, return a set of its nearest parent groups which
- were not formed that way. Otherwise, return a set
- containing only this group.
- >>> g1 = TargetTypeGroup('x',1)
- >>> g2 = TargetTypeGroup('x',1)
- >>> a = TargetTypeGroup('x',2, [g1,g2]).atoms()
- >>> assert g1 in a and g2 in a and len(a) == 2
- """
- if self.generator or not self.parents:
- return (self,)
- x = ()
- for p in self.parents:
- x += p.atoms()
- return x
- def consumes(self, others):
- """True iff not self is_compatible with every element of other
- """
- for o in others:
- if self.is_compatible_with(o):
- return False
- return True
-def _string_multiset(s):
- x = {}
- for t in _sequence_of_strings(s):
- x[t] = x.get(t,0) + 1
- return x
-def parent_sets(chosen, signature, all_groups, generator):
- """Given an already-chosen tuple of TargetTypeGroups and a signature
- of the groups left to choose, generates all mutually-compatible
- combinations of groups starting with chosen
- >>> TargetTypeGroup.instances = 0
- >>> groups = {
- ... 'x': [ TargetTypeGroup('x', 1) ],
- ... 'y': [ TargetTypeGroup('y', 1), TargetTypeGroup('y',2) ],
- ... 'z': [ TargetTypeGroup('z', 1) ]
- ... }
- >>> signature = (('y',0,'*'),('z',1,'1'))
- >>> chosen = (groups['x'][0],)
- >>> [ x for x in parent_sets(chosen, signature, groups, Generator('x',('y*', 'z'))) ]
- [(1.x(#0$0), 1.z(#3$0)), (1.x(#0$0), 1.y(#1$0), 1.z(#3$0)), (1.x(#0$0), 2.y(#2$0), 1.z(#3$0))]
- """
- if len(signature) == 0:
- # The entire signature was satisfied; we can just yield the
- # one result
- yield chosen
- else:
- # find all ways to satisfy the next element of the signature
- # which are compatible with the already-chosen groups. If
- # there are no ways, we will fall off the end here and the
- # ultimate result will be empty.
- t, min, max = signature[0]
- if min == 0:
- for s in parent_sets(chosen, signature[1:], all_groups, generator):
- yield s
- for g in all_groups[t]:
- # can only use a generator once in any path
- if generator in g.generators:
- continue
- if (g.size >= min and g.size <= max and
- g.all_compatible(chosen)):
- for s in parent_sets(
- chosen + (g,), signature[1:], all_groups, generator
- ):
- yield s
-debug = None
-def _sort_tuple(t):
- """copies the given sequence into a new tuple in sorted order"""
- l = list(t)
- l.sort()
- return tuple(l)
-def _sequence_of_strings(s_or_l):
- """if the argument is a string, wraps a tuple around it.
- Otherwise, returns the argument untouched
- """
- if isinstance(s_or_l, type('')):
- return (s_or_l,)
- else:
- return s_or_l
-def _examine_edge(states, queue, g):
- """Handle a possible new state in the search.
- """
- g_state = State(g)
- v = states.setdefault(g_state, g_state)
- if v.group is g:
- queue.append(g_state)
- return False
- if v.group.cost > g.cost:
- if debug:
- print 'reducing cost of state(%s) via %s' % (v.group,g)
- v.group.ambiguous = None
- v.group = g
- elif v.group.cost < g.cost:
- if debug:
- print 'discarding %s due to lower cost state(%s)' % (g, v.group)
- elif not (g.generator or v.group.generator) \
- and _sort_tuple(g.atoms()) == _sort_tuple(v.group.atoms()):
- # These are two different ways of combining the same groups of
- # a given type to produce a larger group, without using a generator
- if debug:
- print 'discarding %s as a redundant formulation of %s' % (g,v.group)
- else:
- if debug:
- print '%s is an ambiguous path due to %s' % (v.group, g)
- # Remember the group which caused the ambiguity
- v.group.ambiguous = g
- return True
-class State(object):
- """A wrapper around a TargetTypeGroup which makes it hashable on
- the part of its data which determines its ability to contribute to
- producing the goal target type.
- """
- def __init__(self, group):
- self.group = group
- def __hash__(self):
- g = self.group
- x = g.consumed_sources.keys()
- x.sort()
- return hash((g.target_type, g.size, _sort_tuple(g.extra_targets), tuple(x)))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return (
- self.group.target_type == other.group.target_type
- and self.group.size == other.group.size
- and self.group.extra_targets == other.group.extra_targets
- and self.group.consumed_sources == other.group.consumed_sources)
-queue_moves = 0
-def optimal_graphs(target_type, source_groups, generators):
- """A 'simple generator' that produces the sequence of least-cost
- solutions for producing the
- target type from a subset of the source_groups, using the given
- generators.
- """
- # An index from target type to lists of groups with that type.
- all_groups = {}
- # Prime the priority Queue
- q = [ State(g) for g in source_groups ]
- # Keep a record of all known states in the search
- states = dict([ (s,s) for s in q ])
- solution_cost = None
- while q:
- # remove a group from the queue
- g = q[0].group
- del q[0]
- global queue_moves
- queue_moves += 1
- global debug
- if debug:
- print '-------'
- print graph(g)
- if g.target_type == target_type: # and g.consumes(source_groups):
- solution_cost = g.cost
- yield g
- if g.consumes(source_groups): # Nothing left to find
- return
- # combine with all like groups which are compatible
- for g2 in all_groups.get(g.target_type,()):
- if g2.is_compatible_with(g):
- _examine_edge(
- states, q,
- TargetTypeGroup(g.target_type, g2.size + g.size, (g,g2)))
- # expand with all generators which can be triggered as a
- # result of adding this group
- for generator in generators[g.target_type]:
- match = generator.match(g)
- if match is None:
- continue
- if debug:
- print generator,' matched with ', match
- # for all sets of parents which match the generator and
- # include g
- for s in parent_sets((g,), match, all_groups, generator):
- # Create the products of running this generator with
- # the given parent set
- siblings = ()
- for t,n in generator.targets_.items():
- # Unary generators run as many times as necessary
- # to consume the group
- if (generator.unary):
- n *= g.size
- siblings += (TargetTypeGroup(t, n, s, generator),)
- # Make sure groups know about their siblings
- if len(siblings) > 1:
- for product in siblings:
- product.set_siblings(siblings)
- if debug:
- print siblings, '<-', list(s)
- # Add new search states to the queue
- for sib in siblings:
- _examine_edge(states, q, sib)
- # Add to the set of all groups so that we can combine it with
- # others in future iterations
- l = all_groups.get(g.target_type)
- if l is None:
- l = all_groups.setdefault(g.target_type,[])
- l.append(g)
- # Sort the queue; in 'real life' use a priority queue
- q.sort(lambda v1,v2: v1.group.cost - v2.group.cost)
-def graph(group, indent = 0, visited = None):
- """Produce a string representation of the search graph
- that produced the given group.
- """
- if (visited is None):
- visited = {}
- s = indent * ' '
- s += repr(group)
- if group in visited:
- s += '...\n'
- else:
- visited[group] = True
- s += '[%s]' % group.generator
- if group.ambiguous:
- s += ' *ambiguous* '
- if type(group.ambiguous) is not type(1):
- s += 'due to %s' % group.ambiguous
- if group.siblings:
- s += ' siblings ' + str([sib for sib in group.siblings if
- sib != group])
- s += '\n' + '\n'.join(
- [graph(g,indent+1,visited) for g in group.parents])
- return s
-def ambiguities(group):
- """Returns a list of groups that caused ambiguities with this one
- or its constituents.
- """
- result = []
- for g in group.parents:
- result.extend(ambiguities(g))
- if group.ambiguous and type(group.ambiguous) is not type(1):
- result.append(group.ambiguous)
- return result
-def search(generators, targets, sources):
- import sys
- global queue_moves
- TargetTypeGroup.instances = 0
- queue_moves = 0
- # Remember what we started with
- source_groups = tuple([
- TargetTypeGroup(i[0],i[1])
- for i in _string_multiset(sources).items() ])
- solutions = {}
- max_consumed = 0
- for g in optimal_graphs(targets, source_groups, generators):
- if len(g.consumed_sources) > max_consumed:
- max_consumed = len(g.consumed_sources)
- g2 = solutions.setdefault(len(g.consumed_sources), g)
- if g2 is not g:
- if g2.cost == g.cost:
- g2.ambiguous = g
- if max_consumed:
- g = solutions[max_consumed]
- print 80 * '='
- print graph(g)
- if g.ambiguous:
- print 40 * '-'
- print 'ambiguities:'
- for a in ambiguities(g):
- print graph(a)
- print
- print queue_moves, 'queue_moves'
- print 80 * '='
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print queue_moves, 'queue moves'
- print '\n\n*****\n\n'
-def test():
- """Runs Volodya's example, but doesn't get the result he'd like.
- """
- # EST_EXE <- OBJ*
- # OBJ <- CPP
- # {CPP,CPP} <- ECPP (only first CPP must be further converted into NM_ASM)
- # NM_ASM <- CPP
- # NM_OBJ <- NM_ASM
- # NM_EXE <- NM_OBJ*
- generators = GeneratorSet()
- generators += Generator('OBJ*', 'EST_EXE')
- generators += Generator('CPP', 'OBJ')
- generators += Generator('NM_ASM', ('CPP', 'STATIC_DATA'))
- generators += Generator('ECPP', ('CPP','CPP'))
- generators += Generator('CPP', 'NM_ASM')
- generators += Generator('STATIC_DATA*', ('CPP', 'STATIC_DATA'))
- generators += Generator('NM_ASM', 'NM_OBJ')
- generators += Generator('NM_OBJ*', 'NM_EXE')
- search(generators, 'EST_EXE', ('CPP', 'NM_ASM', 'ECPP'))
- # Try the same search with a source type that can't be consumed.
- # This will exhaust all transformations before stopping.
- search(generators, 'EST_EXE', ('CPP', 'NM_ASM', 'ECPP', 'FOO'))
- search(generators, 'NM_EXE', ('CPP'))
-def run(args = None):
- import doctest
- import sys
- if args is not None:
- sys.argv = args
- error = doctest.testmod(sys.modules.get(__name__))
- if not error[0]:
- global debug
- if '--debug' in sys.argv:
- debug = 1
- test()
- return error
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- sys.exit(run()[0])
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk