![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r51767 - sandbox/gtl/gtl
From: lucanus.j.simonson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2009-03-13 19:47:24
Author: ljsimons
Date: 2009-03-13 19:47:23 EDT (Fri, 13 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 51767
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/51767
fixed compiler errors to allow doubles to be used in aribitrary angle booleans
Text files modified:
sandbox/gtl/gtl/gtl_test.cpp | 202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sandbox/gtl/gtl/polygon_set_view.hpp | 38 ++++++
2 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/gtl/gtl/gtl_test.cpp
--- sandbox/gtl/gtl/gtl_test.cpp (original)
+++ sandbox/gtl/gtl/gtl_test.cpp 2009-03-13 19:47:23 EDT (Fri, 13 Mar 2009)
@@ -1176,7 +1176,209 @@
return true;
+void testHand() {
+ using namespace gtl;
+ int handcoords[] = {
+12375, 11050, 13175, 10200, 15825, 9275, 18750, 8525, 24150, 8300, 27575, 8400, 31775, 7800,
+35975, 7200, 41375, 4800, 42575, 4200, 43175, 4200, 47375, 2400, 49175, 1800, 51150, 2200,
+52275, 2825, 52625, 4150, 52375, 4975, 51575, 6000, 49275, 6850, 45700, 7950, 43175, 9600,
+39575, 10800, 37775, 12000, 37775, 12600, 37775, 13800, 38975, 14400, 41375, 14400, 45575, 13200,
+48600, 13000, 51575, 13200, 55175, 12600, 58775, 12600, 61175, 13200, 62375, 14400, 62550, 15700,
+61975, 16875, 60775, 17600, 60100, 17675, 58525, 17675, 56150, 17575, 52175, 18000, 47975, 18600,
+45575, 19200, 44375, 19200, 42675, 19325, 41600, 19775, 41600, 20500, 42100, 20825, 44975, 20400,
+48575, 20400, 52775, 21000, 53975, 21000, 57575, 21000, 62375, 21000, 65450, 22000, 66300, 23100,
+66100, 24550, 64750, 25925, 62975, 26400, 61175, 26400, 58775, 26400, 56025, 26050, 53450, 26025,
+50975, 26400, 48575, 26400, 46775, 26400, 43650, 26075, 41375, 26400, 40775, 27000, 40775, 27600,
+42225, 28650, 44375, 29400, 48575, 30000, 50975, 31200, 53975, 31800, 58775, 33000, 61200, 34300,
+62375, 35400, 62375, 37200, 61175, 38400, 60000, 38700, 57575, 38400, 54550, 37575, 50975, 36600,
+49075, 36125, 47750, 36125, 45700, 35425, 42350, 34350, 38900, 33775, 30575, 33000, 26975, 33600,
+25975, 34900, 26375, 36600, 28175, 38400, 30575, 40800, 32375, 43800, 33200, 46200, 33200, 48000,
+32650, 49300, 31425, 50000, 29950, 50125, 28825, 49375, 27575, 48000, 25825, 46000, 23975, 44100,
+22175, 42600, 19775, 39600, 17325, 37300, 14975, 34800, 13175, 31800, 10775, 29400, 9600, 27400,
+10175, 27000, 11375, 27600, 12575, 28800, 14375, 31800, 16175, 34800, 18575, 37200, 21575, 39000,
+22775, 40200, 23975, 41400, 24575, 42600, 26375, 44400, 28325, 46000, 29850, 46775, 31175, 46200,
+31550, 44575, 30575, 43200, 28775, 40800, 25775, 38400, 24575, 34800, 24750, 33175, 26975, 31800,
+29975, 31800, 33575, 31800, 37775, 32400, 39575, 33000, 41975, 33600, 45150, 34175, 46975, 34750,
+48575, 35400, 50975, 35400, 51575, 34800, 51875, 33725, 50775, 32575, 48575, 31800, 45750, 30875,
+43775, 30600, 41375, 29400, 38975, 28800, 35975, 28200, 34775, 27600, 34175, 27000, 34775, 25800,
+37175, 25200, 40175, 25200, 43175, 25200, 46775, 25200, 50975, 25425, 53375, 25200, 55175, 24600,
+55525, 23450, 53975, 22200, 52775, 22200, 49075, 21850, 45950, 21925, 40775, 21600, 37775, 21600,
+35150, 21350, 34325, 20950, 34175, 19800, 35975, 19200, 38375, 19200, 40750, 18900, 42575, 18600,
+44375, 18000, 47975, 17400, 50375, 17125, 52025, 16625, 52775, 15600, 52100, 14625, 49675, 14125,
+48625, 14125, 46775, 14400, 44375, 15000, 41375, 15150, 37700, 15275, 34775, 15600, 32850, 15925,
+31775, 15600, 31425, 14875, 32375, 13800, 36575, 11400, 38975, 10200, 41375, 9000, 43075, 8150,
+43650, 7200, 43325, 6250, 42225, 5825, 40800, 6275, 38900, 6925, 35375, 8400, 32375, 10200,
+27575, 11400, 22775, 12600, 19775, 13225, 16775, 13800, 14975, 14400, 13050, 14000, 11975, 12600,
+ 0, 0 };
+ std::vector<Point> handpoints;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100000; i += 2) {
+ Point pt(handcoords[i], handcoords[i+1]);
+ if(pt == Point(0, 0)) break;
+ handpoints.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ polygon_data<int> handpoly;
+ handpoly.set(handpoints.begin(), handpoints.end());
+ int spiralcoords [] = {
+37200, 3600, 42075, 4025, 47475, 5875, 51000, 7800, 55800, 12300, 59000, 17075, 60000, 20400,
+61200, 25800, 61200, 29400, 60600, 33600, 58800, 38400, 55800, 42600, 53200, 45625,
+49200, 48600, 43200, 51000, 35400, 51600, 29400, 50400, 23400, 47400, 19200, 43800,
+16200, 39600, 14400, 35400, 13200, 29400, 13200, 24000, 15000, 18600, 17400, 13800,
+20525, 10300, 24600, 7200, 29400, 4800, 32450, 4000, 34825, 3675, 35625, 3625,
+35825, 7275, 39600, 7200, 43800, 8400, 46800, 9600, 50400, 12000, 53400, 15000,
+55800, 18600, 57000, 23400, 57600, 27000, 57000, 32400, 55200, 37200, 52200, 41400,
+48000, 45000, 42000, 47400, 35400, 48000, 30000, 46800, 24600, 43800, 20325, 39100,
+17850, 34275, 16800, 27600, 17400, 22200, 20400, 16200, 24600, 11400, 28800, 9000,
+32400, 7800, 33200, 7575, 33925, 11050, 35400, 10800, 37200, 10800, 41400, 11400,
+46200, 13200, 49800, 16200, 51600, 19200, 53400, 23400, 54000, 29400, 52800, 33600,
+49800, 39000, 45000, 42600, 39000, 44400, 33600, 43800, 28200, 42000, 24000, 37800,
+21000, 33000, 20400, 26400, 21600, 21000, 24600, 16200, 28200, 13200, 31875, 11625,
+33200, 15625, 36000, 15000, 39000, 15000, 43800, 16800, 46800, 19200, 49200, 23400,
+49800, 27600, 48750, 32700, 46350, 36275, 42600, 39000, 38400, 40200, 31800, 39000,
+28200, 36600, 25200, 31200, 24600, 26400, 26025, 21800, 28200, 18600, 30600, 16800,
+32575, 19875, 34200, 19200, 36000, 18600, 37200, 18600, 40375, 19125, 43200, 21000,
+45600, 24000, 46200, 27600, 45600, 30600, 43800, 33600, 41475, 35625, 37800, 36600,
+33600, 36000, 30000, 33600, 28200, 28800, 28800, 24600, 30000, 22200, 31200, 23400,
+30600, 25200, 30000, 27000, 30600, 30000, 31800, 32400, 34200, 34200, 38400, 34800,
+41400, 33000, 44025, 30225, 44400, 26400, 43200, 23400, 40900, 21200, 37800, 20400,
+34950, 20675, 32400, 22200, 30175, 19475, 28425, 21300, 27000, 24000, 26400, 27600,
+27000, 31800, 31200, 36600, 36600, 38400, 42600, 37200, 46200, 33600, 48000, 30000,
+47650, 24425, 45600, 20400, 42650, 18200, 39000, 16800, 35400, 16800, 33600, 17400,
+32875, 17675, 31100, 13850, 28200, 15600, 25200, 18600, 22800, 22800, 22200, 27000,
+23400, 33600, 26400, 38400, 31675, 41575, 37800, 42600, 40850, 42150, 42800, 41550,
+47050, 39025, 50100, 35375, 52200, 29400, 51675, 23950, 49800, 19200, 46200, 15600,
+41400, 13200, 37800, 12600, 35025, 12750, 33350, 13050, 32400, 9600, 30025, 10325,
+25925, 12725, 22200, 16800, 19800, 21000, 18600, 25800, 18600, 30000, 20400, 35400,
+22575, 39250, 25225, 41825, 28200, 43800, 33600, 46200, 39000, 46200, 44400, 45000,
+48650, 42350, 52800, 37800, 55200, 32400, 55800, 26400, 54600, 21000, 53400, 18000,
+50400, 14400, 47400, 12000, 42600, 9600, 39000, 9000, 36000, 9000, 34775, 9125,
+34300, 5600, 30000, 6600, 25800, 8400, 22025, 11350, 18725, 15125, 16200, 20400,
+15000, 24600, 15000, 30600, 16800, 36600, 20400, 42600, 25800, 46800, 31200, 49200,
+38400, 49800, 45000, 48600, 51000, 45000, 55475, 40225, 58200, 34800, 59400, 30000,
+59400, 25200, 58200, 19800, 55200, 14400, 52225, 11150, 47400, 7800, 44175, 6500,
+40200, 5400, 38400, 5400, 37200, 5400, 0, 0 };
+ std::vector<Point> spiralpoints;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100000; i += 2) {
+ Point pt(spiralcoords[i], spiralcoords[i+1]);
+ if(pt == Point(0, 0)) break;
+ spiralpoints.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ polygon_data<int> spiralpoly;
+ spiralpoly.set(spiralpoints.begin(), spiralpoints.end());
+ polygon_set_data<int> handset;
+ handset += handpoly;
+ polygon_set_data<int> spiralset;
+ spiralset += spiralpoly;
+ polygon_set_data<int> xorset = handset ^ spiralset;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<int> > polys;
+ polys += xorset;
+ std::cout << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+void testHandFloat() {
+ using namespace gtl;
+ double handcoords[] = {
+12375, 11050, 13175, 10200, 15825, 9275, 18750, 8525, 24150, 8300, 27575, 8400, 31775, 7800,
+35975, 7200, 41375, 4800, 42575, 4200, 43175, 4200, 47375, 2400, 49175, 1800, 51150, 2200,
+52275, 2825, 52625, 4150, 52375, 4975, 51575, 6000, 49275, 6850, 45700, 7950, 43175, 9600,
+39575, 10800, 37775, 12000, 37775, 12600, 37775, 13800, 38975, 14400, 41375, 14400, 45575, 13200,
+48600, 13000, 51575, 13200, 55175, 12600, 58775, 12600, 61175, 13200, 62375, 14400, 62550, 15700,
+61975, 16875, 60775, 17600, 60100, 17675, 58525, 17675, 56150, 17575, 52175, 18000, 47975, 18600,
+45575, 19200, 44375, 19200, 42675, 19325, 41600, 19775, 41600, 20500, 42100, 20825, 44975, 20400,
+48575, 20400, 52775, 21000, 53975, 21000, 57575, 21000, 62375, 21000, 65450, 22000, 66300, 23100,
+66100, 24550, 64750, 25925, 62975, 26400, 61175, 26400, 58775, 26400, 56025, 26050, 53450, 26025,
+50975, 26400, 48575, 26400, 46775, 26400, 43650, 26075, 41375, 26400, 40775, 27000, 40775, 27600,
+42225, 28650, 44375, 29400, 48575, 30000, 50975, 31200, 53975, 31800, 58775, 33000, 61200, 34300,
+62375, 35400, 62375, 37200, 61175, 38400, 60000, 38700, 57575, 38400, 54550, 37575, 50975, 36600,
+49075, 36125, 47750, 36125, 45700, 35425, 42350, 34350, 38900, 33775, 30575, 33000, 26975, 33600,
+25975, 34900, 26375, 36600, 28175, 38400, 30575, 40800, 32375, 43800, 33200, 46200, 33200, 48000,
+32650, 49300, 31425, 50000, 29950, 50125, 28825, 49375, 27575, 48000, 25825, 46000, 23975, 44100,
+22175, 42600, 19775, 39600, 17325, 37300, 14975, 34800, 13175, 31800, 10775, 29400, 9600, 27400,
+10175, 27000, 11375, 27600, 12575, 28800, 14375, 31800, 16175, 34800, 18575, 37200, 21575, 39000,
+22775, 40200, 23975, 41400, 24575, 42600, 26375, 44400, 28325, 46000, 29850, 46775, 31175, 46200,
+31550, 44575, 30575, 43200, 28775, 40800, 25775, 38400, 24575, 34800, 24750, 33175, 26975, 31800,
+29975, 31800, 33575, 31800, 37775, 32400, 39575, 33000, 41975, 33600, 45150, 34175, 46975, 34750,
+48575, 35400, 50975, 35400, 51575, 34800, 51875, 33725, 50775, 32575, 48575, 31800, 45750, 30875,
+43775, 30600, 41375, 29400, 38975, 28800, 35975, 28200, 34775, 27600, 34175, 27000, 34775, 25800,
+37175, 25200, 40175, 25200, 43175, 25200, 46775, 25200, 50975, 25425, 53375, 25200, 55175, 24600,
+55525, 23450, 53975, 22200, 52775, 22200, 49075, 21850, 45950, 21925, 40775, 21600, 37775, 21600,
+35150, 21350, 34325, 20950, 34175, 19800, 35975, 19200, 38375, 19200, 40750, 18900, 42575, 18600,
+44375, 18000, 47975, 17400, 50375, 17125, 52025, 16625, 52775, 15600, 52100, 14625, 49675, 14125,
+48625, 14125, 46775, 14400, 44375, 15000, 41375, 15150, 37700, 15275, 34775, 15600, 32850, 15925,
+31775, 15600, 31425, 14875, 32375, 13800, 36575, 11400, 38975, 10200, 41375, 9000, 43075, 8150,
+43650, 7200, 43325, 6250, 42225, 5825, 40800, 6275, 38900, 6925, 35375, 8400, 32375, 10200,
+27575, 11400, 22775, 12600, 19775, 13225, 16775, 13800, 14975, 14400, 13050, 14000, 11975, 12600,
+ 0, 0 };
+ std::vector<point_data<double> > handpoints;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100000; i += 2) {
+ point_data<double> pt(handcoords[i], handcoords[i+1]);
+ if(pt == point_data<double> (0, 0)) break;
+ handpoints.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ polygon_data<double> handpoly;
+ handpoly.set(handpoints.begin(), handpoints.end());
+ double spiralcoords [] = {
+37200, 3600, 42075, 4025, 47475, 5875, 51000, 7800, 55800, 12300, 59000, 17075, 60000, 20400,
+61200, 25800, 61200, 29400, 60600, 33600, 58800, 38400, 55800, 42600, 53200, 45625,
+49200, 48600, 43200, 51000, 35400, 51600, 29400, 50400, 23400, 47400, 19200, 43800,
+16200, 39600, 14400, 35400, 13200, 29400, 13200, 24000, 15000, 18600, 17400, 13800,
+20525, 10300, 24600, 7200, 29400, 4800, 32450, 4000, 34825, 3675, 35625, 3625,
+35825, 7275, 39600, 7200, 43800, 8400, 46800, 9600, 50400, 12000, 53400, 15000,
+55800, 18600, 57000, 23400, 57600, 27000, 57000, 32400, 55200, 37200, 52200, 41400,
+48000, 45000, 42000, 47400, 35400, 48000, 30000, 46800, 24600, 43800, 20325, 39100,
+17850, 34275, 16800, 27600, 17400, 22200, 20400, 16200, 24600, 11400, 28800, 9000,
+32400, 7800, 33200, 7575, 33925, 11050, 35400, 10800, 37200, 10800, 41400, 11400,
+46200, 13200, 49800, 16200, 51600, 19200, 53400, 23400, 54000, 29400, 52800, 33600,
+49800, 39000, 45000, 42600, 39000, 44400, 33600, 43800, 28200, 42000, 24000, 37800,
+21000, 33000, 20400, 26400, 21600, 21000, 24600, 16200, 28200, 13200, 31875, 11625,
+33200, 15625, 36000, 15000, 39000, 15000, 43800, 16800, 46800, 19200, 49200, 23400,
+49800, 27600, 48750, 32700, 46350, 36275, 42600, 39000, 38400, 40200, 31800, 39000,
+28200, 36600, 25200, 31200, 24600, 26400, 26025, 21800, 28200, 18600, 30600, 16800,
+32575, 19875, 34200, 19200, 36000, 18600, 37200, 18600, 40375, 19125, 43200, 21000,
+45600, 24000, 46200, 27600, 45600, 30600, 43800, 33600, 41475, 35625, 37800, 36600,
+33600, 36000, 30000, 33600, 28200, 28800, 28800, 24600, 30000, 22200, 31200, 23400,
+30600, 25200, 30000, 27000, 30600, 30000, 31800, 32400, 34200, 34200, 38400, 34800,
+41400, 33000, 44025, 30225, 44400, 26400, 43200, 23400, 40900, 21200, 37800, 20400,
+34950, 20675, 32400, 22200, 30175, 19475, 28425, 21300, 27000, 24000, 26400, 27600,
+27000, 31800, 31200, 36600, 36600, 38400, 42600, 37200, 46200, 33600, 48000, 30000,
+47650, 24425, 45600, 20400, 42650, 18200, 39000, 16800, 35400, 16800, 33600, 17400,
+32875, 17675, 31100, 13850, 28200, 15600, 25200, 18600, 22800, 22800, 22200, 27000,
+23400, 33600, 26400, 38400, 31675, 41575, 37800, 42600, 40850, 42150, 42800, 41550,
+47050, 39025, 50100, 35375, 52200, 29400, 51675, 23950, 49800, 19200, 46200, 15600,
+41400, 13200, 37800, 12600, 35025, 12750, 33350, 13050, 32400, 9600, 30025, 10325,
+25925, 12725, 22200, 16800, 19800, 21000, 18600, 25800, 18600, 30000, 20400, 35400,
+22575, 39250, 25225, 41825, 28200, 43800, 33600, 46200, 39000, 46200, 44400, 45000,
+48650, 42350, 52800, 37800, 55200, 32400, 55800, 26400, 54600, 21000, 53400, 18000,
+50400, 14400, 47400, 12000, 42600, 9600, 39000, 9000, 36000, 9000, 34775, 9125,
+34300, 5600, 30000, 6600, 25800, 8400, 22025, 11350, 18725, 15125, 16200, 20400,
+15000, 24600, 15000, 30600, 16800, 36600, 20400, 42600, 25800, 46800, 31200, 49200,
+38400, 49800, 45000, 48600, 51000, 45000, 55475, 40225, 58200, 34800, 59400, 30000,
+59400, 25200, 58200, 19800, 55200, 14400, 52225, 11150, 47400, 7800, 44175, 6500,
+40200, 5400, 38400, 5400, 37200, 5400, 0, 0 };
+ std::vector<point_data<double> > spiralpoints;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100000; i += 2) {
+ point_data<double> pt(spiralcoords[i], spiralcoords[i+1]);
+ if(pt == point_data<double> (0, 0)) break;
+ spiralpoints.push_back(pt);
+ }
+ polygon_data<double> spiralpoly;
+ spiralpoly.set(spiralpoints.begin(), spiralpoints.end());
+ polygon_set_data<double> handset;
+ handset += handpoly;
+ polygon_set_data<double> spiralset;
+ spiralset += spiralpoly;
+ polygon_set_data<double> xorset = handset ^ spiralset;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<double> > polys;
+ polys += xorset;
+ std::cout << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << polys[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
+ testHand();
+ testHandFloat();
if(!testpip()) return 1;
PolygonSet ps;
Modified: sandbox/gtl/gtl/polygon_set_view.hpp
--- sandbox/gtl/gtl/polygon_set_view.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/gtl/gtl/polygon_set_view.hpp 2009-03-13 19:47:23 EDT (Fri, 13 Mar 2009)
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
namespace gtl {
template <typename coordinate_type>
- void polygon_set_data<coordinate_type>::clean() const {
+ inline void polygon_set_data<coordinate_type>::clean() const {
if(dirty_) {
polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> tmp;
if(downcast(tmp) ) {
@@ -34,6 +35,19 @@
+ template <>
+ inline void polygon_set_data<double>::clean() const {
+ if(dirty_) {
+ sort();
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<double> abo;
+ polygon_set_data<double> tmp2;
+ abo.execute(tmp2, begin(), end(), end(), end(), 0);
+ data_.swap(tmp2.data_);
+ is_45_ = tmp2.is_45_;
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ }
template <typename value_type, typename arg_type>
inline void insert_into_view_arg(value_type& dest, const arg_type& arg);
@@ -55,7 +69,23 @@
template <typename value_type, typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
- void execute_boolean_op(value_type& output_, const geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_) {
+ void execute_boolean_op(value_type& output_, const geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_,
+ double coord) {
+ typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ value_type linput_;
+ value_type rinput_;
+ insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_);
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<coordinate_type> abo;
+ abo.execute(output_, linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), op_type);
+ }
+ template <typename value_type, typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
+ void execute_boolean_op(value_type& output_, const geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_,
+ int coord) {
typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
@@ -96,7 +126,7 @@
const value_type& value() const {
if(!evaluated_) {
evaluated_ = true;
- execute_boolean_op<value_type, ltype, rtype, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_);
+ execute_boolean_op<value_type, ltype, rtype, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_, coordinate_type());
return output_;
@@ -146,7 +176,7 @@
typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
typedef polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
value_type output_;
- execute_boolean_op<value_type, geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_);
+ execute_boolean_op<value_type, geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_, coordinate_type());
polygon_set_mutable_traits<geometry_type_1>::set(lvalue_, output_.begin(), output_.end());
return lvalue_;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk